Show Shrewd Guess Gives dives Utah As Census Census' Work Nears Fin a s Heres Here's a shrewd guess on Utah's 1940 Slightly more than Figures will be released about Wednesday said Heber Meeks manager for the Utah area in the 1940 federal census but preliminary preliminary preliminary nary figures Indicate a 3 per cent gain over that for 1930 which was Some of the rural areas are not expected to show much gain Mr Meeks said but Salt Lake county is expected to list a sizeable In In- In crease Salt Lake City Is estimated to have about families compared compared compared com com- pared with families fn 1930 30 Births in the county since April 1 1930 totaled while deaths In that period totaled a again again again gain of persons Thus births during the period averaged less than one per family Slight increase is found In the rural areas one town of 1300 population having nine births Inthe in inthe inthe the first three months of 1910 while another of 50 population had one birth in that period Poor families apparently Increase in increase increase In- In crease faster than the rich as indicated in one town of families families lies in a low Income district having having having hav hav- ing 10 births compared with 41 births in a town of 1292 families in a prosperous district Final figures' figures will show that 75 per cent of Utah's rural homes are without modern plumbing facilities facilities facilities ties or refrigerators and that the average value of the rural home is |