Show I I Ii I MA Money Y AT WORK Brief but Important Lessons in Finance Fi Fi- nance nance Markets Stocks Bond and Investments FIRST MORTGAGES MORTGAGES' ISSUED HERE l S. S Jj Gov Government and municipal c bonds are in effect prime first mort mort- gages Ever Every time the people vote an is issue su sue of bonds they place a mortgage on their homes their property and their incomes The bonds are a pledge of general credit and good faith and will be met through taxes I ultimately These taxes may mount up to be very severe indeed when a government or a community puts out bond issue after bond issue The taxes are of ot course met by bythe bythe bythe the peo people which people le which means you jou OU and I r and we are the ones who voted to borrow the money So often otten too when bonds are Issued for a comparatively comparatively com coin long time there is nothIng nothing nothing noth noth- ing left of ot the improvements f for tor or I which they were Issued when they I Iare are paid off oft This is particularly true of ot road bonds Just b because cause a bond Issue seems far removed from the the- individual the and impersonal in its character is no reason for voting for such an issue without serious consideration Every such bond places an ironclad first mortgage on the homes property and general earning power of the people Copyright 1925 Associated Editors r Inc WHERE THE SHOE PINCHES Its It's the woman who pays pays pays- d Lor For man mans man's s dancing lessons f I |