Show SCHEDULE MADE FOR ELKS TOUR TOU POCATELLO Jan Charles O-Charles 20 It II ot ot of Philadelphia grand exalted ruler o of the Elks Ill conduct the first of ot the Idaho series ot of official visits In Moscow Mosco and at which lodge lode Lomes omes will be dedicated Hugh TI D grand esteemed lec- lec lecturing lec lecturing turing knight will leave lea here Saturday night to meet the ol- ol of party In Spokane A A class comprising Bolso Nampa and Cald Caldwell ell citizens wilt Trill be Initiated Initiated at the Boise exercises on January 26 Mr Sir MacCosham will accompany the party to Ogden and thence to th the Salt s Lake ot of January 27 7 The party will re- re return return re return turn to Pocatello for tor or the tile enter entertainment ot of January 28 and to Eutte Dutte for January 29 op 00 |