Show james life died today to day in a secluded but richly appointed huito a few miles from aliis city 1 mau of singularly romantic and eventful career choso whoso acquaintance people in several cities acard ngo acro proud to own his name was james robb and his business when in active aitu that of a banker of laumb ic pennsylvania birth boas pirce to possess great wealth aud to dispense it with 1 refined and lavish hand before reaching his fortieth year tho dream was iu process of a dazzling realization four great banking houses in new york st louis new orleans and london buic his in new covering half was built and the scano the most extended and bountiful hospitality ever known in this country anc collection of ait works it contained were remarkable not only tor its number and rarity but for the taste by its during his period lie was abroad a portion 0 each acir and formed the of many distinguished europeans with tho queen of sp ain a singular friendship was formed and it was through their joint and investments that city of havana was supplied with gas one of his daughters married a spanish nobleman la 1857 while abroad during the great business depression his banks failed hastening homo ho promised of bis crud itura who would give liim time to settle dol lar tor dollar ami alic froim o was he was opposed to alic many in support of liis views ami when it wa seen that war was inevitable moved to the north and lived in in mcw boik and chicago he was at ono timo alio llio ot the chicago alton and placed it upon a paying basis somo cara ago desiring logo into ho and gilted lilted up tho secluded homo where decalli overtook him tho hou o contains many airo works of art and a hue library ho lived almost alone tho few of his old friend who invaded liia retirement treated with tho bamo old hospitality were urged to protract thair thuir visits to such lio would say I 1 havo learned to love and am satisfied with my books aul it is believed that learning to feel thus after a life of such groat activity cost him a struggle that shortened his day to tribune A bitter commentator writes in tho bo ald abo manner sn which tho la do dah young men of tho period the billiard ball sized knob hint stand to thorn in lieu of boada whon ladies cau only b 0 equaled in grace by the financial grinder when ho removes his head covering for thu purpose of nn on a train from florence to risa italy a of was corn baat month |