Show SAMMY MAND MANDEll ELI ELIS S MAY WITHDRAW FROM MEET I S I Manager Enters Protest I Against Plan PIan of Commission I By fly JI I L I. F II United I Staff Correspondent NEW YORK YOUK Feb 5 Sammy Sammy Mandell leading leading lightweight COntender contender contender con con- tender and one of or the stars picked by the New York boxing commission commis- commis slon sion to compete In the tournament I that Is to decide the successor t to 1 Benny Leonard may be pulled out of ot the tournament tomorrow Kane Mandell's manager received notice from the commission to report Friday ay afternoon and take part In the draw for the pairs that are to compete in the first round I of the tournament Kane sai said he was not certain that he would part In th the draw and if he did it would be under protest pro pro- test M Mandell an and Sid Terris admitted by almost every every critic to be the i class of the aspirants for the worlds world's lightweight championship are areto to Ao meet tomorrow night in Madison I Square arden he saidI saidI said I I I do not think in it is fait fair i that i iJ eil OS th the thC C commission nI should o ask al either Mandell Mandeli or Terris to engage in two i contests of ot the he first round If the Hie commission should rule that the Tennis Mandell-Tennis match is a first round match we are willing willingto to accept it as such Otherwise some complications spay may arise if It Terris and Mandell have to draw again Suppose that these two boxers should be drawn again as opponents I would the commission insist i that they meet again in two weeks weeks' when the tournament is started l I Kane said that he was making his I protest before the drawing of op opponents opponents opponents op- op opI I so that Mandell could i not be accused of against a ahard ahard ahard hard opponent after r the draw was made He said that h hI he was not going to do 10 anything definitely until until un un- un- un til he had talked to the commis commis- Ho Ire will suggest that if it the commission insists upon a draw that thai Terris and Mandell randen or the winner winner win win- ner ncr of ot tomorrows tomorrow's contest be al allowed allowed al- al lowed one or two byes Other complications that may upset up upset set the tournament plans of or the New ew York commission developed with the announcement that Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Penn Penn- sylvania commission was going to hold holda a tournament among contenders contend contend- ers els on March 4 11 and 18 The New York commission already eady has appointed Eddie Wagner agner and Alex Hart as the Pennsylvania candi candi- dates The dates ates are al also in con con- |