Show AM j vegetable charcoal is f lu ehly recommended om by english army veterinarians M ii cheap and dressing for wounds when cawi anro found gnawing bones or rotten wood it ign lUcs alicy aro troubled with indigestion give each cow ft pint of linseed oil or sweet olive oil and repeat in a week it sai y potatoes boil somo pota docs in their peel klicin ami cal into small pieces toss them oica the anro in si cream in clour pepper and salt till they arc hot and well covered with ho sauce lemon hutler for tarts lemon butler is excellent for tarts it is made as follows one pound pulverized white sugar whites of six eggs and belks of awu three lemons including crated rind nud juice cook twenty minutes over a slow fire alic while by using or molasses formus tard plasters flioy will keep soft and and not dry up and become hard ns when mixed with water A thin paper or liuo cloth should come between tho plaster and alio skin the strength of thy plaster is varied by the addition 0 leoro or less hour the simplest and best remedy for alio cabbie worm is said to bo to sprinkle air slacked jimo on tho plants in the morning on tho dew till tho plants aro while with it oae who has it for several icara siyi that at most two applications anro the lime is also a good fertilizer for alio llio cabbibo cab bigo beach paro conchos ponchos and put in a preserving kettle with water to boil them sod thou sift a colander removing tho stones of peaches put one and one half pounds sugar lind boil very slowly ono hour stir ofton and do not let them burn put in stone w glass jars and keep in n cool panco A poultry house may bo freed from lice by art thoroughly denning out all tho manuri removing tho boosts roosts aud even tiling iu which aco may harbor next take a gallon of kerosene oil and saturate every crack in which lice may gather take out alio leave aliu and batly civo alio a thorough soaking with hut lime lastly grease alio boosting roosting bolcs with aird and kerosene oil so that it gets upon the fowls feathers A deep punctured wound such as ono made by a horse stepping on a nail which entera the foot should bo immediately enlarged as much as possible by culling away the horny sole and should then bo thoroughly washed with a solution of salt in baim water injected by rucius of a syringe somo compound tincture of may then bo injected and a plug of tow soaked in alie tincture should bo kapl in tho wound the foot should bo thoroughly soaked in warm water twice 1 day and dressed if the wound is closed lucli mischief will result and it must de kept open until it heals from tho bottom iv Y limes drying apples apples sl icca may be dried very fast under a s uit ablo kotchou stove by taking up the ashba clean every doming have atri wide bhanu of length to fit under alio stove nail strips of lath around them to keep the fruit on raise the back cud to get all aliu heat you can vucu the gels hot take alio board the ii it cool Tor board of fruit is healing chango A rack hidu of baths laths and over tho stove should also be used to save alio libat the quicker apples are dried after being cut the whiter alloy look alio advice to pour liot saip suds over an ants nest as a means of extirpation will not always be found ive these insects arc almost ftc ciui cult to eradicate completely as a cancer nud I 1 never saw a dioio non aud despairing than one who tried everything conceivable to the ladies of alio house from alio annoyance of an ants nest near tho summer lionso for two or three seasons without getting rid of them he said ho biad tried scalding hot water asod coil oil sulphur with port der etc and yet thoy donld soon reappear that was before carbolic acid came into common use which poured into dibber holes deeply sunk here and there might have proved cor N Y tribune |