Show BOARD OFFERS PAY HOUR PLAN Recommendations to the state industrial commission for minimum minimum minimum mini mini- mum wages and maximum hours i ifor for women and minors employed i in the public housekeeping industry industry industry indus indus- indusI I try were made by a board composed composed com corn posed of representatives of em em- emI I and employers Monday at atthe atthe I Ithe the state capitol I As recommended by the board the workday would be standardized at eight hours with at least one- one half hour for mealtime and 10 mInutes mInutes' minutes minutes' min mm- utes' utes rest for each four hours of work with the rest period not added to the working day The recommendation of the board provided a wage of from 10 to 14 over the state which will be zoned by the industrial commission commission commission commis commis- sion with a high higher r wage in locations locations locations loca loca- where living costs are higher The recommendations will be the subject of a public hearing at 10 a. a m. m on May 29 in the state capitol capitol capitol capi capi- tol and at that time objections to the proposals may be made with the state industrial commission The public housekeeping industry industry industry indus indus- try is defined to include hotels boarding and rooming houses but not auto camps apartments or seasonal seasonal seasonal sea sea- resorts The recommendations further provide that furnishing furnishing furnishing furnish furnish- ing of meals shall be a matter of mutual agreement and that anyone anyone anyone any any- one who has worked one year willbe will willbe willbe be entitled to one week vacation with pay |