Show Clubs Install Officers at atTivo Two Tivo Meetings s 's B By THE TilE CLUB EDITOR Two large club groups installed new officers Monday at annual meetings and heard annual reports of officers and committees Members of the Salt Sail Lake County County County Coun Coun- ty Service Star legion had a special special special cial guest at their annual breakfast breakfast breakfast break break- fast Monday at Memorial house Memory park for their national president Mrs Rhoda Woodruff of Oskaloosa Iowa was there Mrs F. F II IL Thatcher retiring president made her report and an outline of years year's activities was read by Miss Mary Johnson historian his his- torian New officers installed included Mr Mrs Mr V. V L. L Oleson president Mrs Horace W W. Shurtleff first vice president Mrs G. G W W. Browning Brownin second vice president Mrs E. E R. R Benson corresponding secretary Mrs E. E A. A Levy recording secretary secretary secretary sec sec- Mrs Anna Nelson treasurer treasurer treasurer treas treas- Mrs C C. A. A Cook historian Mrs Charles F. F Longson Gold Star chairman and Mrs C C. G. G chaplain Federation Women Hold Session Officers of the Salt Lake district Utah Federation of ot Women's Clubs were installed at a luncheon meetIng meeting meeting meet meet- ing in the Newhouse hotel Monday Mon Mon- day Mrs Warren H. H Keate wad wak was Installed in installed installed In- In stalled as president succeeding Mrs MrsHugh Hugh Ward Others installed were Mrs R. R E. E Ganahl first vice president Mrs F. F W. W Milner second vice president Mrs I. I W. W Hayes recording secretary Mrs George W. W Latimer corresponding secretary Mrs Joseph W. W Sellwood Sellwood Sellwood Sell- Sell wood treasurer Mrs J. J R R. Murdock Murdock Mur- Mur dock auditor and Mrs Will S. S McQuilkin McQuilkin McQuilkin Mc- Mc director Prec Preceding ding the installation ceremony ceremony ceremony cere cere- mony reports were read on activities activities activities ac ac- ac- ac of the closing club year seven new clubs were welcomed contest award winners were announced announced announced an an- and a history of the district district district dis dis- dis- dis organization since it founding founding founding found found- ing in 1912 was read and presented presented presented pre pre- to the president |