Show Deathless Day Mark Looms Nearing Wearing an time all-time modern record Utah county on Monday had come through white- white flag days or consecutive days without a traffic death The mark has been exceeded only once in the past 10 years the period for which records are available That was In 1932 when the county went through days without a vehicle fa fatality fatality fa- fa from March 6 to July 21 The last fatality in the county county county coun coun- ty this year was on February 8 It lt has had a total of ot five traffic deaths this year against seven up to this time in 1939 and 22 for all of ot last year Within the states state's area Salt Lake county outside outside outside out out- side Salt Lake City was the only unit with a white flag record in 1940 even approaching that of Utah county Salt Lake county squeezed in 86 white flag days breaking its 1939 mark of 85 days |