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Show MR. AND MRS. RAYMON MATHESON St. George Temple Ceremony Unites Evalee Applegate, Raymon Matheson In wedding rites solemnized Saturday, June 8, in the St. George LDS Temple, Miss Evalee Applegate became the bride of Raymon Earl Matheson, Mathe-son, with Temple President Rudger Atkin officiating in the double ring ceremony in the presence of a large assemblage assem-blage of family members. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Apple-gate, Apple-gate, former Parowan residents resi-dents who now live in Black-foot, Black-foot, Idaho. The bridegrom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Matheson of Parowan. That same evening the newly new-ly wedded couple were feted at a reception held in the Parowan Third Ward cultural Hall. For the wedding and reception re-ception the bride wore a gown styled by herself, featuring a bodice of Chantilly lace chiffon chif-fon over peau de sol skirt with chiffon train. Her elbow-length elbow-length bridal veil was of net and she carried a bouquet of white glamelias. Attendants of the bride wore dresses of yellow crepe and carried bouquets of white and yellow mums. They were: matron ma-tron of honor, Mrs. Richard (Mickie) Evans, sister of the bride; bridesmaids were, Miss Jeanne Pendleton, Mrs. Lynn K. Topham, Miss Jerri Benson, Miss Kathy Gurr, Miss Mary Ann Applegate. Flower girls were Karri Lynn and Corrine Applegate. Reldon Matheson, brother of the bridegroom, stood as his best man and ushers were Dewey Topham, Lynn Kay Topham, Mike Adams, Chris Applegate, Richard Evans and Steven Applegate. For the event the mother of the bride wore a knit suit of green and the mother of the bridegroom wore a green crepe suit and both had corsages cor-sages of yellow glamelias. Assisting at the reception were the following: Lanita Tullis at the guest book; at the gift table were Pauline Applegate, Jean and Jane All-red All-red and Annette Edwards and gift bearers were David and Don J. Applegate. Kitchen help were Rhea Collins, Col-lins, Carline Green, Garnetta Mickelson, Velda Buffington, Arvilla Mortensen, Marga Eyre, Thelma Dalton and Or-lene Or-lene Pickett. Serving were the Misses . Ruth Anne Knight,. Cheryl Lynn Stubbs and Marie Mar-ie Famsworth. Homer Adams was master of ceremonies for a musical program which consisted of vocal solos by Mrs. Pearl McAllister, Mc-Allister, a piano duet, Cheryl Lynn Stubbs and Ruth Anne Knight; a vocal duet by Annette An-nette Edwards and Kathy Gurr; vocal solo by Marlene Jolley; a song by the Apple- gate ennaren, mary Ann, uon Jay, Corrine and Karrie Lynn and a song by David Apple-gate Apple-gate who played his own guitar gui-tar accompaniment. After a short honeymoon trip the newlyweds left for Wendover, Utah, where he has employment and they will reside this summer. They plan to return in September and both will continue their studies stud-ies at College of Southern Utah. The bride graduated from Skyline High School in Idaho Falls and has attended CSU for one year. The bridegroom is a graduate of Parowan High School and has completed his junior year at CSU. Prior to her wedding the bride was hosted at a shower given by Jeanne Pendleton and Jerri Benson. |