Show Boasts of Jail fail Breaking But Fragile Bastile Is Still Holding MDonald Entirely Naked Weber County Prisoner Tunnels 20 Feet Through Dirt and Slime Only to Be Caught As All Was Vas Ready for Escape Ton of Dirt Hidden Around Jail New Prisoners Must Go to Vork Work Putting It Back His Third Attempt WEBER fys fy's jail already bearing of con con- condemnation of state health officials and with its antiquated cells and walls containing the scars scar's scars of many attempts of men mento mento mento to gain gIJin their was liberty liberty was ibert-was was again the scene e of an attempted jail jailbreak jailbreak break Wednesday night I This time the tho attack was as maJe 1 upon the jail floor where whee a sheet cheet or of Iron was wa rolled up and a tunnel dug nearly 20 feet to the wall ot of the building furnace room It as James McDonald H 24 years o ot of age ace who Is wanted In several western estern states tales for tor jail breaking and other crimes wh led the break movement McDonald did this despite that three weeks week ago eo when he b wan caught sawing away a portion ot of othis his hi cell he 10 faithfully y and peni peni- penitently penitently promised Sheriff Richard Pin cock that h he would be bo a model prisoner In the th future CALLS S IT HARD LUCK LUCIC Ive broken out of better jails than this McDonald said aid when he was caught last night It was just hard luck being caught after a week of ot hard work In a mud muddy d underground tunnel Somebody ought to have a law pUlled passed said one ont of ot tho the s this morning against keeping prisoners in a a a jail which offers otter so much temptation for tor them to get out Its It's making criminals out ot of them and Is bad for tor their morals The escape attempt might have been successful and all 10 prIson prison- prison era ers s In the tho tank would probably have departed through the tunnel If Deputy Sheriff 0 O H had bad not received a tip Up lat late lale Wed Wed Wed- Wednesday afternoon from front the ot of the tho jail READY RG FOR DELIVERY DELI Information cam came that the tun-irl tun tun- tun lIel lel would b be completed after aCter sup sup- supper up-pcr up per and the tho prisoners prisoner would then crawl through Deputy stood guard suard In Inthe inthe the tho building furnace turn ace room for nearly three hours hour hoping to trap the prisoners when they crawled through the tho th wall When happened Deputy anI other officers wont went w nt Into the th Jail McDonald they said ld was just crawling from th the mouth of ot the muddy tunnel which opened un under un- un under under der tho the jail bathroom floor Re He was stripped of his clothing and plastered with mud McDonald admitted the jig was up explained that the tho tunneling had gone rone on for mor more than a week and said that within a few mor mora Continued On Puce rege Two 1 0 JAIL BREAKER FOilED AGAIN im Continued Front From rage Page One hours houra the tho would made DIRT UNDER DEn BUNKS nU s I Th The officers looked under t ta 3 bunks In other cell rooms room and an found dirt taken from the tho tunnel pAcked underneath Although tM officers malta male mak frequent rounds rounds ot ol otho the cells the earth was carefully hidden by Ly blankets which hun hunt over from the bunks Nearly iton r ton of ot dirt was found in all 1111 th cell eli rooms McDonald said ho did the wor himself crawling Into the wet tun- tun tunnel nel nd naked and dug dur the earth willa with witha a 0 piece of ot sharpened broomstick Ito used a 0 bucket In the tho dirt fro from the tunnel to th cells In an unused at lit the th east cast end of the prisoners prisoner's tank thc th officers found x II pIle of ot dirt nearly tour feet high h It had been cow cow- oreS with garbage and newspapers McDonalds McDonald's hips and shoulders were a D rears mais ot of o scratches and cuts cute cut from crawling back and forth through the tunnel and over protruding sharp rocks The tunnel was dripping wet with stag stag- stagnant nant nant and smelly water and four latches Inches of oe soft mutt mud covered the tho th bottom How lIow McDonald endured lying In this cold mud dally daily for tor several hours entirely naked Is a 1 physical achievement the tho officers are arc unable to ALL ALD KNEW Ko EW IT It Is I apparent that that everyone every one ot of the 10 prisoners In hI the tank nat knowledge ot o the tho tunneling The They are to be stripped and today tor for scratches to determine It If any of th tile the ot lerR aided In thu actual diggIng McDonald was as taken from the in soil soli- solitary soli solitary prisoners prisoner's tank and placed tary confinement last night This morning h ho ha was In a 11 sullen mood and would not say much An attempt was made thie morning by the tho offIcers to have hav McDonald algat papers paper would wal c his protest to beIng returned to tho the state of ot WashIng WashIng- WashIngton lon ton where a year seven jail ll tern term Is yet to h he be completed Is wanted anted there for tor burglary ani breaking jail lie angrily brut hrut paper aside this lg ani an raid sald Ill sign I McDonalds McDonald's r onald's crime crim record shows hat he has hILS served In many west west- western western veat- veat ern rn states slates for tor various a crimes 8 anal has escaped from large prIsons at tI least three times PUT DInT BIRT CK lie He was In Ogden for lor a bicycle on November l II 11 and within three hours houm after hIs bla Arrest had dug due a 0 bob hole holo through the cIty Jail wall all and was as about to In escape when discovered ered He lie hed hd sawed Hawed a section of his cell eCu In the lic county jail when thwarted about three weeks ago aeo lie H II Is now serving a sentence ot of six ix months In the h county jail j hut but hutIe if Ie the tho officers can arrant arrange for tor hIs removal to Washington t this will willbe be done as os soon as 88 possible The Th prisoners prisoner In the tho jail all ait will willbe willbe be put to work replacing replacing- the tho th dirt dug from the tho tunnel has already refused to take tak any banal In ut this claImIng that h he did his part In removing remo It bucket by bucket from the wet hole |