Show iiii ri the da hymin who pastures ordinary meadows in alio fall robs his next rop to an extent chit Q docs nut realize alic was with casc ca sc acres rc aw tons of excellent hay UK baturin pa turin was allow cil aal lliam having a tenant who binl been liim to casturo somo firc cows upon thu of meadows for a ample fall and the was i reduction of the yield from tons down to sixty tous the season and the yield was never recovered until ru seedie it was estimated that the whole value 0 tho twenty tivo cows m thu fall was not equal to the injury ot the luxl crop on tho seventy fire acres of mcadow this practice of pasturing meadows is of the moil ruinous of the mistakes amona dairymen and causes klicin often to be so short of hay w to injure thu yield 0 their herds in the spring boyd feeding th abo lays the foundation for a yield ut nitle the eason with cows good aro very essential to in dairying atod this yvet yV dt L w 1 l |