Show I 1 f Egypt bad id It lu plague of ot mice and now nov history I Is repeating It- It Itel edt el Near Bakersfield Califor Califor- California California nia the people ar are trying to fight beck millions million of ot rodents In lag ing from th the flooded lowlands lowland to V hills i On their way the mice are In- In InI j In-j I homes home and gnawing and dc- dc doI deI everything that can be bo I destroyed by their teeth When the th migration ration Is at Its I height man is to check It tL Little things In 11 I large multiplies make ma for tor mighty things 1 lone One of ot the l commis commis- commissioners commissioners siGners declared th the plague I Is due in a measure to the destruction ot of hawks hawk wildcats and other preda preda- predatory predatory predatory tory bird birds and beasts There Is such a fine fin balance in nature between those preyed upon and the th predatory that to upset that balance balanc brings brine trouble for forman forman torm man n Man 1 li Is constantly fighting to exist and In doing so ho he Is bat bat bat- battling lung against mice and rats and vermin Man Maii Ian kills th the coyote because that animal preys on his domesticated domesticated domesticated herds Then when th the coy of CO coy coy- coyote ote i Is gone cone man is forced to meet the thi Increasing hordes ordes of ot rodents on which the coyote fed ted What a nice adjustment there Is when man many falls faUs fail to disturb na- na nature na nature ture lure But man so far has bas found a a way to kill oft off his bis enemies The real contest will come when hen the earth instead ot of have hav people Then Is when the struggle willbe will willbe be and defeat may be In Inflicted In- In by th Hi t lam lam- family ily known as the tho aphis S S S SHow How much Is Charlie Chaplin worth Th That t question Is being an- an by receivers who under c court urt orders have hav entered the th private private vate vault ault of the th comedian It may be Charlie will regret he bas ha had so o much wealth con con- concealed con concealed coaled In his treasure box for tor the government and his former wife are prying Into his private privat affairs for tb the purpose of ot mulcting him To be a comedian In a divorce court And md under the searching eyes ees ot of Uncle Sams Sam's Income tax Investigator Is not comedy It Is trag- trag trag tragedy ely edy It If Charlie Chaplin i v a s year his self corn com i can so 80 o far tar recover as to 10 produce a moving i picture with a laugh lauth In It he be willI will prove a s marvel I Much o ot of the joy of ot life lIte has lias van van van- vanI I and Charlie has ha a nervous breakdown I t iF Iris ls just possible thousands have seen the movie comedian In bis creen screen antics and have hav envied flim No 0 o one In good health able abl to cat three meals meal a day and sleep well night would exchange placeS with Charlie It zt Is I a lesson In contentment movie for everyone every one except the comedian comedian I Near the tho close of ot th the world war ar this Americans were Informed country had a a gas cas so deadly that Berlin it if it were released over verY every human In that tho great treat city Would perish ja t Why not try that gas cas on the army army of mice An airplane witha with n 11 supply of ot poison polson ga gas should be bea beale a ale le to bring brine death to the th Ine Ilg millions million 1 I to test It It 1 Is a tine fine opportunity out the th of this weapon this air forces force Weapon of ot the th S S S SA A page pace front from history almost for for for for- forgotten gotten was torn when Empress Charlotte died In BrusselS Brussel on Wednesday morning Charlotte Charlott Ch was the ibo wife o ot of Max Max- Maximilian Maximilian who was placed on the tho throne of Mexico by Napoleon III and there ther left to his is fate deserted When ben Maximilian was his hi proud and beau beau- beautiful beautiful li b he h French FrInch wife wit sought to bring brim to her husband tho the aid ot of European She tailed fatted and that fall fall- fall ur in Maximilian being ex- ex ex ox-c ox urs ure ended end d c ud by tho the Mexicans Mexican For years year Charlotte ha has bas been Ina In ina II a daze and at times time In her ray ray- ravine ine sho h he ha baa Imagined herself henelt atthe at atthe the tho side of ot MaxImilian sustaining u nim loving lovinc him and urging him to 10 bravely meet hi Is enemies Charlottes Charlotte's death ends one on ot of oftie tie royal tragedies which dates bak lc to about the time timo ot of the th close clOISe clo cot of our civil war Royalty in Europe Europ since sine Maxi Maxi- Maximilian's milian's time tim hu has h met with tn tr t 1 C S England Spain Germany and other countries o ot of Europe Europ ar are sut sut- sut bring of ot flu lu Last week ther there thero were ere deaths in n London from the disease c country had bad it Its sad exper- exper in 1111 1918 and 1113 and Continued ou on Pace Fego nu fC C NEWS AND VIEWS Continued From Page ao One Olic I will rejoice It If tho the epidemic Is prevented from crossing the At At- At Atlantic lantic A return ot of the tho th flu Clu might not bring man many deaths for or a big per per- percenta centa e of ot the people have been mado Immune In 1918 It was tas as much to be dreaded as was smallpox before the days dars of ot widespread vaccina vaccina- vaccination vaccination tion S SA A French scientist has discover discovered i ed rays X-rays which reach tho the earth I Irom from rom the stars and are ot of o far greater Intensity than X rays em- em emanating emanating em from rom the sun The suggestion Is given out that those rays may mayO affect the human organism and with that suggestion suggestion tion goes the thought that per per- perhaps perhaps per perhaps haps the astrologers of ot old were right when they attributed human Ills to the stars To the moon or or r Luna was WILS ascribed the power to unbalance the mind of ot man The late discovery of ot rays and now celestial X-rays X may cause cluse the world to to In- In Inquire inquire In Inquire quire as to where the ancients went In search of knowledge S C e C Mary Uary Carolyn Davies les a advises ad us to 10 laugh and not grow sour We e 1 solemn human atoms hy hySo So grim an and anA earnest should webe webe we be I Stars are arc the laughter of ot the sky Surf Is the aughter of the sea S S A discovery o 0 a serum for tor rheumatism como comes from rom the labor labor- laboratory laboratory laboratory atory staff of ot the Philadelphia hospital The specific organism of ot the disease so ao It is Ix reported has been Isolated and an toxin inti devel devel- developed developed One of ot th the tha doctors says flaYS It It is possible the progressiveness eness of ot es- es established established es established heart beart disease may be terminated an anu ani with the removal ot of the toxic element even me- me mechanically me mechanically damaged hearts ma may go goon goon goon on functioning What hat rejoicing there would be Ip country It rheu rheu- rheu- rheu rheumatic matic fever wre w re conquered Even the hope nope aroused by this will bring cheer to many manyan manyan manyan an afflicted p person reon The medica men state slate It Is In the bIggest est medical triumph since inco In Insulin In- In Insulin insulin sulin The organ organism Im I'm Is known as strep- strep toc r 1 h Much doubt has been expressed In the past that any ony specific or- or organism or organism cause caused rheumatism though the affliction has been traced to Infection o of iho he teeth and toxic action |