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Show Friday, December 9th. 1927. THE TIMES-tfEW- NEPHI, UTAH S. PAGE THREE VETS MUST ACT OR LOSE BONUS l lETROLEUHJ onni rrsi Watch Your Oil! Warning thut world war veterans stand to lose all rights to the federal adjusted compensation "bonus" un less they act before January 1, was voiced recently by Colonel F. L. Knudsen in announcing the opening of an information center at the local U. S. army recruiting offices, 306 Beason building. Salt Lake, to aid veterans in filing applications. The information center is now open and Colonel Knudsen Winter weather is mighty hard on motor oil. Freezing- cold, then red hot temperatures test it to the utmost. With VEEDOL you are certain of the "film of protection" even under the most rigorous weather demands. Your winter fuel is PARCO gas A fuel that won't give your car the sputters, and a teammate of PARCO oil. Judd's Garage Nephi, Utah Hudson and Essex Cars- - G. R. Judd. VENICE CAFE CLEANLINESS AND SERVICE Stage Depot for Arrowhead and Red Feather Stage lines Travel this way Two cars Daily Each Way. for Safety and Comfort. Our Motto Call 7- - for Reservation Venice Theatre Bldg. DUNLOP CITY DUNLOP CITY Throughout the world, the productive Dunlop properties cover so vast an area that if combined into one place they would form a"Dun-lo- p City" of over 100,000 acres 4 times as big as PITTSBURGH great factories at Pittsburgh, THINK ofyetallthethe29,226 acres occupied by that city is only about a fourth the area of the productive properties occupied by Dunlop. Great size proves great quality, Dunlop could never have grown to its present magnitude unless its tires had given outstanding value. Greater size makes possible greater quality. Dunlop today is making far better tires than in all the 39 years since John Boyd Dunlop founded the pneumatic tire industry. Until you put Dunlops on your car, you will miss something of economy, comfort and safety. Timis Page-Fairle- ss Motor Co. A NATION-WID-E INSTITUTION' ' urges Washington. Local veterans or relatives soldiers who visit the mation center will be given assitance in completing their (Ms fvMW Juniors Happy Visit Our Store of infor- . tions governing their cases. Blanks, addressed envelopes and detailed instructions will be available. Fingerprinting facilities, with an operator in attendance, have been installea. According to Colonel Knudsen any honorably discharged veteran who served in the army, navy, or marine .corps for more than sixty days be tween April 5, 1917 and July 1 1919 providing he began his service be fore the Armistice, is eligible for the' benefits of the adjusted compensation law. To be valid, applications must be filed on or before January Gay and match (Continued from pige one) North Ward, "An Ajgel from On High'' by the Nephi ward. Both of the above numbers were dramatized. A one act play, "The Robbers ' was presented by the members o the South Ward, which was well received by the audience. The cant was composed of Miss Ermu Lunt, Mrs. J. Walter Paxman, Paul E. Booth, and Max Ellison. "Some Outstanding Incidents in Local Communit History" 'and "How We Can Carry On", were give i in a very effective manner by Miss Lorna Kendall, and Mr. Clarence Burton. The entertainment as a whob? was one of the best that has been given in this city for a long time, and reflected great credit on. til .who tovk part, also on the officers of the HI Sunday morning the general ses sion was in charge of the Sunday School when appropriate were given. Depaitmeutal sessions were also held by the various organ izations. Sunday afternoon the Tabernacle was filled to capacity. Talks were given by President Belliston, and President Burton, and all the visit ing brethren. Music was furnished by the South ward choir under the dir ectiou of T. W. ickers, and was greatly appreciated by all wh were This was done with a vote of thanks for his past services to the ward. Bishop Grace was then called to the stand and expressed the pleasure it had been to him to labor in his ward, and to the faithful support he had received from the members during his incumbency. He also paid tribute to the splendid support he had received at all times from his counselors, A. J. Cowers and Stephen Boswell. who were now automatically released. President Belliston, then presented the names of Albert E. Smith, for bishop, with James H. Ockey, as first counselor and Kobert P. Garrett, as second sounselor, these being sustained by a unanimous vote of the conference. The general and slake authorities were presented by Stake Clerk .las. H. Ockey, and sustained by unanimous vote. XOTIC'K 1 OK Pl IJI-- 'ATION IV part in cut of the Interior, V. S. Iiind Office at Salt Lake Oitv, 1 tail November 19, 1927. that NOTICE is hereby given Zelda S. Trotter, of Goshen. 1'tah. widow of Maston S. Trotter, deceased, who, on Sept. 8, 1922, made stock raisin? homestead entry. No. 028154, for NMSKi, Lot 1 & N8. Sec. 34, N Vi , 10 South. TowiiHhlp WcM, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Clerk of the District Court, at Provo. Utah, on the 20th day of January, 1928. Claimant name a witnesses: O. 1j. Krranbrark, .M. L. lluxton, L. K. Thomas and Krsel Steel, all of Goshen. I'tah. Kli K. Taylor, Itelster. Kirst publication. Her. 2. 1927 Iast t'uhlication. Dec. 23. 1927. in a box. 3 Fur Trimmings That Flatter i Distinctive coats, of fabrics that will look well as long as they number other smart shapes and last. colors. many 89c 49c 29c Shirts Boys' Of Broadcloth Collar attached, many) 'fancy patterns and white i Slender- coats to izing for 98c to $6.90 52. Boots Bunny For Children Sport Coats sizes Rubber boots with red top and pictures For Men Warm macklnaw cloth; big plaids; four pockets $1.98 $8.90 98c Union Station at Peoria Smashed by a Train !0 1 1 ext-rcisi- s present. announced President Belliston, that Bishop C. H. Grace of the Nortij Ward, had asked for his release from that position. President Belliston stated that Bishop Grace had served the ward faithfully for about four teen years and after due consider ation they had decided to release for suggestion friends I. A. 1 $19.75 pouch in a her be Women Misses Juniors coat, or any of ofa For Holiday Giving A KanKe and A roomy s h a d e t o Boxed 'Kerchiefs SATUR. and SUNDAY 3.1, bettered. per-'ha- ps STAKE CONFERENCE Section reveal that values cannot Like f Tribune. SEUNKU. any these days will $1.49 Gift Handbags She Will New Colors visit of at value 14.75 and 19.75 crisp e t a graceful A to our Coat Women who shop for men know the outstanding value of Amoskeag Flannelette. These pajamas are cut full, loose and roomy ; very comfortable , and warm; silk frogs; cadet collar. Big these in Iel Bay Winter Coats Now Pajamas There's n O chance for a dulltime when your frock is so dainty, so as charming I pastel tonestaf-- iMjj Coat Time? Anniversai y Men's Amoskeag U25 Before The Party every applic ations and interpreting the regula him. m EYIO. .- :- "where savings are greatest veterans to make use of it before it closes January 1st. More than 500,000 men throughout the country which claims aggregating possibly half a billion dollars have failed to apply, the war department has informed Colonel Knudsen. Another group of 40,000 veterans has neglected to return applications sent them for correction. To date, over 3,100,000 applications have been received at 1. 1928. cJjLi Wear) , 020fU Ft rfcfc I ! -- ' - ill ' ? Is -- .' P T--w if' V &T -- e c4 r-1 tin- - l.'iiiiin estimated at in i'ivii-;a- iii iifiL-- a F'J.W.ihM). I. & p. U. train ran amuck and destroyed the entire shed. 11 .a jr VwC - Ki'iiiiiiiis of The damage i! ci We Will Have the vv AT OUR SHOWROOMS on TUES. AND WEDNES. DEC. 13-1- 4 Make A Note To See It Then WRITE, TELEPHONE OR CALL FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET WHICH GIVES COMPLETE DETAILS OF THIS NEW CAR. Page-Fairle- Motor Co. ss NEPHI, UTAH |