Show SEARCH PROVES MURDER Of MISSING GIRLS Bodies Found in Shallow Ditch Near Los Angeles Dragnet Spread for Degenerate Degenerate Degenerate De De- generate Seen Nearby i i. i LOS ros A ANGELES GELES Feb B. B The The murder o of two little Ittle girls revealed yesterday esterday months after their dIsappearance disappearance disk dis- dis appearance and the murders which j k another nother little tittle girl insists she has f. f in ln the Past two years ears occupying the attention of ot Fl re lib cl yand and county authorities here to- to and Nina Ina Mar- Mar r rf Search Search for May w 1 tin aged 12 and 8 who wandered from home August 23 last ilk Away with ith 65 cents taken from a baby sisters sister's bank ended yesterday yesterdaYS when hell bodies were found in a field to s celY a mile mUe from the sunny front J yard ard In which they last had played i with their dolls Tho The sisters lay huddled together In In Jn a shallow ditch under a coverIng cover- cover Ing of ot brush and weeds which apparently ap- ap had concealed them from rom I the view of ot hundreds o of volunteer aided searchers who months ago S S p police and deputy sheriffs In a supposedly supposedly supposedly sup sup- minute Inspection of the vi viS vi- vi S Though their bodies were decomposed their torn clothing In Indicated Indicated Indicated In- In a struggle had preceded death and the findings o of a county county coun coun- ty tys autopsy surgeon were to the ef effect et- et feet that the girls had been at- at tacked and nd slain probably by strangulation Tangible clews dews to the identity of I the slayer were lacking laking but a dragnet dragnet dragnet drag drag- net was spread last night for tor a de degenerate degenerate degenerate de- de generate who last summer annoyed women voluen and girls in that neighbor neighbor- hood hodd He is believed to be the same man who is sought for tor several recent re recent ro- ro cent attacks on small girls In other sections of the city This suspect j Is known lo 10 o have hwe enticed his victims victims vic vic- tims Into r a fa a small coupe and one of ot the most definite clews dews on which police worked when the Martin girls first were reported missing was given to them by a 0 neighbor who said she had seen the sisters I leaving a school playground In a coupe While the grandm grandmother ther of the girls Mrs i Carrie Lovelace was beI beling be be- be I ing taken to the spot where here here their ling I bodies lay to Identify them by their I clothing another little girl younger than either of ot the slain faced Superior Superior Su Su- Su- Su perlor Judge Walter S. S Gates In an another another another an- an other part of the city and repeated a sensational story Involving the alleged alleged al al- al murder of two wo Infants and an adult and attempts to murder several several several sev sev- eral other persons I SANITY QUESTIONED She was Vas year old Alsa Thompson Thomp Thomp- son brought before the Judge for I investigation as to her sanity as the result of her confession to I police last Monday that she had fed ground glass to her twin sisters sisters sis sis- sis sis- In Dauphin Manitoba two years ago poisoned a woman with ant paste here last year ear and had attempted In recent weeks to poison polson members of ot the family with which she boarded by putting sulphuric acid from a radio battery In their coffee B side Judge Gates represents represents- tives tive o of the district attorney alienIsts alienists alien alien- and Mrs Urs Claire Thompson Alsa's mother all heard the story and nd failed to trip her up In her re recital recital re- re cital of the alleged poisonings Mrs Thompson admitted she was bewildered bewildered bewildered ered by the girls girl's detailed explanation explanation tion of ot her alleged crimes and her firm adherence to her original stor story SAYS ITS ALL TRUE Its all true mama said sath the child r I did it because I wanted to see them die In the case case o of the twins Mrs Thompson said she remembered I that their sickness was a puzzle to to her and that parts o of their stomachs stomachs achs seemed to corns como away on I the Inside Mrs Jess Platt with whom Alsa j last boarded believes her confession confession confes I sl sion n and alleges the girl tried led to poison polson her too Alsa was to face Judge Gates I again toda today this thIs' time on a a. formal charge charge of pf lunacy preferred by Mrs I Platt |