Show cna of Sl icci s i american wool growers or shepherds have yet to learn in regard to the of their flooks for example alic sheep in silesia aro never exposed to inucci rain anil shade aio for theiu nor aro aliey to for abat is known to bo miriom to alio hocco the anro is taken m alio breclin lre clin itan of experience ire to 0 o from farm to faaiu to alio llio anil select alio best ricus eliat can bo found the rains aro closely examined as to their boarin properties and all but tho very host aro sold ott the aholo of the sheep farm is as perfect as intelligence and industry can it 1 or its value there is no farm product that can bo carried one or two thousand so cheaply and su icely as wool A ton of wool is worth at civo cents a pound or ico nac liec cents A ton ut wheat is woi tb about 2 and of corn bont foe each and is thu twenty five times dioio for wheat and nearly bilty times moio fur corn thin wool this is worth considering aud blows liow belter it is to turn corn into wool than to sell it borit |