Show CURRENT THE NEWS IN BRIEF V mn and mrs have t department of agricula turn tint in anil abo 9 crop of tho Is tho boci cit for i late of lou S liti ider arret with A commissioner of the of ion irn ilio ans anile 1 tour 0 alie 11 fr rocta of n yield of tf to iho aero n cropiot three quarter K 1 hasi through the roc llna ter bt extended an to ilio 0 abo ani lly ft diron steuben to in the it cattle selected liy the the treasury hae cd to make a searching i il at tho western fonick that ho iho mock at alio f f M rei t lion ilia have come t 0 an annil nil ita 1 how abo acers will however formally protest Ir otest tho 1111 as unjust to iho lui llord ind windhorst tho gart ara fc likic in ich will 1 n in itic tg and by alic catli olics atilt criff to alf t biek has bought adargo and ry hand toine lious liouc on alic north i loot att sixty sixth street between anih anil I nIlton yew iha price raid was it fi understood thc jhc prop to maho ahli lih ulusc home 1 IT is now believed that about troop ot which 3 OT arc irell in abc 0 iho al york town iho Goi ernora of mot ot the stales ali staffs ft III bo n and a building build inz for their h in anina of jhc on laih fair to be n worthy ot the PC a alon A of nineteen xinliu roin alio llio bonc i and ii ciul in on abc itah the o wn callad will a ifil hoisie iti ot on t pacific railroad is now licina laid at the anto 0 one mile iier adny yond 1 pao and alyc allt alic hue will next he nn to lie birc nw n sancy corinna Corin nc to yankton aud a road cn lie built for ibo coil ol 01 hit union aluch lo 10 done it gould alio aith ison and lonii IT 3 eliat the two t nil under alio llio name ut abc at lout 1 tho 0 abc old line twit annj abo carrl ot alic bercs iras baslis bu voina ny will a and alls jay li bo hc t y bulletin of lil 0 ayt alio oft in ih c crop will niile so lac atwi ahal alic fie of arn rn the wo djin ant 1 ta croci mill be an mali atio toli cco arop will all hom ID the condition ot tlc alc colton aror in per ctol below lb at alie binic glinc lit li t kar tho ic small and 0 bollan THE conference of the association lor yih t ot A utonn ang on alio the will raint all or lii world it it alio llio ninth 0 abl and li i expected all in ai re form anil have led lo 10 con caro cavm I 1 1 A barn ard catta GC W gulluni culluni Cul luni andrew 1 peabody Pc clinton B lal dollfe t R i ia have been received at the interior department froni at In illin territory ot rich and llcy fandi vort sin 0 ilic klow Cin rancho the thai ellal are being undo by white men t mineral stalios in alicc the iia been referred to the secretary 0 ali interior by the 0 aadlan affairs ith a re bucl that troop lc to protect indian lo 10 the newly discovered from intruder ani indian bureau has received from agent cook at agency ain ot the 0 spotted fiill it ihal black cro alred to in ot spotted tul T ul aal hid organized a ang ot th at crow DOR w elji chief nd eliat ahe murder of spotted tall wag the remit of a regular te him out of the way and put crow la bis alicc dolli illick anil crow do aro con at lort olha and will be tried for the law of the tory cook has l white ai chief spotted tall and spotted tall yon be ar by abo department to hi father J ade of alic and |