Show l 1 f eE M P L 0 Y YS' YS E E S' S A P PI CONGRATULATIONS TO THE TUE WIVES I MOTHERS DAUGHTERS SISTERS AND ANDI t I SWEETHEARTS of the i io I EMPLOYEES I We ta take e pleasure of extending extending ex ex- i tending you our greetings and appreciation for your I valued purchases with us I May we continue to serve you as in the past Our Merchandise Is All ll Shipped by Rail RailI I Our R. R R. R Travel Miles Will Total Every Year We invite the Men Folks here ere when making gilts gifts for lor their ladies gROSS CORSET CORSEr SHOP 61 BROADWAY Greetings to Rio Grande Crande Appreciation Week I When you have moving movin and hauling hauling haul haul- ing we will appreciate the job lob Call Was 1489 I l t I 50 T This his fis bank hank Is always al al- always al ways glad to fo cooperate coop erate with industries indus Indus- tries fries in their efforts efforts ef ef- ef forts to stimulate purchases and em em- WALKER BANK TRUST CO Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation We Welcome Rio Grande t Trade in your of old cleaner on a new EUREKA FROM and Id LOWEST PRICES YEARS Mod M 61 and your old cleaner N l AdU Handle N. Spill Dud Duil 5 Bag AMAZING EUREKA SWIRL ACTION deans by itself all you do doM dofa i. i M steer teer Use your old cleaner as a down payment on a anew anew anew new 1940 Eureka Same Sama high quality formerly priced from from to Choose from three unusual models modell Easy terms arranged EUREKA V VACUUM l CLEANER CO EAST BROADWAY WAS I Ship and amI Travel by Rail i DENVER RIO GRANDE WESTERN OFFICIAL WATCH INSPECTORS FOR 25 YEARS WATCHES V DIA WATCHES RADIOS DIAMONDS JEWELRY R L ELECTRICAL GOODS GOODSon on Liberal Time Payments H. H B. B MILLER CO Wasatch WEST 2nd SOUTH R io s sWe Employees We Appreciate Your Patronage WE JIA HAVE VE the LARGEST STOCKS from which to choose choose- Situated on D. D R. R G. G W. W D. D R. R G. G Employees ees WE APPRECIATE We realize the fhe value of this YOUR PATRONAGE great organization to our city with its He annual payroll payroll payroll pay pay- roll to families in this state stefe alone Ione J. J l EAST Pratt fd Lambert and Economize With Lowe Bros Paint Products Quality Imperial Washable Wallpaper J WELCOME RIO GRANDE El TO UTAH'S LARGEST CLOTHING Factory THE TilE PULLMAN WHOLESALE WHOLESALE WHOLE WHOLE- SALE TAILORS offer otter you Direct from Factory Values TO TAILORED-TO-ORDER 2 SUI Ii ITS T S BS FOR 2250 TWO PEOPLE MAY SHARE ONE ORDER PULLMAN WHOLESALE TAILORS So West Vest Temple c AN INVITATION TO de EMPLOYEES TO SEE AND TRY THE AMAZING NEW I WASHER PRICES S 5 BEGIN h. h AT 1 y n Easy Terms WE IVE SELL V i tt VACUUM CLEANERS RIT fi SOUTH STATE CALL WAS FOR FREE DE DEMONSTRATION 6 DYERS 5 t INC Kc tai WE APPRECIATE TilE THE PATRONS AND FRIENDS WHO ARE EMPLOYEES OF RIO GRANDE and assure you of the utmost careful attention at all times Phone Was Vas 38 37 for forThe forThe for The City's Best Cleaning at Lowest Cost so STATER STATE D. D a R R. R G. G EMPLOYEES L Save uve 60 This is your greatest opportunity opportunity to buy a new 1939 REFRIGERATOR r 0 j I J SALE MON l TUES TUBS and WEDNESDAY This deal cant can't be d u p Heated elsewhere we l purchased t the h e complete factory warehouse stock 1 ii DOWN N PAY ONLY A FEW CENTS A DAY li I 11 0 The West's Favorite Since r 1884 Heres Here's to the employees of the D. D R. R G. G W. W We thank them for their thir patronage and end wish them continued success FISHER BREWING COMPANY Salt Lake City We are happy to say that many of the Rio Grande em GORGE and their MO famines families are numbered numbered num nuns TU t amon among our customers 6 5 PEMBROKE'S 24 EAST ST BROADWAY Wedding Invitations Send Invitations Send Away Cards for Ail All Fountain Occasions Occasions-G Gifts Fountain Pens GRAND CENTRAL I MARKETS Extend Greetings to Employees Employee of the thc RIO GRANDE RAILROAD We Appreciate Your Patronage 5 BIG MARKETS Always Ready to Serve Your Every Food Need NeedA The TheN A D. D N R. R a G. G a Brings Our Lumber t fo to o Us s a aWe We congratulate the Rio Grande organization for its endeavor to build up this state with its large annual payroll We welcome your inquiry about our complete one stop building service SUGARHOUSE U R U LUMBER UMBER H D GO 00 N Phone Hy lIy 1174 East South io WE SALUTE YOU We extend you a cordial invitation invitation tation to visit our store and to see our complete line of home furnishings We Appreciate Your Patronage S STERLING FURNITURE CO SOUTH STATE ST. ST W WELCOME E L COM E. E RIO GRANDE fj b e SUITS UNCLAIMED Deposits Irons from 55 5 Of to 50 15 have been 7 forfeited You save at least this amount 1 4 t 4 e e eRIO u q RIO GRANDE YOUR YOUR HAT l BUSINESS SS ALWAYS APPRECIATED BY SKIDS SKID'S HAT SHOP SOUTH SOUTI MAIN h A 1 s SEE SEE HEAR HEAR MANILA FILIPINO Dance Band and HULA DANCERS THURS NITE Only COCONUT GROVEL GROVE GREETINGS EMPLOYEES WHEN WilEN IN NEED OF OF- OF LINOLEUM WALLPAPERS DRAPES and SHADES PICTURE FRAMING PA PABCO CO PAINT COME IE TO Armstrong Engberg nger g WALLPAPER CO 19 West Vest 1st So Was 1 4 More than CARLOADS of Furniture Washers Ranges and Floor Coverings shipped in each year U hy Y us Our location on D. D R. R G. G W. W saves costly hauling hauling haul haul- hauling ing handling rents and other over over- head Drive Out Save HSU EAST OUT SUGAR HOUSE a- a SAVE Sears Salutes Employees Employees' e o oRio Appreciation Week Rio Grande have earned an enviable position in the community t through h r 0 11 g h their diligence and service It has been Sears privilege to May y 20 serve many of these workers to 25 and their families an association association association tion that has been most pleas pleas- ant OPEN 9 A. A M. M TO P. P EXCEPT I. M. M M. M EXCEPT SATURDAY 9 A. A M. M TO 6 P. P M. M a 1 e 0 A P MAIN lAIN AND ROADWAY BROADWAY SALT LAKE CITY UTAH UTAI 1 1 Grocer Your Neighborhood Safeway Store Extends Greetings to All AIl RIO GRANDE During Your Appreciation Week and GORGE Mo FraT J You'll find your grocery dollar T goes farther at your nearest Week 25 SAFEWAY D D. D R. R G. G EMPLOYEES' EMPLOYEES WEEK Your Account Is Invited O EASY TERMS TO ALL e o WE DELIVER AND ALLOW FREIGHT BY D. D R. R G. G MOST ANYWHERE CAN CANI ALWAYS I r A TI J Jl lt I SOUTH STATE ST ST. We are glad to Our Compliments to GORGE sORG Rio cooperate Grande GrandeE with D D. D R R. G G. G W W. E m in observance of HH their annual Appreciation Week Purchase week Reek THE AMERICAN COURTEOUS MODERATE E SERVICE PRICES LIHEN LIMEN E SUPPLY GO CN and ALWAYS EXCELLENT FOOD IT PAYS TO D. D Gt R. R G. G CAFE J KEEP CLEAN C. C P. P BONOMA ONO Lessee D. D R. R G. G Depot AN OPEN EM EMr J TO YOU MR r r during daring our I It seems particularly ap a app P express our appreciation of F yi o o Grande Railroad Railroad and and our g ril American Way of Life Lile It s et f stock of past achievements an anin r rill rin in ill the future development oT of f ourselves to protect and pr pro 1 I We of the Rio Grande rl Utah citizens each d dhe oV he lives Jives We sincerely a our states state's wealth and prestige e the service they render in p pro u the American Way asi We are proud to be he e en years ago laid pioneering ra Intermountain West West is a privilege to he part art of a aso aj so much to everyday life D Day DM home railroad brings the fo food r dl inns ings for our homes hOlnes th the tl th standard of living in the Unit Unitt H We feel a distinct sat satisfy Utah's largest taxpayers T l Taxi w. w Colorado children Taxes hf big t that help provide orderly st 51 state You Mr l and Mrs l Salt Li Lithe the consistent growth and de deto deveito to serve you you always always endea i you with a speedy dependable t We of the Rio Grande m gr homes buy huy the products of oui ow hometown merchants where jit i communities Of our own volition lie we our appreciation to you you- that makes for the buil building service and better hetter business ATTEST J. J D. D LOFTIS JR President Presidente President President-Dj e J. J A. A RASK RASI President-Helper President J JAL AL MARTIN President President Grand Grand Jun Junet JOHN W. W HUGHES President S President Sal HARRY COONY COOKY President Pat President W. W P. P CUNNINGHAM Ma D. D R. R 1 G. G s EMPLOYEES WE EXTEND OUR PERSONAL APPRECIATION FOR YOUR PATRONAGE I PLUMBING um REPAIRS NEW BAT BATHROOM ROO I FIXTURES your old fixtures taken Inas In Inas Inas as down payment on new DEXTER WASHERS PLUMBING HEATING 2030 So E. E Sly Hy 1097 Wet the er l ol p effort th aion We We mark they great org BENNITT G j |