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Show i THE PAGE EIGHT TIMES-NEW- HIGH OUR NEW SERIAL Sylvia of the Minute SMAS SHOPPING By Helen R. Big Holiday Sale Now on. Come in and get first choice of Big Holiday lines now on display. All Kinds of Toy, Men's, Women's and Children's Warm Slippers. All Kinds of Useful Articles Suitable for Xmas Gifts. We haven't spoce to mention. keen intelligence and ready appraisal a of those Cmpare Prices and save to 20 Grover, U. of Dutch girl is rather a new type in fictionone that Coffee, per lb Mince Meat 20 oz. bottle per lb. ; Pineapple broken . . shred .. .. 3 lb. Soda Crackers Raisins . Seedless Seeded 38c 25c 15c 25c 40c 10cl Ik e 25c Margarine Shelled Walnuts y2 lb 301 7 bars Laundry Soap .25 We are unpacking a fine assortmentvs of t candies at I remarkaDiiy low pricesi See our line before pur chasing your Xmas Busy With Hands and Feet "Speaking of mixed metaphors," writes E. B.. "this from a South African paper may Interest you. It is part of an obltusry notice: The impartial foot of death stepped Into the little family am) snatched Its head with n rolntpt hariil '" S, (Continued from page onej Be sure that you have suffi-cepostage on your mail and avoid having mail going to your friends 5 nt post collect. Use standard sized envelopes. If the public understood the annoyNOTICE United States Land Office, ance caused by these small envelopes Salt Lake City, Utah, they would eliminate them. 7 Do not try to send Nov. 7, 1927. pe rishable mail too far. Don't take' a cnance on To Whom It May Concern Notice is hereby given that the it spoiling in transit. 8 Before depositing your mall State of Utah has filed in this office lists of lands, selected by the said look it over to be sure that it is adand stamped. State, under section 6 of the Act of dressed 9 Vrap your parcels securely so Congress, approved July 16, 1894, as will SW1 reach their destination in viz: School they lands, Indemnity NW Sec. 27, SESW good condition. Address them plainSec. 28, SWiSEi4, SE 4 SW V4 Sec. ly in ink. 10 Parcel post may receive the 29, Lot 15, Sec. 31, Lot 3, Sec. 33, same 1 S. Lot 15 9, 8, East, expeditious handling as first Range Twp. 15, 16, 17 Sec. 6, Lot 2, Sec. 4, Twp. class mail by putting a 25c "special 16 S. R. 1 E. S. L. JVI. Handling" stamp pon it. 11 Do not only mail early, but Serial 046375, List 2348. Copies of said lists, so far as they niaial often. To business houses that relate to said tracts by descriptive make a practice of letting their mail subdivisions, have been conspicuous- accumulate till late in the afternoon. ly posted in this office for inspection I would suggest that you mall as by any person interested and by the often as youi can. Any time during the day you are coming by the public generally. mail what you have ready. During the period of publication 12 Notice of the arrival of parcels of this notice, or any time thereafter, and before final approval and cert- will be sent out each day. When callification, under departmental regu- ing for them please bring the notice. 13 lations of April 25, 1907, protests Buy more than one stamp at or contests against the claim of the a time. State to any of the tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore, described on NEW SERIAL STARTS the ground that the same is more IN THIS ISSUE valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes, will be received "Sylvia of the Minute" Is the new and noted for report to the General In Land Office at Washington, D. C. sereal story, which commences Times-New- s this week's of The issue or to so contest, Failure protest is written by Helen R. Martin. within the time specified, will be and of Author of "The Snob", "Ye That considered sufficient evidence etc. character of the tracts Judge", There is a dramatic simplicity and the selections thereof, being otherwise free from objection, will about this vivid and intense human story, with its genuine humor and be approved to the State. ELI P. TAYLOR, Register pathos, a story which follows the same general trend as "The Snob" First Pub., Nov. 18, 1927. and other highly successful novels Last Pub.. Dec. 6. 1927. by this author. WSW, post-offic- non-miner- al Cold weather only helps to make us more anxious to serve you in our courteous and pleasant Is your Radiator protected with good way. Anti-Frecz- e? We Can Take Care of your wants in JEWELRY Wrist Watches Phone 246 SILVER MAPLE SERVICE Nephi, ut. More for your Automobile Dollar. Diamonds Weeding Rings The Toggery in. Wonderful Values at Moderate Also Shoes for the Little Tots Sizes 2 to 5. -- 1; n, 5 1.2 to 8, 8 to 11 and up to size 2 for the Misses in patent leather, fine kid and Call Skin Women's Serviceable Footwear for service at the 1- U. The schedule for December basket ball games is as follows: Gunnison, Friday, Dec. 6; Miensville, Friday, Dec. 23, West Side High School, Tuesday, Dec. 27. These will be played, in Nephi. The annual Freshman-Faculty game will be played on the 14 of this month. The N. H. S. Basket Ball team went to Ephralm last Friday and won the game by one point. The played at Ephraim "carrot-eatersNephi Wednesday and avended their defeat with a score of 22 to 13. The U. A. O. play "The Dover Road" will be presented in the high school auditorium Dec. 15. This is under the auspices of the N. H. S. student body association. Lee Bailey a graduate of the N. H. S. is taking one of the leading parts. Don't forget the date. Patronize your hign school and also the U. A. C. Miss Hortense Rhead will be the Domestic Science and Physiology teacher in place of Miss Stoker until Christmas. Although we miss the teaching of Miss Stoker our new teacher is a very good teacher. MUTUAL PROGRAMS FOR SUNDAY EVENING Nephi Ward Program Vocal solo Ellen Cole Nina Greenhalgh Reading Piano solo Tom Cowan Short talk Henry Orme 1- -2 -2 "Star Brand Ai v Better " I Nephi Merc. Co. 33 BlindnesM Reduced cause of blindness, whether the result of disease or acciCLASSIFIED ADS dent, is usually ignorance. In IS years the percentage of children In the schools for the blind who los-- t their sight because of ophthalmia, neona- FOR SALE GEESE Phoue 217j3. torum (babies' sore eyes) for centuries the principal cause of blindness lias been reduced more than 51 per FOR SALE 200 White Leghorn cent. Pullets Call S. G. Paxman. It The underlying Test Bridegroom's Nerve prospective native bridegroom in Madagascar must stand before a spearman who throws a sharp-pointe- d shaft at him. He must show no fear, North Ward M. I. A. Program and must catch the weapon between Vocal solo Mrs. Vivian Hoyt bis arm and his side. Piano solo Rheta Sperry Maurine Kendall Reading Vincent Ord Saxaphone solo Vocal solo Max Ellison A Saled bids will be received by the undersigned1 on or before Dec. 20th, 1927 for the position of water-maste- r, for the year 1928. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. C. W. GLAZIER, Sec'y e, Sunday evening, the following program will be presented at the South Ward Mutual: Trombone duet Lester Belliston and Russell Gardner Mrs. T. W. Vickers Reading Quartette, Don M. Rees, Owen Bar- - This loveliest of all chiffons with the nett, David Winn, Melvin .Miller Alberta Cowan Reading Piano duet Irene Tolley and Zelda Pay Current Topics James McCune modish 'Picot edge SERVICE STAR MEETING MONDAY The monthly meeting of the Ladies' of the Service Star to be held Dec. 13, at 3:30 in the Legion rooms of the City Hall. At the Spokane ,Convention in June, 1927, it was agreed that pica" "Philip the Aunts of the men or declamation are discourse Any to join the Service eligible aboundins In acrimonious fnvrvtlve Is Star. The drive Is now open for known ns a philippic because of a new members so let all those elig serli's of famous orutions of Demos- ible and Join now. try k orator, denouncing thenes, the (irct The following .program will be Philip, kins of Mnredon given during the afternoon: Talk by Mrs. Wm. Bailey; reading, snrew Needs Much Food Instrumental Rosemary Belliston; Sniitlimmiiin Institution says that selections. Earl Olpin; Vocal solo, the shrew, for its size, eats a greater Mrs. Will L. Hoyt. amount of concentrated foods than any other mammal. If deprived of food It will die of starvation within hnlf n dnv COLD WEATHER Just Prices. ," POSTMASTER URGES EARLY MAILING 6 BAILEY GROCERY Campbells Soup .... 11c TIMES-NEW- Oxfords and Slippers December Man-gelso- little Pennsylvania THE Auditorium Ask to see our new line of This is under the direction of Lee Bailey, U. A. C, Legrande B. Y. U. and Roscoe A. thrown into contact. This 'clever F School M Now on in full swing with all lines complete and moving out prices. 23. Watch for Story in 3E high-grad- High 10 DON'T FORGET MEN'S NIGHT, FRIDAY the 16th. Store Will be open till 9 P. M. Nut-Ol- a with whom she was 18c 2 lb. for 35c Xmas Mix Candy 1 lb Box 49c Grade Chocolates High 3 lb. box High Grade Chocolates $1.25 1 lb. Box Chocolate Cherries 49c 25c Mixed Nuts lb 2 lb 45c New Soft Shell Walnuts 23c lb. 35c lb Brazil Nuts Shopping short talk, Rex Christenseu; reading Ellen Cole. The honor students were introduced and the new students on the Honor HoU received I ins. The school spirit was shoue last Wednesday when student had a yell practice and a snake dancw through Main Street lead by the N. II. S. the band. This was to advertise basket ball game between Nephi and Ephriam. Arrangements are being made for the Hotae Coming Christmas program, which will be given in the graces of looks and manner were added Candles and Mtifs Ch nstmas n; Martin 927. NOTES The Assemble program Wednesday waa given by the Oral Expression adn Public Spteaking classes. Clas member, Ray Worthington, presided. The following program was rendered: prayer, Bernlece Ellert-fovocal duet, Plomo Strong antf Olive Taylor; reading, Rut'i Parkin; A. few interesting facts about Utah and -- why it Is the best SUie, Laurence Olpin; song, boys glee club; Captivating is the word that describes Sylvia, and to her ALSO IIS. SCHOOL Reporter, Lorna Kendall Po Your Come in and See. Friday, Decembe- - 9th, NEPHI, UTAH S, A shower was given at the home of Mrs. Mable Golden by Mrs. Claa Chappell and Mrs. Mable Golden Iti honor of Gladys Golden, a bride of last week. Delicious refreshments were served to the following: Annu Peterson, May Greenhalgh, Ellen Greenhalgh, Addle Smith, Mrs. liroadhead, .Mrs. John Carter. Eudean Carter, Mrs. Ed Kendall, Le-lan- d Mrs. A. Hansen, Mrs. Tlly Hanson, Alzada Golden, Deora Golden, Nina Chappell, Mrs. Geo. Golden, Mrs. Alice Golden. Mrs. Robert Chappell, Mrs. It. S. Golden, and Mrs. M. G. Golden. (Every thread ... Japan silk . . . filmy sheer in the season's most popular shades extra-fin- e woman ever has too many Nopairs of hose. Particularly kuch lovely chiffon as this new creation. Every thread of this chic how ;is extra-fin- e Japan silk, woven !Allen-- A jinto a matchlessly clear, sheer weave. Finishing off the top in contrasting rolor is an adorable Picot edge. And the being hose ding tightly to the With all this beauty and smartness, wear has not been neglected. For the narrow sole and heel (invisible even when worn with sandal-typ- e slippers) and the new Alleo--A top and sideguardsatthetoe,strengtherl all points of the silken foot! ed, ankle and mold softly to the curve of the knee in a most flattering manner. Hosiery pair. Earlieti Form of Paper U a kind of rush reaching sometimes to a height of 10 feet, found In marshy districts of Abyssinia. Palestine, and SUIly. In Egypt, where II la now rare. It once supplied the pnpr used for priestly writings. Up to th Tenth century Egypt wag the main Source of Furnpo'f supply nf paper. i We have this exquisite hose in all the newest and most popular shades of the season. Give several pairs for Christmas. The price is 2.50 thd I'upyrus The Toggery ! |