Show i t j jWILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS Mrs Anna Anna TOI jl WJ Hams Iams a pioneer of ot 1854 died at e home at 56 No 1st bt West Vest street yet es esterday e morning She was wan Wales In 1847 and came to lo Utah wit wl ale 14 her parents Henry and Martha V colt cott when a child of ot 7 years o of are age She Khe coto was wa the wife of the late lla llan n. n Williams and was a member Woodbine circle No 41 4 1 of ot the of ot Woodcraft craft Surviving her are tw tWI sisters Mrs Irs rs John Hillstead and Sirs Mrs ii C C. B. B B Hawley a hal brother half brother J. J Bywater and Ind four children Ma Alice Alce Leo Loo D. D and William llam R R. William all al of Salt Sail Salt Lake Funeral services wilbe wll wil wl be held at noon tomorrow at the famil residence 66 No 1st 11 West street un under der den the direction of Dean WIlllam V Y Fleetwood of ot St. St Marks larks cathedral In Interment In Interment Interment will vI be in Mt t. t Olivet Olvet cemetery HATCH Tho hc The funeral services over over th 01 body of ot Mrs 3 Georgia Hatch years wife of L. L F. F Hatch of Us Its ls Nev Ney who died In Salt Salt Lake February ary any 3 3 will wi be held Friday at 12 1 noot noel at the tho Eighteenth ward ward chapel Friend Friend- are invited and can view the the tOte parlors of Joseph William Taylor 25 South West Temple street or Thursday from 5 to 8 p. p m. m and FIday I F day from 9 to 11 1 1130 30 10 a. a m en m. m in City CIty cemetery |