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Show THE Friday, December 9th, 1927. EE TIMES-NEW- PAGE FIVE NEPHI. UTAH S White Collar Workers Organize USEFUL GIFTS I J THE BEST GIFT IS A USEFUL ONE. RCA Radiola HOT WATER BOTTLE KODAK FOUNTAIN PEN LADIES' PURSES LADIES' WATCHES . MEN'S WATCHES VICTOR ORTHOPHONIC RECORDS LADIES' RUBBER APRONS CANDIES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY YOUR CHOICE FACE POWDER IN CHRISTMAS BOX. No extra charge for 16 WOULD MAKE A WONDERFUL Christmas Present white collar workers of the country has Organization of the been started again, In New York, where a union of bookkeepers, stenographers and accountants is being formed. It will be affiliated with the American Federation of Labor. The photograph shows Leonard Bright, president of the new union, speaking to a throng In Madison square. FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Six Tubes - One Control Do you look for selectivity, sensitivity, simplicity of operation, sturdy construction, pleasing appearance and tone quality as well as price ? Radiola 16 embodies all of these features, setting- a new standard for receivers in its price class. It is a six tube Radiola utilizing the power Radiotron UX-- 1 12 in the last audio stage. All stations are tuned-i- n control. a of The cabinet means single by of Radiola 16 is mahogany finished, and has that simplicity and dignity which enables it to blend harmoniously with any room setting. RCA Radiola 16, without Radiotrons Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clarldge were has a in Salt Lake City Tuesday on complete line of electrical Supplies, and will be pleased to give you an estimate on any electrical work that Judge Thos H. Burton left Wednes you may need. See him for the lat- day for Parowan, Utah where he est electrical fixtures for your new opened court Thursday. home, or have him install them in your present home Miss Edith Garrett is spending In Provo, visiting with the week-en- d JANUARY PRICE $13.00 PER 100 friends. Express Prepaid. White Leghorn Chicks. Alameda County Accredited Joel Taylor, county assessor of from strong healthy stock. Send Juab county, spent Thursday In Salt for literature. Lake attending a meeting of the GRAHAM HATCHERY assessors of the state. HAY WARD, CALIF. The regular monthly meeting of SALT For FOR SALE salting the board of county commissioners pigs, etc. lc per pound at Ed. will be held Saturday, December Kendall, 553 East Center St. nl8tf 10th. . C. $69.50 82.75 With Radiotrons Judd's Garage. Nephi, Utah Bfr ! -- 3 FOR J. Pyper, Electrician, SALE CHEAP Two heavy Mrs George Reid, of Twin Bridges one three-piecMontana, is visiting at the home of Leather Living Room Mr. and Mrs. Earl Claiidge. Mrs. Suite, also one good rug Phone 147 Reid will remafn in' this city until after the Christmas holidays. -YOUNG PIGS for Owen Bos-- . d2t2 came Up .Mrs. Robert ri. Park, from Kanab, Utah, this week, and WINTER IN ON ITS WAY why will visit with her parents, Mr. and drive your car with a leaky Top or Mrs. J. H. Lunt until after the Chirt-ma- s Broken Side Curtains, when we can holidays. fix it in a very short time Central Motor Co. Word was neceived by C. N. Cox of this city of the death of his SEE KENDALL BROS' display add Brother-in-laCharles Brems, in an for Xnias Specials. automobile accident in Murray last Sunday nfght. FOR SALE A good bicycle. Inquir Times-News. at NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. William Harrington ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS Trees announce that their daughter Pat from J. N. C. Pexton. Phone SS. ricia will make her debute, in society or at the X. L. Bakery, Phone 111. Dec. 22, 1927, in the High School Auditorium. Her appearance In "The Patsy" will be the biggest "sensa Wigs Lung in Use The custom of weur.j.g wigs is an an- tion" of the season. The public is hereby extended an cient 'one. KK.vli;in mummies have been found wearing igs nearly as invitation to attend this social funwell made as those of our own times. ction and enjoy an evening in the In early Greece botn iiieii nnd women high school auditorium on Dec. 22, 1927. wore wigs. In Itomr no fashionable Watch ! ! ! ! ! adv toilet was complete without one, wives of nohlenun always choosing dark hair; yellow wigs were of very little repute. leather Rockers; point to the growth of this Bank as the best evidence that its Service is satisfactory to its customers. We? "Whatever You Earn Spend Less" NEPHI NATIONAL BANK ft FREE!! With Each of The Following Items you will. of "HOWDY" Toasted Wheat Breakfast Cereal FREE. 25c Receive one bag. Special Cake Flour Use with any Good Cake receipt. 5 lb. 1 5 1 1-- Package 5 g Pancake Flour lb. Bag Mix with Cold Water or Milk. Self-Risin- Bag Self Rising Buckwheat Flour Mix with Cold Water or Milk -- 15 lb Bag Self-Risin- Flour g Many a chap has cold feet. Farm and Fireside. Sylvia of the By Helen R. Martin .40 CHAS. FOOTE & SONS BAILEY GROCERY Mfg. By Kaleah Products Co. Author of "Thm Snob, " That Jadgt," ate. There is "Y a dra- matic simplicity about this vivid and intense human story, with its genuine humor and pathos, a story which follows the same general trend of thought of "The Snob," and other highly successful novels by this author. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Shepherd of with rel Alpine spent the week-en- d atives and friends here, returning Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Connelly entertained number of her lady friends Friday afternoon. The guests were Mrs. Ruth Christenseu and Mrs, Dora Shepherd. A dance and supper was given last Wednesday nleht in honor of three returned missionaries. A very crowd attended and all seemed to have an enjoyable time together. Mr. Hans Anderson visitor this week. THE TIMES-NEWS- , is a Provo returned home from Wt Pleasant where she spent the past week with her daughter Mrs. Alvln Chrlstensen and Reba Mrs. Annie Poulsen Poulson. Mr. and Mrs. George Markham left for their home in Oregon. Josephine Stephensen Is the guest of Mrs. Roger Lunt of Nephl. Miss Well-Doctor- Nation ed with uJier countries of the world, the United States haa the largest proportion of physicians. In coniDarison 0 There are 133 doctors to eveiy persons, according to a recent sur y vey. In England there are Hi in 51. and In France 3f In ratio to the same population 100.-00- uer-man- What Thrift Mean Every dollar saved gives the saver not only additional capital, but also Increases the available capital of the nation whose employment In legitimate business Indirectly returns to the aver considerable dividends In what we are pleased to call "prosperity." Grit. Brain a Rapid Worker Assuming you began to think consciously at the age of five, then at thirty. If you have done an average amount of thinking, yeur "Impressions" would number about 1.920,000,-000- . Those whose work Is entirely mental would double those figures. Back to Babyhood bed tiiat rocks Its occupants to sleep, like a a .by In a cradle, has beea Invented in ErHnd. to cure insomnia. The movement s are arranged to occur at the race of ft; per minute and aro s of an to Inch In range. A Fumout Creek Scholar Euclid the famous Greek geometrician, lived at Alexandria, northern Egypt about the year "00 It. C His elements of plane geometry are still in use. especially In schools In British countr!" three-quarte- three-eighth- rs Bell't Great Antiquity The oldest musical Ins'.ruuien. 1 t'to Bronx bell, according to Liberty. exbells have been found In Aiyrl cavations and In mummy raws. centuries old. in Eeypt LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE RATES Effective December 1, 1927 (11 calls from points in the territory of The Mountain State Telephone and Telegraph Company to point in the Carritoey of any other associated Bell Company. on ' ' Reductions in Rates to Distant Points The greater the distance, the greater the reduction. Foe eumnU, from Phoenix to Boston the basic rate foe three minutes is reduced from 10.00 to 8.00; from Denver to Bos"0 to 8.25; from from Boise to Miami, ton, 7.75 to Helena to New York, 8.60 to 7.00; from Fl Paso to New York, 18.40 to 7.00; from Santa Fe to Boston, 8.) to 6.73; from Salt Lake Cty to Boston, 9.30 to 7.50; from Cheyenne to Boston, 7.70 to 6.23. subon-to-statio- n fr Many Evening Rates Reduced Itrwu The evening rates (applying from 7 p. m. to (:)0 p. m.) the points affected will be reduced to a level about half way between the night rate and the new day rate. In order to minimize congestion during the night hour the night rates now m use after 8:30 p. m. will be held at approximately their present level. Service Features Retained The improvements in service features evening and night discount period. calls, ttc. remain ia effect. last year longet privilege oa i for a few days. A ten pound baby was gorn to Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Fowler, Monday, December 5th. These new reduction will save the telephone user af (he Untied (a additional 1,500,000 annually. Hen Layt Egg for Pony A partnership between u hen has been formed on the farm of George Sheppnrd near Knglnnd. They spend much together and she affectionately eggs in his tt'enger, nnd he eats With great giWn, pony Explonh't't Read It as a Serial in IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU. THE PAST WEEK out-of-to- .40 For Sale at 3Zi The Fire Eater Minute Do not use any Salt, Soda or Baking Powder. Make Most Delicious Biscuit or Pancake. For Pancakes to each cup SelfRising Flour add 3 Tablespoons full Melted Honey, One Egg Mix with Milk. Karl and Leah Kellerstrass, Props. Provo, Utah LEVAN NEWS OF .50 .50 PERFUMES TOILET WATERS BATH SALTS BATH POWDERS MEN'S TOILET SETS STATIONERY Local News AOS CLASSIFIED box. mMmtm and dairy Oft Gos-por-t, time lays them The mnn who go!,, hot under the collar enn't nfTord t have I: celluloid. Farm nnd Fl reside The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co. |