Show run MAYS scurf there rs a boy livin on elm street who sees tl 0 moon only to on what is insina of it ami never sees a circus without won dorin 1 you cohilj make an automaton elephant last siim nier a pleasant old man set up a lemonade belm street un alio trees before the old man had been there halt an hour that queer boy had bought a glass of the very good lemonade ana wanted to know who discovered or invented lemonade of course the old man tell but day after day the queer boy drove libin nearly crazy with that question finally one day tho queer boy bribed sixteen of lis by lottering ottering ott ering to treat them to lemonade to go witia him ami persuade tho old man io tell them who did invent or discover acin As tho old ma eliad and run away ho told them to sit down on the grass and ho would tell them of the discovery of lemonade in the faraway country his atory raa on thlu A venerable wizard lived there who biad such a shock in bad memory that ho forgot all his tricks and very poor ono morning lie took his donkey and rodo away to the east to improve his memory and mako his fortune no one went to bid him good byo but an orphan boy aden to whom he biad been kind and alio kings chief cook bononi ho had cured of the measles promised to bo kind to aden and took him to the palace several years after alio venerable wizards departure tho kings usual summer auver came oil him worse alian ever before tho kings young and beautiful daughter the sent men and letters everywhere offering immense sums for a kings thirst but nothing aden who had risen lo 10 bo royal keeper of alio kings one day seated on alio back palace wall thinking of the poor ring when ho saw an old man covered with dust riding toward him on 1 weary donkey alien knew the venerable wizard at once and greeted him but he was not sure of the donkey sulemma wa that alic old donkeys name said aden no youre right liia name then was was aliat was it his memory is enst as bad as ever thought it was thistle you know so it was said the venerable wizard slowly but dear aden must gel mo to the king I 1 can save his life witia the licup of bononi aden then look him oliero the king lay sick asking for a goblet of ice water tho wizard throw back his tattered cloak and from a long blask poured into the goblet a tily of a gliick whitish liquid dont drink it shouted alic very doctors but the king emptied the goblet in a twinkle much refreshed wa lie that lie wh the goblet three times around his head and before the terrified doctors could 0 tho loom sent it spinning at them tho king began to i at once wizard was made a nobleman and his donkey was pastured on a plot of ground overlooked by the kitchen windows which for its especial benefit was ordered to be planted with whistles thistles es alio llio venerable wizard told aden and benani that he had began to write out tho iccino for making llie mixture and would binish it tomorrow to morrow but when that tomorrow to morrow came the wizard was dead and no wonder at all for by a memorandum in his pocket they found lie was one hundred and thirty three years old among lii papers aden and bononi found one which was recipe for the mixture which I 1 secretly call Sulo miva I 1 earnestly bo ou will treat ray good donkey with all manner of kindness particularly ticul arly giving him plenty of whistles thistles es and salt without him I 1 could never have returned to this country and without him you cannot ind conr way in the long journey necessary to travel after a second supply of the mixture you will never forget how to make alio llio mixture by liis name Sulom wa because here they supposed the venerable wizard as was his bad habit poked behind his car and then borgot what III had done with it of course king y as anxious to know fine venerable wizard had left M cociu after aden abid bononi had consulted together the latter told the king that there was a very peculiar recipe but with his Maje consent ho would start at once with to the country where alio ingredients gica but such 1 long long time passed without bononi returning that the blask was emptied before lie stole into the balaco one night and came to aden bononi confessed that hi journey had miserably failed hid led him a wearisome journey to a strange country and city and coming to a truit stand had walked directly up to it but alie stupid fellow the stand would give me no blask said bononi and forced me to take a bag of yellow fruit I 1 then rented a and triad many ways to make the mixture but all were failures the king angry and disappointed ordered that bononi should bo the very meanest of all alic cooks and the utmost that tho tears and prayers of the loi cly princess could gain for aden was to save his life aden was glnn privately banished to alio kitchen by the proud grand of the palace to tuia the horse radish grinder aden however lose liopo like bononi who mourned and fiot tedas be cleaned knives all day until lie was scarce the shadow of his former merry self was thu only ono of the venerable wizards friend not disgraced and whenever lie caico to lh e kitchen gave hiim a carrot or 21 top and sometimes a ut salt when tho kiugo favor season came wa wai i taken worse ill than ever before aird the people of alio palace went to the nearest church to pray fur his recovery but tho new chief conk said that aden and beconi go on any account it was thair thuir first chance to talk together since their disgrace as aliu drand chamberlain went about spying their actions among many other questions aden asked bononi who was lilling a silver pitcher with ice water tor the kings sick room if lie had bi ought home any of the strange yellow fruit bononi said ho had and drew forth a small sack of oval shaped fruit aden decided that he should try ohp experiment of boiling somo of the fruit juice in salt and while squeezing somo into a bowl benoni guarded against a surprise by the grand chamberlain the donkey seeing aden in the kitchen came to the window and thrust his long cared head within poor fellow bononi will give you 11 k bononi caught dpn saucer but being BO nervous frum luar of alio haughty grand li lloil it iram alio llio sugar bin rather than from alio salt bin it the saucer or twice and anding no salt the tuc window ledge and falling it dropped into tho bowl of juice good for you said aden beginning to lio supposed salt until it was dissolved in abo juice hero bononi you mast another saucer ot salt this timo bononi went to tho salt bin and also discovered his previous my bowl of 13 spoiled said aden inn I 1 will start another and ho stood the howl for the time in tho window ledge directly over tho sihar pitcher of ice water that do noni had filled llund run hero comes the grand chamberlain on hh whimpered bononi before aden could do more A saucer of salt was a small matter to i donkey liko and having lini shod it ho went to alio other window where the howl stood lying on a bench io alio llio far kitchen was dismayed to push the bowl from the window ledge and it full v ith a splash into the silver pitcher of k dear me thought bononi I 1 now I 1 was to take that ice water up to the kings room henon i you laggard whore anro you called the grand chamberlain entering and looking wrathfully nebout tho kitchens you lazy fullow sleeping aden was then called and appearing waa aunt to the kings room with As tor you mise niblo benoni Ue noni continued tho grand chamberlain you shall with mo to the dungeon ingon duty aden had instantly anc to alie sickroom and lilling a goblet it to tho princess who held it to the parched liia of abo sick king ha ha laughed the king to carry ones unspeakable astonishment quickly another goblet of alio mixture and bring hero my venerable wizard for lie must returned to life those about the bod said that iho venerable wizard wa surely dead aden being also surprised at tho ann produced had peeped into alio pitcher anil seeing at ill bottom the bowl lie had placed in the window ledge felt sure tint alie secret was discovered isy chii time tho king sal light up in bod and called aden to him it would laivo been better said aden it the grand chamberlain came while andl experimenting and frightened us ho lose his it not his silly head said alio llio king you aden I 1 restore to inico your former rank and possession and ij promoted to bo grand chamberlain the namo of that yellow fruit naked aden when lie noni they spell it L c m o ii aden looked nt bononi in n dreamy way for one minute then caught up paper ami pencil and said heros the venerable wizards recipe tind the way ho it iSuf gar waiter fcc su sugar lemons and water cooked the that hie venerable wizard brought in tho flask but our way is the best t on the day of adens marriage tho princess alio king issued a proclamation showing liow the mixture should be made and that it waa to bo known as had the king done an act thai WAS so much and so quickly appreciated it was marclous marvelous marv olous aliat half the people ot alic country sicken because of the quantity of lemonade that was drunk there within the act week tho price of sugar went up ivo cents per pound and iho ice men halt of them in hospitals from overwork As for the donkey they changed his namo to lemons anil lie was given all the whistles thistles es and salt ho wished there said tho queer boy to the old man when ho had I 1 was sure you knew au about it and were all much obliged to you wulf awake |