Show Today THE STAGE IS A MIRROR LESS MEXICAN STRAIN SUCCESS AND AGE PAUL RAINEYS RAINEY'S KILLING By ARTHUR BRISBANE 1927 by the Star Co New Yorks York's York district attorney asks how he be can discourage In- In Indecent in indecent decent plays swiftly surely sureh He probably cant can't There must be a board to 10 de de- decide decide cide clde what is bud It u usually does not agree There must be a grand jury willing to Indict It usually dues not agree And If it you Indict you must get getan getan et etan an ordinary jury to convict It usually does docs not agree Steal a dollar a-dollar dollar and and all agree to put you in jail Steal Steel a com com- community's community's community's sense or of o decency Ie ncy anti and It Itt t iq not quite sure that It has lost anything t tr r Congo eat decayed rhinoceros meat unpleasant and bad for the health but you ou coul could l not convict decayed rhinoceros meat dealers If it there were any there An Indecent stage is a mirror reflecting a considerable part or of orthe the public mind That's the dif dif- difficulty difficulty difficulty Less strain In our relations with Mexico Thirty priests are J e released from Mexican jall jails and Mexico denies that any priests have been executed There There- Is talk of ot reaching peace by the road of arbitration In Nicaragua and In Mexico In Nicaragua the revolutionary row of ot DIaz and world be arbitrated and in Mexico the oil question not question not the right t of Mexico to make what laws law she rhe pleases but their interpretation as regards American rights right al- al already al- al already al already ready acquired The University of o Pennsyl anlas school ot or finance and com com- commerce commerce merce finds great business nod Inri Industrial organizations In this country controlled by men aver aver- averaging averaging averaging aging 60 years of age Bankerd are arc younger the he average for bank presidents being 55 53 years That Thatis Is because old ld financiers put In younger men to run their books barks Big business Is ig self made The first generation pt pf success and anil it Jt takes ft II lifetime to get ahead I of others other None the less 60 as ItS the average successful age Is IsI isan Isan I an encouraging sign of Ion longer er erI life I I In the middle ages when sew sewers lW I ers era ran rau through c open pen gutters In Inthe inthe inthe the streets and cemeteries on onI I hillsides drained Into drinking wells below th the second biggest city in France possessed not one man or woman part pact 50 BO yeara of otage age and score three was wasa wasa a real limit ot or antiquity Paul RaIneys RaIney's moving pictures or of animal life In Africa ro Interesting valuable education to millions He lie Is dead unfortunately natel natel and an Englishman pub pub- publishes publishes lishes a book foolishly Ct Raineys Rainey's slaughter of game The game that Paul raul Rainey slaughtered ought to be slaughtered lions leopards panthers and other animals of o which he killed many sufficiently Bango to provide the danger that Paul Ramey Rainey thoroughly enjoyed Ever Every Every- time Rainey killed one tf of those savage boasts beasts he protected l the lives of ot natives and their children saved the native live live- livestock livestock stock preserved harmless deer and other gentle genUe animals Innumerable Innumerable merable Rainey an efficient killer of If dangerous savage sat animals be- be believed be believed in getting rid of ot them Others would like to nurse them alon along to kill them a few at a time for amusement If Jr in the meanwhile they ate a tow few na na- natives natives tives thes why why there would always be plenty of natives All work and aud no play makes Jack a dully perhaps boy boy perhaps but Mussolini 1 notices that It also makes Jack A a rich boy and under his leadership Italy Is working with desperate earnest earnest- earnestness earnestness earnestness ness It Is not possible to take nil all the laughter and play from the gay Italian people But there Is Isa isa laa a great grent change Theatres and cafes are neglected Hours Yours of work are longer than ever in a land aland that was always laborious Mussolini l will make Italy rich powerful a dominating force on the Mediterranean and in Europe If will power can do It The question is what hat will come after Mussolini He lie is not im- im immortal Im Immortal mortal and has many desperately dangerous enemies He Ile fears them not but that does not de- de destroy de destroy stroy tho the danger Seven Se years ago the act became effective and prohibition began On the tho effects of great changes men usually agree In Inthe the main All agree that slavery's slavery end was beneficial that substituting loco loco- locomotives locomotive motives motive for stage coaches sew ing leg sewing machines for Individual hand hand- worked 1 needles telephones for tor torI district messengers etc elc was an unmixed blessing I But wets ets an agree not not DOl at atall atall atall all The next Democratic national convention will have two Issues Issues- Issues alcohol alcohol and a desire to get bark back jobs And because Democrats Democrat disa- disa disa 61 gl glee ee as usual the Republicans probably will have an easy euy time timeo of It It as usual What Is your our opinion of o pro pro- prohibition How many would take the lie responsibility of o ending It If they could do it by pr pressing a button Of Or one thing all nil al arc e agreed That It Is s a a blessing to be rid of Saloons bf What hat would have ha been the tho result do you think had whIsky gin etc been classed with morphine and cocaine light lightwine wIne and beer classed with to- to to tobacco bacco Would that h hire dis dis- dis discouraged discouraged bootlegging In fn Paris automobile subways T will III be built under Important thoroughfares at congested croul- croul ings Ings Inga The first will be In la front of the Madeleine looking n do towards the Place Ilace de do la Concorde American cities cille need this Improve Improve- Improve mont and should make Dinho It wills wills- proceedings to become more ex ex expensive expensive I pensive In the past put American labor has complained bitterly that corpora corpora- corporations corporations and other employers would not hire union nien men The em em- employers employers employers said Union men are aro So So- Ro- Ro Socialists The Tho unions replied Every American should hu have n II right to his own opinions Now the ho American American announces that it will drive every Communist from its rank ranks A man Is entitled to his own opinions it seems as long as they are not objectionable to somebody else 00 |