Show gy A fatal A trampe and terrible pt ident occurred lait broomf of her alli uric I eglit on bannon about nine hit evening two men named leonard smith kemball in with an voun man and stepped ln 10 lio and flood at the im la motion jhc and wanted t experiment the 1 alloian hlin to lr a experiment wah bold 0 ono of tin I 1 to abc generator in chic i lio electricity I 1 held ati cicil alio and tilida ti lidi hold of t i of lin bunlot cun lot electricity ws p acied alicy 17 odle smith M anted to ladt enild of tio of tho co bill sir chitro hl arm ami bjeld lilai back him it win airo decalli to touch ilioiu tic party latt sir telling bliem to get out about n lan camo ariy tho build ln under abc 0 lift leaned ocr attic railing which keep erg at 1 distance from anil 1 vin hinline line aivord could be mild lie bad grubbed tho brusac brus hc sir clrk aw bo was to do and anade 1 jump for hlin ich hand muck fist to alio brushes and atio word to mop the angino he took hold of smith and to fiill him from h li bold ahli he wa wai i but ai soon as abo engine to and ap pp lit anns gaic ti loud sv and expired iho thrig wa done 0 o billy yi lly aliat those who witnessed it could cyc ance biad ti ni nod wit briwn out 0 badly burned anil ill several ot the inece the alch bu rildo the bone man b nl could be anc that lie wai ly a at the elevator till for the pal week bail been lumber in various on the bland lie a about calit years of age ind in alic of uc feet eight inches li height il was that he lin a wife ft nil child in the alk but alio abla toa sir caffe ys the 11 one ol 01 tremendous would kill filfly thousand cincu as oue courier |