Show Gre Great a t Sa Salt It L Lake ake Sw Swim im Prop Proposed o s ed Feat of Young Interests World I Thirty one Mile Jaunt Across Famous Lake Would Ad- Ad Ad Advertise vertise Utah to World at Small Cost Two Routes Suggested Young Canadian Cashes in on Catalina Effort By AL WARDEN CO CONTRACTS TRACTS totaling more than have been offered George Young year old Catalina swim victor by mo mo- motion mo- mo molion motion tion lion picture producers vaudeville circuits news syndicates antI and other organizations The youthful Canadian whose name Ilas been written in headlines in iii all nil of the dailies of the world boasts a career that perhaps outclasses any ny story Alger ever wrote At the thc same time the performance remarkable as it was gave southern California and William Wrigley an esti- esti estimated esti estimated mated worth of while north advertising Wrigley lY sensed ho the situation II Ins im- im stacIe to the mermen and mer t mediately mediately after aCler Gertrude successfully negotiated the tho En Eng ish channel last summer deserves not a k little credit forth for tho th big undertaking Aside fr frOnt from m tho the purse listed forthe forlie for forthe the lie winner the event cot cost th tin lie esteemed Mr Wrigley an all addi- addi Ho lie hired 0 oo servers at a tI cost of ot from U 25 to tJ each The Tho United States navy helped out by supplying sig nal men revenue cutters cutter ant and radio apparatus Favorable er or and a n perfect system did the tho rest As As a II consequence millions of people are arc relating the feat of or the giant Blant Canadian Here Heres Here's an opportunity for Utah Lt h to cash in The chambers of ot commerce ot of Salt Lake Ogden Ofden and other citieS of ot the th state spend annually upwards up- up upwards wards of ot toward adver adver- advertising advertising Utah to the world GIGGLE Why not stage with a portion of ot this till fund a swim wlm open to 10 world famous Camous stars across the Great Salt Lake Yes It brings brin f a giggle So did the Catalina swim when hen it was first broad to the world yet et it proved Its it weight In gold cold to California This is worthy of ot consideration In 10 the opinion ot of o the writer and with wIlls proper supervIsion super could hs h's b staged staffed with fine Cine results Great Salt lake proper coves cove two thousand square miles It ll U I n I I n 7 5 m miles il es l long lone o n g a nd wide and in the deepest deepe t places 30 feet feel deep It If Its bottom were level It 1 would be Le 13 U feet deep every every- ever ever- everywhere where It Is lii rated a as the most salty sn ss on earth with the exception ot of the tho Dead sea In every five rive pounds ot of water I Is one pound of o salt of C which 13 ounces ounce are aro common salt The fhe temperature ot of the water during the summer ummer months Is which Ideal which would not necessitate tho use uso of oC grease crease as featured in III inho inthe Iho ho coast classic A shrimp rarely exceedIng In length third one-third of oan an Inch lives there and nd carries a name longer than titan that th The carrying of o knIves s b by swimmers to combat sharks not 1 be bp necessary therefore eliminating the big danger g r- r rItch which Itch I made many swimmers rs In the Cata Cata- lIna event Th The Tho tact that the th water or of o the t lake is is so l o 0 heavy that one cannot sink Ink In it would Insure an o oc- oc oc occasional rest tor for the competitors and undoubtedly dl would aid many manyIn manyin manIn In fInishIng the grind L n B Bathing in Great Salt lake lako Is 18 lavery very nice tourists aro informed Ir if one keeps hi his head out or of orthe the water a and nd his lila feet In Milo Many litany have hato stated that a 31 mIle jaunt across the tho Great lake e would offer little or no As a matter of ot tact fact act export expert swim swimmers mers have informed the writer that It would be bo extremely difficult diW difficult I cult First ot or all ajl the famous ramous crawl stroke used b by the majority of swimmers In such uch an event a much be taboo It would bea be as much out ot or pIa place co as a canary in a battle baUle above the clouds with an anI I eagle cagle This would offer ono one on of the big obstacles obstacle swimming In such auch uch heavy snIt salt alt water un- un undoubtedly Undoubtedly un undoubtedly I would off otter offer r rother other ob- ob ob maids Starting and finishing points for Cor such uch a marathon hereabouts would attract no little attention In fact tacta a number could be bo considered While the short route across lisa lake ble is suggested still till others othet would recommend a II hike over the be waves of ot somo 26 mIles lles h from MId Mid lake lake on the tho Ogden Cutoff of or the Southern Pacific lines to Beach Deach The first official Antelope Island to to Saltair swim was staged staled Aug Aug- August August nat 15 1919 1910 1 19 with C S S Lear famous swimmer challenged to cover the th seven miles milea mile in five rive hours hour on a II wager The Tue feature was or- or arranged ar arranged ranged under the auspices auspice ot of the Woodmen ot of o the World 0 rI d Leaf Lea coy coy- COy cov covering ering the distance in two to hours 28 minutes and 35 25 3 seconds A number of ot amateurs have havo since competed in this classic which on Its merits demonstrates demonstrate that plenty or of speed may bo be uncorked over a alo lo g grind The pre present ent Antelope Islan Island l to Saltair classic Is 11 far tar too short to for fora toa a n national classic Now that lint the giggle has pro pre presented Itself In a remarkable out out- outburst out outburst burst burRt from gentle readers per readers per perhaps I haps the powers that be in Ut Utah 11 In chamber of ot commerce activIties III ill give tho the topic consideration It looks like a a ton ten strike to the thu writer and aud it j staged would lo Ie worth millions in advertising Utah to the rest rett of t the world I The Catalina channel swim besides be- be beides sides aides ides advertising Call California CornIa this the sporting Mr Wrigley to the world also enriched Clinched the houa hold of ot Mr Young from front nothing to a small fortune It Ir the ad I Ice ot of exports expert IS as handed to Young Is followed out he will set about now to 10 cash In Inon Inon Inon on his remarkable performance It Ir he Is smart he iso will wit go to bat now and hit while the th hitting hitting- Is hot Let him blat t take l e Red fled Grange as a n model Grange turned pro pro- professional in root football ball after acter a mar mar- marvelous mar care career r He lie made himself more morl than In less than six months In a single contest at nt Los An- An Angeles Angeles An Angeles geles u R year ear ago Grange Gr played to persona person in hi his first western aran In lit IsIs Ills second cond plO appearance list hat week hr IC appeared before only Indicating that people forget forcel a lot In a year |