Show The Weather Local office U U. S S. S weather bureau Salt Lake CIl City Utah May Hay 20 1940 S Precipitation in m last 24 hours 00 Total since Ince October 1 12 30 Total October 1 to date last year ear 10 1079 79 Normal o October HI HId 1 to d date 12 34 WEATHER SUMMARY ii High pressures still prevail over the northwestern quarter of ot the country coutry and adjacent ocean ocea and clear skies skies are reported reported re re- ported over o the Interior west The atmosphere at st at most levels Is flowing Ing generally gen gen- orally eastward resulting In cloudiness against the coast range and the Wasatch and northern Rocky mountains mountain A A. little rain occurred In Wyoming and Montana where cloudiness Is more prevalent Temperatures Tem Ten average about normal generally over the west and a maximum maximum- of ot about 76 6 degrees this afternoon Is Indicated for Sor or Salt Lake City Weather observations taken at a a. a m m. m today temperature Stations r Minimum Maximum g I Today Yesterday O Boise Boise 46 81 00 Calgary 40 64 05 Chicago 52 67 08 Denver enver 48 77 00 00 Edmonton 39 65 00 Grand Junction 55 55 78 00 Helena 45 75 00 Lander ander 49 74 T Los MS Angeles 58 71 00 St. Paul 44 44 59 09 Modena lodena 39 3 39 78 00 Needles 67 90 00 New York york 55 69 00 Omaha 46 75 00 Phoenix 64 64 96 06 00 00 Pocatello r o g 52 79 g 00 gg Portland an Ore 49 49 74 00 Reno or 43 43 I. I k 88 00 gg St St. Louis 58 58 75 00 Salt Lake Airport 52 79 00 LAKE CITY 58 7 78 R 00 00 San ian Francisco 52 67 00 Santa Fe Te 43 64 00 Seattle 46 71 00 S1 Spokane okane 54 77 00 Tonopah 55 76 00 Winnemucca 48 87 00 50 68 00 Yellowstone 44 65 00 x X Salt Salt Lake City observation taken at 8 S a. a m m. Sun iun sets set I today 7 43 nm Jim SlIn rises tomorrow 05 |