Show ivers Rush us livers r Permits rush h of drivers drivers' license i exceeding by far that of any anye ft Jane ne me e in history of Utah's year old od drivers drivers' license law eased caused a sed something of an ene en- en e anent ent t Frankenstein it ap- ap d. d arsts seeking to comply with have taxed examination fa- fa ei yond capacity with the thel l t that unlicensed drivers to use highways s 's in inthe the law p fres have been told to come ague gain ain by tax commission ex- ex r it was learned and in fence Nance with the law has made tips rips being told to come back f to Handle Rush E. E Hammond tax commission Wand egand head of the motor Division ie conceded that the theng fag ng division is overtaxed but that every effort Ls is being to to handle the rush e problem of examining g driven who attend school in the afternoon is an to tWe one he said since Saturday 8 Is js about the only time rican can n appear for tests Saturday Satur- Satur I is L a rush day for all types of off can fonts Is f- f Hammond said he was however that special arrange arrange- i could be made to examine examines Il s reaching th the age for Ii- Ii 1 16 years by bv providing nations lons s at schools and by lug Ing ng special groups at the thep of 1001 p D I Alread Already Taken eady y he said such steps have ken 1 examiners having havin been I t Sh s schools in Ogden d in Uintah county to drivers drivers' vers' vers tests t raid ald ld such arrangements b ess s would be made to care Peculiar problem number of applicants has d a P peak ak since the recent I d des d eSt s. s After the recent 24 blockade by the state high- high lx F. F patrol we had the biggest peak was reached in April Persons being examined out a da day he said The The figure figure ure is expected p to lo e ex- ex x si he added ease e of ol examining pers personnel n Problem a problem the e tax com- com Ked that 30 days ed Ito to tn train I t a an art examiner |