Show POLITICS NOTED IBY II I I BY ATTORNEY IN TRIAL OF OP STOKES CHICAGO Feb 5 By A. A P. P P.- P. Politics was tal taken en note of by counsel counsel coun coun- sd sel for W. W E. E D. D Stol Stokes es wealthy New York hotel owner in examining examining ing today in his trial with three others on a charge harge ot of 1 1 conspiracy to defame his wife Mrs Helen Elwood Stokes of or Denver Mrs Stokes is on her way here I On trial with Stol Stokes es are Daniel F. F Nugent New Kew York attorney and Mrs Hattie Johnson and Robert RobertLee RobertLee RobertLee Lee the latter two negroes Two others Joseph Bruner and Frank Hubert other d defendants have been granted a separate trial and another another another an an- other Henry never has been apprehended i A new panel of reported today although only nine of the first panel had been examIned examined exam exam- ined med yesterday Charles Rathbun counsel for Stokes said ho had protested the I first panel because he had learned I that the lived in a po political po- po subdivision known as a stronghold of States State's Attorney Robert Robert Robert Rob Rob- i ert E. E Crowe |