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Show ( THE PAGE SIX TIMES-NEW- Friday, December 9th, 1927. NEPHI, UTAH S, Alice Carter Sec 7 13 S 1 E, Be- of S W ft of N E ft of Sec, thence 1329.24 feet E 88 feet S 1329.24 Xephl Irrigation Co. Stock. . $10.61 rods E and 24 rods N of W 194 rods 13 links S 33 3 rods feet W 88 feet to beg, 2.685 acres Win. M. jen.dns Sec 32 12 S 1 ginning 19 of S E corner $ .77 W 5 ft, thence N 2 a E 193 rods to fence Nly along fence , 3 rods 21 Yi links E beginning S 23 rods W 73 rods 33 3 rods to beg, 40.33 ac $26.96 rods XU 73 E S N rods of E Ellertson of Koy aud 14 rous of S W corner of N Alfred Orme Sec 34 13 S 1 E, acres $10.39 sec 33 11 S 1 E, 80 acres . $25.55 Jii V4 of sec, tnence N 40 rods 6 to beg, 10 at point 10 rods S from Beginning Charles S. Orgill Sec 4 12 S 1 E, links E 1 rods 9 links S 10 rods 1 tei tec 14 a E, Alice X W corner of S W ft of Sec, thence S W V4 oi X EV4 40 acres .. $3.09 22 y4 links E 19 rods 11 links S 29 units A Oi & ni N 36 3 roda E 193 rods to fence, o rods M. M. Kong and R. M. K. Warner rods links W 36 rods 20 links Oi o ii u. 01 oec, luenco Vv Sly along fence 26 3 rods S 40 rods Sec 5 12 S 1 E, S E of N W V4, 10 beg, 8 acres. Also beg 4 0 rods (.oiiici' o units 11 2n rous E os units W 31 rods 15 links N 30 rods W oa 40 acres $18.56 i61fe iinKs E and 14 rods N of S ou ious una n, 01 a 2j roan 10 beg, 9 anu 160 rods to beg, 49.9 acres . $30.06 It. J. Burraston Sec 5 12 S 1 E, w corner of N E of Sec, thence Thomas G. Orme Sec 34 13 S 1 carter sec N W V of S E N E V4 of S W Alice 2 9 rods 8 links E 61 rods 21 E, Beginning at S W corner of N W acres $9.83 S W V of N E Vi less 4 acres waste links, S 29 rods 8 links W 61 rods rous .M ot B is corner 01 ft of S E ft, of Sec, thence N 40 county road, 120 acres, together with 21 links to beg, 11.34 acres. Also 6 inn ins t Vv rous 10 Units in rods E 31 rods 15 links S 40 rods W ineuce 26 shares Mona Irrigation Company n, o rous on E side of L A beginning at 10 linns S 23 rous 31 rods 15 links to beg, 7.9 ac $3.09 a 2 rous Stock $60.11 and S v R Rpoint Rt of W, 88 rods 4 Samuel T. Vlckersi Sec 4 13 8 2 acres, togemer Nephi National Bank Sec 5 12 links E and 62 rods 17 links S of 10 uee, 9 luu-16- 0 01 Xepni Irrigation E, All of S W ft of S W ft of Sec, snares 10 S 1 E, S Yn of S W 80 ac $40.66 wim W corner of N E of Sec, thence $32.15 26.4l 40 acres oiock. .r James R. Burraston Sec 5 12 S 13 rods 23 links S 82 rods 16 Co.itiai-LiiSec 5 13 S 2 Samuel T. Vickers sec i 16 S 1 t.. Vickers 1 E, Beginning at point 80 rods E thence in S W direction 27 S corner of Sec, of X W corner of Sec, thence E 2 links, Beginning at point 2013 ieet N E, Commencing at E ods 10 links to E side of R K Co's S . corner 01 oec 12," tnence E thence N 80 rods, thence W 32 rods rods S along county road 80 rods R of W, N along E side of R R Co's 429 ieet W 136.3 teet t 13 links S 27 deg W 36 rods N 66 feet W 18 rods X 80 rods to beg, 5 aca R of W 107 rods 5 links to beg, 6.5 010tie 10 min W 140.3 feet W 932 deg W 7 rods N 25 deg W 8 rods N . . $2.54 acres, 2o.84 total acres, together to beg, 52 deg W 27 rods S 73 rods 10 links Horace A. Green Sec 6 12 S 1 E, with 6 3 shares Nephi Irrigation ieet W o70 teet E 461 teet 18 acres in Sec 12 13 S 1 E 80 rods to beg, 35 acres . $37.67 including X E N corner of at E Co. Stock Beginning 4, $49.24 W, i3.oS2 acres, 0 Sec 9 13 S 2 Samuel T. Vickers snares water thence W 124 rods 20 links S 30 ofNE ft, S. Tranter ofSE Edther E, N Sec 32 12 S $ZZ.4J ,S W 12 5 35 links S rods rods links MEPAL W. Ellison, Jr. Sec 7 13 S S E ft of N W ft, 200 acres $5.97 E, Commencing 17 rods 24 links MADAM LOUISE HOMER. 49 rods 13 links E 80 rods S 160 jonn PUBLIC UTILITIES of Sec, corner of N E Beginning at N E corner ol rods E 80 rods N 240 rods to beg, W of S NE 95 Mt. Nebo Salt Co $75.25 thence rods W 41 rods S 95 2 of S W ft, thence S 19 rods 10 less 18 acres for S R, 153 42-1$3.87 Nebo Hyland Mng. Co rods E 41 rods to beg, 23 linns W 51 rods lo links N 18 rods acres, together with 9 shares Mona acres Silver Standard Mng Co . . $14.36 E 61 rods 9 links to beg, IinKs 16 $20.88 Co. Stock $58.37 Irrigation And notice is hereby given that 0 acres $2.10 lsabell ivans Sec 6 12 S I E, Harvey P. Warren Sec 32 12 S Sec 7 13 S 1 E, unless the delinquent taxes, together Ellison, john 6 jr. 20 E. 8 links rods rous N of S E corner Commencing Beginning al N E corner with the penalty, are paid before De 74 rous b links f and 17 rods 12 links E of N W Beg ol S Vv k Sec,, thence E 30 rods b 21st, A. D., 1927, real pro W , thence S 5 rods 9 links W cember a ot ft N W corner E of 5 of thence E o Sec, 6 rods rods links S 18 rods 16 9 links N 6 rods E 0 1 rods perty upon which such taxes are a 51 rods 122 W 12 81 S 40 links rods W rods 6 links rods 19a rods links acs $1.88 lien, will be sold for taxes, penalty links to beg, 1 140-16- 0 links N 20 rods W 41 16 links E 160 rods to beg, 32 and ods 12 '1 nomas Sec 8 13 S 1 and costs, excepting only such proG. Ornie 91-1N 20 25 to rods rods acres beg, $9.94 held by the county under Beginning 412.5 feet S from N perty as iscertificate shares of E, Horace Green Sec 6 12 S 1 E, acres, together with 10 of tax sale, beof S E ft of Sec, thence certified E corner Co. Slock W M N S W $38.72 Nephi Irrigation corner of Beginning ai S2.& teet, thence W 1198 feet to ginning at said date at the front door of Sec, tnence X 43 rods 18 links E 12 L. Mrs. Hyrum Marble Sec 32 Va of L A and S L It R of W, th at the County Court House at Nephi 1' E, 160 rods S 4 3 rods 18 links W 160 Commencing 16 rods 7 links N along E Bide line of said R W 82.5 City, Juab County, State of Utan. 120-16JSI 0 X S . to 43 acs E corner of W of ods thence $13.70 beg, IN WITNESS WHEKEOr , I Ida E 1198 teet to beg, Sec 18 12 S 1 E, N 20 rods E 16 rods 19 links S 20 feet, thence J. L. Belliston County Treasurer in and for Parkes, acres $J.o 268 N 7 o 16 76 W rods 16 rods rods links to beg, links S Beginning at Sec 9 13 S 1 E, the County of Juab, State of Utah, H. Hughes John 0 : W coiner of N W y4, thence 10 deg . . . acres , $1.88 at 19 rods 16 links E and hereto set my hand at my office at jf , d of E 7 rods 18 links 12 deg W S MRS. EDGAR, STILLMAN KELLEY KENT Gideon Sidwell Sec 32 12 S i E, Beginning 13 rods S of N W- corner of IS E ft, Nephi City, in said county, this 6th 5 N N W 9 10 rods links l3rods 6 4 rods 12 links W 9 rods of N E deg rods S 6 day of December, A. D., 1927. ft, thence E 13 rods 0 13 rods to beg, acres .$ .44 Beginning . IDA PARKES, 16 links X of S E corner of S W to beg, (Seal) W 13 rods X 6 rods S 12 W. 19 ihence W 40 rods N 40 rods E 40 8 George Tolley Sec County Treasurer $ .bb acres EN young Amerlcaa singers 1 E. S W 60 of rods ods S 40 rods 10 beg, 10 acres, 6 Beginning at Sec 9 13 S 1 E, Stanley Jarrett I I I presumably the best in the i E corner of X E Y. thence W 20 shares of water $20.99 at 35 rods E and 32 rods ....... . will fnR fha mifro- ntmtpv rods X 160 rods E 20 rods S 160 .1 Robert Beagley Sec 33 12 S 1 E, Beginning 9 links N of S W corner of X W ft In 20 acres to rods at Station WEAF $34.12 Beginning 64 rods 10 beg, links W of of X E ft of Sec, thence W 9 rods 2 jJ phone W. L. Xilson and J. R. Higginson a E corner of S E New York City early In Dethence W 27 links X 17 rods 16 links E 9 rods & S 1 19 W S 12 Sec S E k of oas 22 E, links X 30 min W 160 links S 17 rods 16 links to beg, 1 cember to sing for fame and fortune. 40 acres . $33.70 rods 10 links E 29 rods S 15 min E acre, together with share Nephi They will be the finalists tnthe Na-12 W. Tolley 20 Charles Sec 0 160 rods to beg 28 ac $21.77 Irrigation Co. Stock The habit of viewing things cheertional Radio Audition of the Atwater $9.2 1 E, S 176 W of rods Beginning Leon Cnristensen Sec 33 12 S 1 Sec 9 13 S 1 fully and thinking about life hopefully, Jarrett Stanley Kent Foundation of Philadelphia. E corner of X E y4, N 80 rods E 10 E, be made to grow up In us like any Beginning at S E corner of N W 45 rods 5 links S and 26 rods may other habit. Smiles. rods to W side of L A S W R R RT VA of N W ft, thence W 47 rods 7 Beg This nation-widquest tor radio W of N W corner or jn e ft 12 links of W, thence S Ely along W side of links N 46 rods 14 links E 46 rods voices has already revealeo hundreds N E ft, thence X' 239 feet W 250 said Rt of W 81 rods to point due 13 links S 30 deg E 46 min 14 links of EVERYDAY GOOD THINGS of young slngerc of promise, who S 239 feet E 250 feet to beg, feet W 22 more E or to less of 104-16rods 0 to beg, 13 beg, acres $ .99 have entered the contests eagerly be0 $10.83 acres $6.19 point of beg, 8 acres cause the auditions offer them recogHyrum Marble Sec 33 12 S 1 E, THE autumn, when the luscious Joseph W. Golden Sec 17 13 S 1 Zenos Whittaker Sec 20 12 S com to a Beginning 58 rods 15 links E of S E, Beginning at S E corner of X E INpear is ready to eat, let us prepare chance at and home nition E, Beginning at S W corner of S E W corner of N of S W thence ft. thence N 43 rods W 113 rods b some ns follows: Remove the core aftpete for prizes aggregating $17,500 i, thence E 757 feet, thence N Wly N 2 rods 5 links E 16 rodsft,S 1 rod 20 rods W 10 rods 15 links S 31 deg er cutting in huff and place them Distinctive figures are sponsoring the 2 664 feet to point 19 feet E of N W 24 links W 16 rods to beg, W 26 rods 13 links E 137 rods 19 In a deep baking dish. Fill 160 corner W S of undertaking a.- a National Audition 139 feet Sec, acres i $ .66 links to beg, 32 129-16- 0 EDWAR.D W. BOK, acres, toCommittee. They are Madam Louise rods to beg, 27 acres $17.02 the cavities with bits of butter, sprinBale Sec 33 12 S 1 E gether with 9 shares of Xephi IrriRichard Charles W. Tolley Sec 20 12 S 1 Beginning 74 rods 15 links E of S the Opera taken to New York by the Atwate Metropolitan Homer, Co. Stock $50.87 kle generously with brown sugai and star: Mrs. Edgar Stillman Kelley, Kent Foundation for the finals, wbiel E, Beginning at 6 W corner of N W corner of N of S W ft. thence gation Sec 17 13 S add two or three tablespoonfuls of W. Golden Joseph W E 40 S thence rods rods 160 y4, 1 N rod 24 links E 16 rods S 1 rd 19 1 E, Beginning at S W corner of iimon juice. Rake slowly until tender president of the National Federa will be broadcast over a national net W 40 rods N 160 rods to beg, 40 links W 16 rods to beg, 0 acs S W ft, thence E 16 3 rods N 80 a.d biown, basting often with the tion of Music Clubs; Edward W Rok. work of stations. The awards foi . . . acres $30.94 5 , former editor of the Ladies' Home these will .be as follows. rods W 16 3 rods S 80 rods to beg sirup in the pan. Serve hot or cold 1 W. 12 20 Sec S Charles Tolley Elliott Miller Sec 3 13 S 1 E 3 acres $8.29 with cream. of vVinners on. E, first place Journal, and Mrs. Otto' H. Kahn. wife E 31 at rods Beginning point Commencing 15 rods 8 links S of N New York bank young man aud one young woman Joseph Golden Sec 17 13 S 1 E, of the' from N W corner of N E V of S W W corner of S W ft of S 21 rods 2 at 932 feet N 74 feet E and music patron. . , will each receive ?5,000 cash and 14 of Sec 20, thence N 80 rods links N 70 deg E 7 rods N 5 deg Beginning Sauted Pears, Chocolate Sauce. of S W ft of S W corner of X Winners of state auditions one boy two years' tuition In a musical con I6V2 rods S 80 rods W 16 V2 rods to W 20 rods to center of ditch, S W 4 Sec, thence E 1364 feet S 714 feet Pare four ripe pears and cut into rods 8'4 medais. silver $6.41 beg, one rods 19 links to beg, and servatory. acres X Wly 1535 feet to beg, 10.8 acres girl receive Charles V. Tollev Sec 20 12 quarters, cook in butter until tender. Winners of second place will each and are taken to their district audi$1.44 $8.40 1 E, Pour over chocolate sauce prepared Beginning at point io rods E Elliott Miller Sec 3 13 S 1 E Sec 18 T 13 S R Lorenzo Pace tions at the expeuse of the Founda-- receive i2,000 ' cash and one year's from S W corner of X W of N E Commencing 15 rods 8 links S and S of X with two ounces of sweet chocolate, 52 rods at E. .tion to compete with young singers tuition. Reginning V, thence E 27 rods, th N 4 rods 19 links E of N W corner of W corner of X E ft, thence E 19 one tabl?spoonfuI of sugar, one and . VVinners of third place will each 7 Sec,30 min V 80 from their neighboring states Winners rods to N bound S W ft, E 8 rods 10 links S 5 deg rods ciipfuls of milk, placed In S 10 links E 73 rods 15 links f each of the live district auditions receive $1,000 and one year's tuition, arydeg line of said section, W 3tJ2 rods 30 min E 16 rods, 19 links, S 70 deg S 1 rod double boiler aiid cooked with a 15 links E 67 rods 10 links Winners of fourth place will eaib S 10 deg E 80 rods to beg, 14 One young man and one young woman ac 30 nun W 8 rods 14 links, N 5 deg to section line, S 69 rods N 89 deg teaspoonful of arrowroot or corn-- ! ve : In gold medals and .".re, receive $500. $49.03 30 min 20 rods to beg, 1 acre, to 30 min W 160 rods X 68 rods 16 starch mixed with L ox, eupful E. Sec Melson Auni. 2 Mary with shares Xephi Irri links to beg, 67 121-16- 0 acs $87.92 of cream; cook ten minutes. Melt one leeL 4i!.3 leet d (1 J eel to beg 29 12 S 1 E, Beginning at 3984.95 gether 1.0. Stock S. J $18.67 Tax Juab i Allen .3 gation William Amos and acres J. List, in ). Delinquent and one-haW of X E corner, thence W tabk'iioonfuls of but31 11 S 1 K feet berepta V. Miller Sec 3 13 S 1 E Sec 18 T 13 S R 1 E. Reginning at ter, add jeniue bwasey 2JSeclinks 124 4.25 feet to X W corner of Sec Commencing 11 rods E from S W cupful of powdered County, Utah; For 1927. .N oi S v E 65 38 15 links and rods rods at i2J rods lies 2 4 feet to t section corner 1 corner of X W ft of Sec, thence X point X of S W corner of X W ft. sugar und cook until It Is brown. Com 15 (Continued from Tax List Section) cor or S E U o sec thence W 120 S124 07 links 4.25 feet fo point due S of beg 5 deg E 42 rods X 72 ' 40 deg E 14 rods thence X 60 rods 5 links 33 rods 20 bine mixtures aiicl serve. leet to old Held leuce rous .N ol rods 13 links K 16 0 rods X 2674 feet imn K to beg. Also beginning 16 links, S 9 deg W 45 rods W 11 links S and 3 7 rods E of N W corN. 17 f. 6 feet N ii deg 40 miu W a 31 rods 13 links W 30 rods to bet; at '4 section line thru section at 0 acres, together ner of X W ft of Sec 18, E 34 rods 0 to be.?, a. 10 acres . $3.42 29 acres Luncheon Eggi. $40.74 poinl S 2669 feet and W 3933,729,feet rods to10 beg, 3 .2a.leet with shares Nephi Irrigation Co 20 links S 60 rods 5 links W 34 rods It. J. liurraston care Kruest Kay Wash ana chop Swusey Sec 31 11 S X E corner of sec, thence run Stock of pound of $20.88 20 links to beg, 13 acres, together fresh Sec 30 11 S 1 E, beg til rods ZU E, liug ul 84 rods N of S W cor ol S 94 7 feet X 87 deg 5 3 min E mushrooms, melt one tablespoonE. T. Stevens Sec 3 13 S 1 E with 4 shares of Xephi Irrigation of sec llience W 120 rods N ning links N and N 78 deg W 62 rods 13 S E ful of butter In a saucepan and add 900 feet X 914 feet W 900 feet along ommencing 22 rods E from S W Company Stock $53.80 the links from S t' cor of S K 14 thence 45 rods 23 links E 150 ruds S 4 U Sec line to beg. Also a R of W corner of X W ft of S W ft of S W mushrooms, stirring until the mois S. and William J. Allen Amos to neg N 78 deg.W 5S feet N 2 dog 62 rods 23 links W 30 rods beg at X E corner of above describ of Sec 3, thence X 9 deg E 45 Sec 18 T 13 S R 1 E. Beginning at ture Is evaporated ; add one table 0 acres. min'E 85.8 feet iS 28 deg 04 miu 42 , 1'ogetlier wiln l E 90 rods to R R li of W, rods X 72 deg E 14 rods 16 links S 35 rods 14 links S and 53 rods 20 spoonful of Hour, blend well, add one-hal- f E shares Aloua Irrigation Co. Stock X 1parcel-mill K 226.2 feet .N 84 deg' 04 rod W 90 rods S 1 rod to beg 11 deg W 52 rods W 11 rods to beg links W of X E corner of N W ft, 324.8 feet N .7 deg 24 min W 15.2 cupful of chickeii stock, salt and $71.86 95.157 acres, with 9 3 3 140-16- 0 acres $6.19 thence S 44 rods 19 links W 34 rods pepper to season, and cook six minJennie Swasey Sec 31 11 S 1 E. shares of Nephitogether feet' S 78 deg E 179 feet to H It H 1 5 It. J. Company Sec Barnes Irrigation 13 S E 20 links X 44 rods 19 links E 34 utes. Cut six of W, S 4 deg 4 4 niin W 4 00 feet Beg al 6 9 rods 15 links N of S W Stock Into $88.9 Beginning 17 rods 4 links E and 12 rods 20 links to beg 9 117-16- 0 acres halves, remove the .yolks and eggs to' beg. Also beg at N E cor of S E cor of S E U of sec thence V 120 mix with 1 E 12 29 S Sec X S W Tolley llyruin of rods S corner of E ft $4.42 thence W 66 rods to rods N 14 rods 10 link E 150 rods Beginning 20 rods X and 15 rods K of S E mushroom sauce. Fill the whites thence E 35 rods S 18 rods 10 links Lorenzo Race Sec 18 T 13 S R the K side of K K thence N E 10 deg S 14 rods 10 link Y 30 rods to beg, link E of S W corner of S E 4 , th W 35 rods X 18 rods 10 links to 1 E. at X E corner of with this mixture and set Into a bak0 acres Reginning 19 rods to point 12 deg S of E 54 13 $20.99 X 41 rods 5 links E 5 rods 16 links beg, 4 acres, 3 shares water $39.12 S of'X W ft, thence S 1 deg E ing dish, surround with tomato sauce O. S. and O. Williams, Jr. and E. S 41 rods 5 links W 5 rds 7 links S 6 rods to beg, .229 rods 16 links J. A. Kendall Sec 5 13 S 1 E 49 rods 14 links W 18 rods 20 links nnd serve when well heated through. acres $10.00 W. Jensen Sec 31 11 S 1 E, lieg to beg, 1 acres $1.10 Beginning 32 rods and 18 links S X 49 rods 20 W 9 links N 20 Just before serving plnce a fillet of R.-Jat 14.90 chains X of S E cor o N W liurraston uud Ernest Kay C. 11. Gract. Sec 31 12 S 1 E and 18 rods and 19 links E of N V rods 12 links links E 19 rods 4 links S sardine on each egg. Sec 30 11 S 1 K, lleg at 61 rods 21 ',4 sec thence W S48.8 feet X 3 leg Beginning at in of middle X W corner S of point 0 of Sec, thence ft 20 rods 12 links to beg, 8 links (1019.7 feet) N' and N 78 deg 19 min E 50.9 feet K 845.9 feet S I'dall ditch 38 rods W of S E cor 41 rods V 81 rods 10 links X 41 acres $12.93 W 1621 feet from S E cor of sec 50.8 feet to beg, 0.869 aires . .$ .33 ner of S E Vi , thence W 2013 feet Baked Mackerel. E 81 rods 19 links to beg, 20 Win. J. Allen Sec 18 T 13 S R Orson S. and Orson S. Williams, to S W corner of S E 4 , N 24.4 rods thence N 78 deg W 178.3 feet N 13 Soak the salt nmckerel until fresh144-- 1 60 acres, 6 shrs water $51.86 1 E. in following: Reinterest S 78 W Sec Williams 64 458.2 Eliza, feet and niin Jr. Jensen deg deg rods E 101 rods to center of Udall Gideon Sidwell Sec 5 13 S 1 E ginning at 70 rods 10 links E and ened. Place In a baking pnn with a E 744.8 feet S 7 deg 24 niin E 15.2 31 11 S 1 Iteg at 14 chains 90 S 34 deg 7 min E along ditch few tablespoon fuls of boiling water, 51 rods 14 links N of S W corner Beginning at point 19 rods 11 2 feet Si 84 deg 04 niin W ,324.8 feet links X aud 848.8 feet W of S E cor ditch, to beg, 16.75 acres $62.93 links S of X E corner of X W ft of of X W 4, thence X 14 rods 1 link let It steam and cook until the water 5 28 deg 04 min W 226.2 feet S 2 of 4 theme W 471.2 feel X 77 links C. II. Grac e - Sec 31 12 S 1 E, Be Sec 5, thence S 89 deg 30 mln W 63 E 3 rods X 14 rods 1 link E 34 rods lias evaporated, then cover with cream deg 52 mln W 85.8 feet to fl-4-beg, E 4 74.1 feet S 77 links to beg, tinning at point 1299 fet X of rods X 13 rods 6 links E 82 rods 20 links S 28 rods 2 links W 37 rods and bake until the fish Is tender. $ .33 0.7.! 1 acres 3.318 acres corner of S E U of Sec 31. 3 S 13 rods 6 links W 18 rods 19 20 links to beg, 5 106-16- 0 acres .. Orson's. Williams. Jr.-- - Sec 31 11 W Charles Orgill Sec 30 11 S 1 E, 134S feet (o X W corner of U Sec links to beg, 6 112-16ucres $7.62 Amos S. Allen Sec 18 13 8 1 E Beg at 3962.8 feet N und 446 feet S 1 E. Reg at 13. 55 chains N of S E thence E 883.7 feet to middle of 1 K A. 5 J. Sec 13 S Kendall Spanish Chicken Soup. In Interest the W Regin thence W of S K cor of S W U tlienco N cor of X W U sec 3 I'dall ditch, thence S 17 deg 49 min Beginning 73 rods 18 links S 6 ning at 70 rods 10following: Reheat three cupfuls of chicken E and 51 links 18 de 09 niin W 610.1 feet N 3 S54.7 feet X 3 deg 19 miu K 102.5 K 1116.3 feet, thence W 1291.3 feet rods 15 feet W of X E corner of X or veal broth, add a gruted onion, a 14 links X of S W corner of N deg 44 min W 741.5 feet to point feet 10 848.5 feet S 102.3 feet I" beg, to beir. 33.511 ucres, together with W ft of Sec 5. thence X 176.4 feet rods W ft, thenco X 14 rods 1 link E 3 currot nlso grated, two Ktnlks of celer.v W of IS' K cor of N W 4 2.000 acres 6 8 5.7 $ .88 13 shares Xephi Irrigation Company along W side of road, thence W rods X 14 rods 1 link E 34 rods 20 minced fine and one cupful of barley. Emma MeConkie See .1 11 s 1 Stuck W fi."?4,3 feet to E line of lot 1 of $49.61 585.5 feet down S side of road links 8 28 rods 2 links W 37 rods Simmer until the barley Is wel' sec 30 p 1320 feet to S E cor lot 1 E, Reg at 13 chains 5 5 links X and Mrs. Ilvrum L Marble Sec 31 12 2 7 4.7 feet E 1585.5 feet X 98.3 fee acres 20 links to beg, 5 106-16- 0 E 874 fwt to beg, 22.37 acres $6:96 854.7 feel W of S V. cur X W "4 S cooked. S'Misofi and serve. V.. 17 rods 10 links to beg, 10 acres $11.05 $2.21 CharHw Orgil Sec 30 11 S I E, sec thence 465.3 feet X 1 cbnin 55 N of S EBeginning Sliced summer squash ft earned until X E '4 of Sec corner of & 1 1 E Sec 13 S Jones S 18 13 Sec Race Ixirenzo E, Joseph Beg at '3962.8 feet N of S K cor of links E 4 71.2 fet S 3 den 19 min hence W 63 rods 14 links X 20 rod done, then dipped Into ega W 82 18 nenrly X X S rods links E of corner of W 8 Beginning ft 4 46 feet N 18 W 102.5 feet to bet, ;m res $1.10 Reginning at W Vi ec thenctf-E rods 6 liiiks S 20 rods to belt corner of X W ft of Sec, Ihence of Sec, thenre S 9 rods W 20 rods nnd crumbs nnd fried In butter nmkes O. a and O Williams and 1;. W. 7 146-- 60 acres aeg 09 min W 610.1 feet N 3 de 44 $6.08 68 deg W 28 rods 8 5 rods 7 links thru centpr of certain of water a most tasty way of serving this good cin V 741.5 feet E 6S5.7 feet to N Jensen- - See 31 11 S 1 K. Reg at 12 L. Sow by Sec 31 12 S 1 W 4 6 rods 8 12 rods 6 links W 90 X 9 rods to ft Sec linepond E 20 rods to vegetnble. r", cor of N W Vt sec S 1320 cbalns Xof S E cor of N W Vt of E, Mark at X E corner of rods 5 links X 30 rods E 97 rods X beg acres $ .88 17.63 ac,res $7.62 sec t hence W 847 feet X 32 leK 07 S W Commencing of Sec. thence S 78 rods W E 63 rods to ft Sec line, th Esther 8. Trsnter Sec 19 13 8 Andrew II. rainier Sec 30 11 S min W 23.5 feet X 3 deg 19 min E 0 rods X 78 rods 10 80 rods to beg S3 rods 9 rods to beg, 25 acres, together 1 1 E, Lot 1 K, Lots 3 and 4, less 4 acres for and 2. 80.22 acres 8 2.5 feet E 8 5 4.7 feet S 102.3 feet :"t acres, together with 10 shares of with S shares of Xephl Irrigation R R. 75 94 acres $29.17 $ .XS $24.86 to beg, 2.011 ac res Irrication Co. Stock $52.82 Co. Stock Sec 19 13 8 1 E A. J. Rowers $40.88 Robert Winn Sec 30 11 S 1 K, Orson S. and Orson S. Williams. Nephi Esther S Tranter Sec 32 12 of 8 W ft, less 6 acres for R Lucy J. Evans Sec 5 1 3 8 1 E E Lots 3 and 4. 80.17 acres ..$24.86 Jr., Eliza Williams Jensen - Sec 31 IU'i;inning 17 rods 24 link Commencing 17 rods 20 links W and R. 74 acres $29.17 Lula E. and James A. Jerman and 11 8 1 E. Hck at 12 chains X and W E, Fear Spread by Eclipse X E of corner of S E '4 of Sc 6 rods 14 links N from 8 E corner Richard. F. IT. and Melvln WarMargaret C'hatwin 1Snc 31 1 1 S 1 847 feet W of S i: cor of X W S 30 rods W 40 rods X 30 of X W ft of Sec thence I'.efore 1 their nature was fully under-stoo8 13 34 W 29 7 Sec ren 1 5, Reglnnlnn thence E, Vi links N' of t hence W 373 feet X hain 55 link-- mils E 40 rods to bee. Also beeln E, lleg at 57 rods were regarded with suor of E X corner X 11 20 5 8 rod 3 links 12 nt. link rods rods eclipses S W cor of N K '4 of si'c 31 thence 465.3 feet S I chain 6 5 links to 59 rods W of N E corner of 3 E 34 rods 20 links 8 11 rods 12 rods perstitious clrend. unci many legends of X W '4 of See, thenre 8 53 E 496.7 fiet N" 7 deg 23 niin E 71.5 beg, 1.589 acres. Together with 7 ning . i: S 2" rods 18 links W links to beg rod B 160 dreadful occurrences are connected $3.09 W 160 rods X 53 feet W 505.9 fet S 70.9 feet to bee. shares Mona Irrigation Co. Slock II V,rodsthence 21 links. X to ditch. X E of acres .. $20 77 with this w underfill speetncle. John W. Ellison, Jr. Sec 7 13 rods to bee 53 In $ .33 0.816 acres $5.75 4 section line. E 6 rods 3 links to Melvln Warren Sec 29 13 3 1 some parts of New Guinea they are reBeginning 51 rods 6 links Orson S. and Orson S. Williams. Margary Ellen Evans Sec 32 11 bet', ft 35-- 1 60 acres, fognther with of E. K N V N W V.. X E W corner corner 8 Seeof of th Reeinnlne 1 10 links N of S Jr. Heg at 53 rods E. Reg at U cor between sec 2!t garded as Krtents of cchmI seasons or of Nephi Irrigation Co E 1.8 rods 3 links 8 211ft rods W 69 Sec. 8 53 rods W 160 rods N success 8 W cor of N K '4 wee t hence V. and 32 thence E 51 rods S 48 rods Stock shares In bnttle, while In the Solomon 12 $30.82 N to rods links 23 E E nt 51 13 4 87.5 feet N 7 deg 23 mln E 71.fi W 51 rods rods rods right angles rods X 4 8 rods to beg Islands eclipses are credited to the II. Sowby Sec 32 12 Elizabeth 9 to N 7 links W 10 to 20 rods 71 S of W acres, shnres statu highway beg, 496.7 feet point feet to bi t. 15 4 feet acres. Together with 7 E. Beginning 71 rods 12 links water $ .33 shares Mona $32.76 on K side state highway 12 rods 8 mncbinutlons of sorcerers. 0.802 acres Co. Stock and 19 rods ft 4 links W of N Irrigation W. John 160 7 E 12 Ellison. X 13 Sec rods X Jr. corner W S. Orson Sec, 'William. Jr. and Orson $21.39 corner of S E of Sec. thenr W K. Reginnine 62 rods 12 links of rods, 51 $21.77 acres 5 and EHzh Williams JpnuenSi-s. Williams, Jr. Sec 32 11 2 rods Orson 8 8 rods 13 link S W corner of S E ft, thence 30 do IO'j links 31 11S 1 E. Hee at 49 rods 2 Allre Carter See 32 13 8 I K links Cirlhplice of Conqueror E. I!e at X W cor of S E 4 t.c; rods 13 links Nr 7 rods 9 V4 W of X 23 rods 17 links E 17 rods W N of a W cor nf N K1i of sec thence thence. K 160 rods R 1 5 '2 rod W nf 8 E ft of Sec. 80 ac $31.82 Is now ti department of v iZi feet N IF, feet to h"tt Normandy icci 19 links 8 23 rods W 17 rods 15 B 478.3 feet N 7 (U'g 23 min K 71.r, 159 rods S 42 Sec 32 13 8 1 E. Beginning at 40 France bordering on the English chanrods W rod X 158 ! 5 60 nrres i $33 links to beg. 2 nrres .$2.65 rods W of 8 E corner of Sec, thence feet W 487.5 feet 8 70 9 feet to bee rods to beg, 1 j fi Hcres. Together lira fin m J. Bowers Per 32 12 Allco Carter See 7 13 8 1 E, W 40 rods X 160 rods E 80 rods 8 nel. It took Its name from the Norse$ .33 with 7 shares 0.789 acres of Mona Irrigation Co. 21 2 rods '4 links Reg 17 rods E tiepinnine 47 rods X of 8 so rods W 40 rods 8 80 rods to bee men who settled there In the Nintn Orson 8. Williams. Jr. Her 31 11 S"ck $41.22 I" cf X W corner of X K i', . thence W corner of S and For many years It was a E $23 7 century. S 1 E, Reg nt 44 rods 20 links N of ft, thence X 11 60 acres james k. Kav See 33 11 8 1 E. feet, K 674 feet X 452.5 fe rods 12 links K 73 rods 8 11 rods Sec 34 13 S 1 duchy nnd its ruler. William, conS W cor of N" E V of sec 31 thence jltei; 704 feet K nf 14 cor bi ween W O. Ormo Thomas 674 feet S 112 6 feet to bo(?. l'"-- . emuu-3w ano 73 links in to 5 rods Ennlancl li"?. 20 8 and at beif, E 469.1 feet N 7 deg 23 min K 71 6 sec 32 and 33 Ihence rods E. ReElnnfntr point qnered 0 running N acres, together with 2 shares of acres $5 i2 rods 13 links E from N W corner islt.j a v0rman dynasty HUNDREDS OF YOUNG S1NG2RS FOUND IN HUNT FOR TALENT ... 7U-1- 1 2-- 8, 2-- unit 1 a 2-- r 15-1- If f r 2i-lb- N-2- 66-1- 14-16- 85-16- 'II 98-16- e . ... ...... 4, 51-16- 32-1- 80-1- 28-16- world-famou- s ; 10-1- . one-fourt- h 11 oath--recei- one-four- th lf one-fourt- h 76-16- 10-16- one-fourt- h - V C 30-10- hard-cooke- d - 20-16- .'2-1,- . 15-16- 2-- 3 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 20-16- 0 1 d c 1- 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 89-16- 0 1 39-16- ........... 4 |