Show COAL BUSINESS BOUGHT NEW EW YORK Jan Samuel O 20 nubel who landed In America 21 ago without lI a a cent closed a deal Wednesday which put puts him htmat himat himat at the head of a a bust bust- business bustness busi business ness the Rubel nubel Ice Ico Coal cor- cor corporation corporation cor corporation Rubel bought the tho Common Common- Commonwealth Commonwealth we wealth Coal Ico Ice company and the Putnam Coal Ice company which ho will merge mergo with the nubel Ice Coal company the corporation name These com corn companies panics arc said to do about 85 Sper per cent of the tho Ice and cod coat busi busl business ness of Brooklyn and the tho Borough Dorough hof of Queens nube s 's first employment In America was as In a stove stove-pi po fac- fac factory fac factory tory at U 3 a a week lie lic quit be- be hr causo bc-causo cause caUM he was waa M refused a cent 50 10 raise and began becan delivering Ice ide and coal oal with a II pushcart Ho entered the wholesale coat coal business In 1 9 1 0 |