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Show NEPHI Page 2 TIMES-NEW- Friday, December 9, 1927. S T. C. Winn Sec 25, 11 S, 1 W, N- - Cox Sec 3 12 S 15 Tintic Mining Co. of Nev. care J. W 14 of S E 14 acres 280 Clarence $35.91 j U of N W 14 S hi of N E All of S hi of Sec, 320 acres $86.85 E. Schramm Sec 20 11 S IE Midgley Lot 37, 13.77 Lydla Robert Winn Sec 25, 11 S, 1 W, 2, 3 $1 86 3 WSE14ofSE14 40 acres $3.19 "'kt u, of S E hi Lots ,1 B. P. Saunders-385- 8 Sunday Lot No. ZiO acres $100.11 $37.51 All . of N hi C. Schwab Richard Wtttaker McKinley &f 5 Sec 20, 11 S 3L24 44 acres . .1 of interest of 3.003 acres . .....Sec, oO in C Henry Or,n t u 11 a 4. o vv . Aliuuio o. J . iir o, 14. W. '. Williams BW j,........ , . .Jo.. r uInmas ( $ .13 Myrtle Lot No. 5318 14 of Myrtle vv . $2.65 vv n. w o in or a w s iu i i acres 120 5 & $1.99 acres W White ( loud Gold Silver Mining 15.00 $14.90 J22.48 T. C. Winn Sec 36 U S, 1 W. o', 01 Delilah TomlinBon Sec 18 10 S Co. care Wm. Reger White Cloud Lydia E. Schramm Sec 21 11 S N N W W hi , 14 of ec 10 12 S 5 VV.'s W hi . S hi of Frne'st Hanson 2 W, Beg at S W cor of N W 14 3 W S W 14 160 acres Lot No. 345 20.60 acres $2.79 $23.41 n W. . hi,. 280 acres $18.56 u of S E hi. . 40 acres . .1 A. $3.72 South Iron Blossom Mining Co. thence 89 deg 45 xain E 117.5 feet Henry C. Schwab Sec 21 11 S 3 tj a in L. Sec 25, 12 Anderson Janus C. Williams 'ec iv ic a. bbibp care George Jones North Alaska to S E cor thence S 89 deg 45 min WNW14NE14NW14 200 acres $7.45 S, 1 W, E Vs of N E 14, 80 acres. Lot No. 4108 20.612 acres $26.60 5 W, N hi of N W 14 80 acres $2.79 E 75 feet N 150 feet N 89 deg 45 S 12 $47.41 Minor Owen H. Hansen Sec 11 Heirs of - Lavorde M. South Iron Blossom Mining Co. min W 75 feet S 160 feet to beg, 14! George Wilson Sec 25, 12 S, 1 $ .13 Wright Sec 22 11 S 3 W N E 14 5 W, S W Vi of S W 14 E hi of S care George Jones John D Nos. 1, acre S 22 N W hi of rods W. Beginning Herbert Street Sec 7 10 8 3 W, N W V S E hi 200 acres . . . $26.60 W 14 S E 14 of N W Vi o tu v 2, 3, 4 and Owl, 6429 96.938 acres. S W 14, thence E 160 rods of coiner M. 4 oo.i acres 39.72 acres Minor of Lavarde attached With personal $4.26. lot Heirs property thence W 160 Ernest Hansen Sec 12US6W, thence S 7 hiN rods $19.28 Hyrum S. Harris Sec 16 10 S 3 Wright Sec 23 11 S 3 W N W 4 7 hi rods, 7 Vi acres rods thence $23.94 of N W 14 40 acres Silver City Mining Co. care R. G. W N E 14 160 acres $3.19 S W 14 of S W 14 40ec acres . . $3.72 16 it a o vv. $287 'Sec 28 Ernest Hansen Wilson Dubei Lot No. 3910 20.533 Jedde J. Robinson Sec 16 10 S Wayland R. Wightman "Mark l! 'Sow by Sec 25, 12 S. 1 acres $2.79 3 W S E 14 160 acres $12.77 11 S 3 W, W 14 of Sec 320 acres N W 14 of N W 14 40 acres . . $3.72 S a corner E of S w. at s W. Beginning l.lrnest Hanson Sec 14 iz Emma Brown Sec 20 10 S 3 Wj $40.96 Eclipse Mining & Milling Co. thence W 160 rods N 40 rods Daniel E. Borg Sec 29 11 S 3 N 4 of N E 14 N 14 of N W 14 1C0 E 14. Jessamine, Lot No. 3857, 10.55 8 E 14 of N E 14 E 14 of 8 W 14 $19.15 E 1 60 rods S 40 rods to beginning, W of acres acres of N W $1.46 120 acres $11.17 W, S W hi S $13.26 Sec 22 10 S 3 S E hi 320 acres Ernest Hansen Sec la 12 8 5 w, 40 acres Gustave Henrlod Heirs of Dennis Sullivan Little $36.18 Jo cph Jones Sec 35, 12 S, 1 W. Interest of 0.09 VV, N W 4 of N E 14. 40 acres $5.85, Lydia E. Schramm Sec 29 11 S N K H of N E 14 40 acres . . to.u Will. Lot 3083, N E 14 , of corner 5 E S w. 12 S at 22 Beginning N E $ .13 John F. Kim Sec of S E Emma Louise Brown Sec 27 10 3 W, E 14 of N E thence W 160 rods N 78 Vz rods E $iz. $14.90 N E 14 160 acres Hope Silver & Lead M. & M Co. 9 3 W 3 El y of S W.14 4Q acres 14 120 acres ... . John F. Kim Sec 23 12 S 5 W, 8114 rods N 114 rods E 78 14 rods S care A. B. Sawyer Cleveland Lot i$3.19 John E. Aagard Sec 3S 11 b d 80 rods to beg, 79 39.160 acres. $ .13 No. 3849, 19.803 acres Katherine Sterzer Sec 28 10 8 W, S W hi S hi of N W V 240 N 14 of N W 14 SW14NW14N $20.11 0 acres acres W S W VI of N B 14 $22.34 W 14 of S W 14 160 acres . $12. ' Silver Park Mining Co. care L. E V. Miller Sec 1, 13 S, David Neff Sec 22 13 S 18 W, Sarepta 3243, Lot No. Rlter Kihgsley $3.19 Margaret Moody care 4 Mammoth $7.4i 1 wV Beginning at 13 rods 6 links James Purser Sec 34 10 S 3 W Mining Co. Sec 5 11 S W, E hi E hi of S E 14 80 acres 13.039 acres $1.86 Sec 12 13 s zu vv. N of S E corner of N W 14, thence Wm. Henrlod 1 $25.66 of the S E V lot 1 and the SR 14 Yankee Girl Mining Co. Yankee E hi of S E hi 80 acres $4.12 W 48 rods N 23 rods E 128 rods S $12.77 Lot 4 of sec 44.20 acres Jame3 L. Purser Sec 35 10 S 3 of the N E hi 160 acres Girl and Senator Lot No. 3242, 0 Sec 13 13 S 20 W. 23 reds W 80 rods to beg, 18 Wm. Henrlod $3.59 W S hi of S E Vi and S W hi 240 26.594 acres Jessie H. Brydson Sec 24 11 S $13.37 4.l: Bcrcs acres $35.11 4 W. S W hi of S E hi S E H of Lot 1 44.20 acres Highland Mary Mining Co. care Charles E. Bigler Sec 1, 13 S, E. Eugene Harris Sec 28 14 S Herbert Street Sec 1210S4WSW hi 80 acres $6.38 Hudson Smith Wedgewood Lot No. 1 W. Beginning at 4 8 rods W of $14 90 $1.73 S E hi of sec 160 acres Jessie H. Brvdsoo Sec 26 11 S 1RW. J839, 12 822 acres . . . $11.17 IN E corner of N W V or bee, thence Herbert Street Sec 13 10 S 4 W 4 W, N hi of N E hi N E hi of N 14 120 acres Highland Mary Mining Co. care F Eugene Harris Sec 33 14 Siw 112'rbds S 54 7 rods E 112 of S Lot No. W hi of N E 14 S E 14 of N E 14 W M S hi of N W V N E Hudson Smith Brooklyn I acres . $9.58 W hi 240 acres $2.26 120 acres $19.15 1 8 W; N W hi of N W 14 40 acres rods N 6 4 7 rods to beg, 2944, 16.47 acres . . $3.72 $18.45 Erlck Lingdahl Sec 13 10 S 4 W James Burraston, Alta M. Walker Lilliam Mclntyre Sec 4 11 S 5 Mark L. Bisler, care of Lyle Big- Wind Ridge N hi of S W 14 S W 14 of S V 14 W, Lot 5 40.81 acres $3.86 nd Olive M. Austin 1 W. Commencing $11.70 nd Wind Ridge No. 2 Lot No. 2615, 120 acres Lillian Mclntyre Sec 5 11 S 5 NFAV PATENTED LAND IN TINTIC, lerJSeo 1321 S,links N of S E corner pt 52 rods SCHOOL DISTRICT Erick Lingdahl Sec 14 10 S 4 W. Lot 4 43.25 acres $3.99 of 14 interest of 14.447 acres ; $ .66 W E hi of S E 14 80 acres . . $6.38 John S. Lemmon Sec 11 12 S of N W 14 of sec. thence N 52 rods Jessie Hassel Sec 26 11 S 5 W, $25.54 2 2 linlfa E 112 rods S 52 rods 2 2 Arvilla Vetter Wind Ridge and Joseph M. Kendall Sec 22 10 S E hi of S E 14 of N E 14 20 acres 4 W, N hi 320 acres $4.52 A'ind Ridge No. 2 Lot No. 3615, 3 4 W E hi of S E 14 S E 14 of N E Smith, John S. care Knight Invest- links W 112 rods to beg, 37 $13.04 $9.58 Albon L. Strang Sec 4 11 S 7 ment Co. Sec 16 10 S 3 W, W 14 acres of interest of 14.447 acres . $1.06 14 120 acres $25.54 Wm. Corbett Sec 23 10 S 4 W W. S hi of N W hi and W hi of S 320 acres Sidney Scott Sec 1. 13 S, 1 W. John Brown Mamie Con. Lot No. Sec 12 11 S 3 W. Beginnini pt 48 rods W of S E corW. H. Cromer $22.61 Interest of 13.307 acres E hi of S W 14 W hi of S E 14 160 W 14 160 acres 4584, 40 acres $ . $15.43 Albion L. Strang Sec 5 11 S 7 Lot 2 N W 14 of N W 14 73.79 ner of N W 14. thence W 112 rods $5.85 N 52 7 rods E 112 rods S 52 7 , Tintic Merc. Co. Sec 23 10 S 4 VV, E hi of S E hi 80 acres . $6.38 acres Mike Eastman Mamie Con. Lot o rodT to beg, 37 acres $10.94 No. 4584, interest of 13.307 W S hi of N W 14 S W 14 of N Ej Albion L Strang Sec 8 11 S 7 0 14 120 acres Mark Bigler Sec 2, 13 S, 1 W. STATE LAXI. $ acres $20.22 W, N hi of N E 14 80 acres $44.85 Sec 26 11 S Beginning at N E corner of N E V . A. M. Rosen baum James T. O Connor Sec 10 11 S Jdsie Sullivan care Mrs. John Joseph M. Kendall Sec 23 10 S W, Cert No. 17821 W hi N W thence S 120 rod3 W 160 rods N 12U interest of Damfino 4 W S W 14 of S W 14 40 acres 7 W, N W 14 160 acres ... $19.75 Morrison TIN'TIC SCHOOL, DISTRICT. . . $6.65 rods E 160 rods to beg, 120 acres. $ .93 $4.26 Geo. W. Walters Sec 11 11 S 14 Lot 262. 20.511 acres W. F. Ercanbrack Lot 3 block Jos. W. Reese Sec 1 11 S 3 W, Together with 2 shares of Nephl Irand Shelby Sullivan Floyd S. Whiting Sec 25 10 S W. S E 14 of S VV14 S W hi of S E Mamie, Aggie 1 $ .53 care Mrs. John Morrison $ .27 rigation Co. Stock 3 inter- 4 W S E $26.30 N hi of S W 14 S W 14 14 80 acres $18.65 Cert. No. 18955, Lot 5 i T. ( and Robert Winn Sec 5, $27 66 Jas. P. Harrison and Jas. A. Geo. W. Walters Sec 14 11 S Cleopatra Mining Co. Lot 15 16 est in Damfino, Lot No. 262, 20.511 of N W 14 280 acres 93 $ Sec 2 11 S 14 W, Lots 1, 2, 13 S, 1 W. W V4, 306.30 ac , $20.33 of block 2 $106 acres Joseph M. Kendall Sec 26 10 S 14 W, N E hi of N W hi N W St. Louis Min 4 W W hi of N W 14 80 acres N E 14 80 acres . , Herman Bisacher $6.38 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Yankee Girl Mining Co. care Mary E. Winn Sec 6, 13 S, 1 W. $5. 30 $12.77 14, 15 and 16, S 14 Cert No. 21047 S 14 of S E 14. 80 acres Horatio Page Lot 3 6 Block 8 ing Claim No. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Lot No. George R. and Mary J. Davis $11.30 Robert Winn Sec 7, 13 S, 1 W. Floyd S. Whiting Sec 26 10 S Sec 23 11 S 14 W, N hi of N E 14 $199 5267, V Interest of acres 61.446 o or in is 'A m is 01 a n $1.73 4 W S E 14 of N E 14 40 acres $3.19 s h; Geo. A. Paxman care Mrs. Eliza$5.30 E 14 of S E 14, 80 acres Harris St. Estate of Hyrum beth Miller Lots 1 to 4 block 10 Robert Winn Sec 8, 13 S, 1 w. Joseph M. Kendall Sec 27 10 S 3 E hi of S E 14 200 acres .11$18.62 IMPROVKMENTS AND PERSON'- S 14 ALS I.N CALLAO & TROUT CRKKK.'S y2 of n W 14 and all of S W 14, $17.29 Louis Mining Claim No. 1. 2, 3, and 4 W E hi of N E!4 80 acres . . $7.45 George R. Davis Sec 23 Samuel M- W, S W 14 of N E 14 40 acres $3.72 Yankee Girl Mining Co. care Jessie 4 Lot No. 6267, 14 interest. of acres $63.65 Falkenburg S. F. Imp .. $26.87,240 acres Margaret Moody care o Sec- - 34 10 S 4 W $1 73 clntyre Inv. Co Lot 2 block 11 . $ .27 51.446 M. E. Gadd Sec 8, 13 S, 1 W. N H. Brydson George R. and Mary J. Davis Old Susan Mining Co. Clift Lot 5 W hi N W 14 of S E 14 200 acres Sec 26 11 S 14 W. E hi of N E 14 IMPROVEMENTS AND PERSONAL E 14 0f N W 14 , 2 acres waste. 40 Yankee. Girl Mining Co. Lot 5 ' K NIGHTS VILLE. j,cres $ .93 PROPERTY $7.45 $21.28 80 acres block 11 $5.86 $106 No. 3413, acres 6.633 Co. Jennie R. j. & O. W. Horton Sec 4 11 H. M. Martineau care Burt Koyle Old Susan Yankee Girl Mining Co. care Mrs. Mining George R. and Mary J. DavisMartha E.' Vickers Sec 12, 13 S, M. Koplinger $7.98 j w. Beginning 2128 feet N of S Lot 5 block 12 $5.05 and Franklin Consolidated, Lot No. S 2 W S 14 of S E 14 80 acres $7.45 Sec 36 11 S 14 W, S E hi- - 160 acs Bert Koyle . . $ .66 14 corner Section 12, S 88 deg 12 Daniel C. Harris Sec 5 11 S 2 $14.90 $2.66 Yankee Girl Mining Co. care Mrs. 3931, acres 20.006 care min w 1902.5 feet, S 10 deg 20 m1n W. B. Searle Alfred J. Bishop Sec 6 11 S 16 Belmont Lot No W Lots 1, 2. 7, 112 65 acres .. $9.04 and Hannifin Minnie Gourley Lot 9 block 12 McKendry Sec 9 11 W, Beg at 17.82 eh S 71 deg E of Ella Sullivan O. W. & R. J. Horton House on Godiva E 242 feet, N 88 deg 12 min E $1.06 4789. 6 Interest of acres 19.111 $ .53 S 2 W S W 14 of N W 14 lot 3, N N W cor of S W 14 of S W 14, th grounds $1.33 1857.5 feet to 14 section line. N 88 John Lyshon care Andrew Baxter Lot W 14 of S W 14 lot 4, S W 14 of S S 71 deg E 3.69 ch N 30 min W Belmont W. M. J. Benjamin Higginson $ .53 $2.66 Part lot 3 block 13 Rynerson i2 niin E 565.3 feet N 23 deg H. M. Royle House in Knights- - deg Yankee Girl Mining Co. Part lol No. 4789, 14 interest of acres 19.111 W v, , S E 14 of N W 14 E hi of S 49.14 ch S 89 deg 30 min W 3.48 45 min w 26.5 feet, N 17 deg 50 $ .66 W 14 S hi of S E 14 E hi of NE 14 ch S 30 min E 47.89 ch to beg 16.87 vtlle close to meeting house . $7.98 min $ .53 11 block 13 y 222 feet, S 88 deg 12 min N hi of S E 14 640.66 acres $45.35 acres J. P. Boyle care T. H. Russell $4.39 Theresa Moon care V. G. Howells Mary O'Donald care N. Beck Mn 436.7 feet to beg, 13.1 acres $8.95 2 A. W wouse in Jens Madsen Sec 29 11 S Lot 27 block 13 $6.38 Co. Missouri Lass No. 3003, acres a.8 Robert Winn Sec 17, 13 S, 1 W. Epbriam Mulliner care Ray James Roach care M. B. Lewis $2.79 W hi of N E hi E3 hi of N W 14 Rankin Sec 6 11 S 16 W. Be? at Thos. Sutherland, care Lewis S. 20.567 14 of S W 14, N E 14 of S W 14 R. G. Wilson Cox Jennie Lot No. ICO acres $12.77 S W cor of N W 14 of S W 4 of Part lot 29 block 13 . . . $1 06 $2.66 jjw go acres $5.30 N 2 W sec, th 8 71 deg E 8.51 ch 30 In Alvin John Bogden Sec 31 11S $1.20 James Warburton Part of lot 1 4089, acres 8.946 Greenhalgh House Winn Sec 17. 13 S. 1 W, Robert 14 N W of N E 14 S E 14 of & 3 blk 14, Beg N E cor blk 14 S 7 min W 43.79 ch S 89 deg 30 min W Knlghtsville N W first house $9.18 m Wm. H. Cromir Never Swet and S W of N W 14, S W 14 of N W 14 C. E. Goung E 14 of S W 14 Lot 3, N W 14 5.19 ch S 30 min E 41.96 ch to House in Knights- - 120 acres $7.96 deg 306 min E 169.3 feet to S E cor Never Swet No. 1 Lot No. 4534. 14 14 SN W : . . vUIe 14 160.33 acres 6.65 $2.79 of $13.83 beg 22.24 acres $1.99 lot S 82 deg 06 min W 108.7 feet interest acres 40.332 Winn Sec' 18,' 1 Vs. 1 W. Robert 11 3 S W. E. 3: Francis J. Kearney care Jos. Lyle Evans care J. T. Higgin- N E 14 of S E '4, S E 14 of S E 14 . N 7 deg 0 min W 172.26 feet N 83 John A. Hendricks Sec John and Thos. Mumford Never 2.66 N E 14 of N E 14, 120 acs . . $7.96 $36.18 and Darcey V. Sabey Sec 6 11 S son deg 23 min E 108.7 feet to beg $1.99 Swet and Never Swet No. 1 Lot No. W S hi 320 acres 111 3 S 71 16 W, Beg at 9.09 ch David Hutchinson, care George H Katie Burns Part lot 6 block 14 4534, 14 interest acres 40.332 $2.79 deg E Wayland Weightman Sec Louia M Knight Sec 6, 13 S, 14 No. 14 3 N W W S 299 W cor per-loS S W f N of of of M. A. Delano hi 317.52 acres, with Louisa Lot $1.99 w g beg pt S 82 deg 06 min W 162.5 feet 0f S 14, 160 acres . $15.91 . . .66 N E $ 71 30 S Milton Jarvia House in Knightsmin tional property attached 5.04 ch $70.80! sec, th to pt S 82 deg 06 min W 30 feet to W 14 interest of 4.33 acres deg W. Gates Sec 8, 13 S, 2 Arthur 3 11 4 30 W S S. 89 W 46.64 ch.S min 4.76 vi,'e 2.66 w. N W 14 of N E 14, N E 14 of J. M. Denny Monitor Lot 9338, deg Harry 1 Tipton Sec pt S 7 deg 06 min E 80 feet to pt . . 14 . 2 14 E N N to S S 30 Norton of ch Minnie acres care min E 44.97 ch N 82 deg 06 min E 30 feet to beg 14 interest of 19.077 and Claud Weight n W 14 S 14 of N E 14 , S 14 of N $1.33 W Lots beg 21.74 H. S. Joseph Victor, Early Har 14 of SE 14 S E 14 of N W 14 and acres $ .53 $65.45 240 acres : $23.87 $1" W 11 6 57 14 14 6 acres 14 A. S S E Leo 16 A. 797 W Sec 319.94 Could No. N E. care W. Larson; of 3729, vest. Comstock Lot W, Bishop George Jones Part lot block W. Flandro Sec 8, 13 S, Raiph . E 71 S ch at 14.13 from $ .53 $7.71 $36.18 Beg deg $1.33 2 W. S W Vl 160 acres .. $15.03 ; mo Sec 4 11 S N W cor of S W U of S E 14 sec Archbald A. Lamson Carter House Picnic Mining Co. care E. W. Buvs .L- Mary Laird et al care E. W. John in, Louis M. Knight Sec 8, 13 S, 2 sur14 3 N 14 S S E E 71 min S 30 S S 6 No. E of of ch W 3.69 W14 06 W th Knifehtsville 16 3, block 1, 2, Lot $1 deg Johana, Johana $5.59, w. n E 14 of N E 14 , 40 ac . $2.65 W 14 Wil-89 30 of 82.644 47.89 acres min 120 8 ch No. GreenFrank care 3.48 Interest Fullmer David $11.17 5726, deg vey j Joseph Finch Robert Winn Sec 13. 13 S, 2 W. Irvin Wing Sec 4 11 8 3 W S ch S 30 min E 46.64 ch to beg 16.44 iiamB $5.59 12.66 a iA Df g W V. . 80 acres $28.33 acres halgh Lot 8 block 18 $7.96 14 W 14 nn 14 S William Last W acres Bank Cahin L. Peterson W N Sum. of of W14 National care Utah State $3.99 Mary E. Conroy Perry T. R. Woodbridge Sec 16. 13 S, 7 39 on 11 .. acres . acres Sec Alfred Chief 18 S 16 Lot 17.06 120 mit $2 J. block $9.58 Cons, grounds $ .661 2 W. N W 14 of N E 14. W 14, 360 46, $13.70 Chance Bishop Dodge Lot Irvin Wing Sec 5 11 S3 WS H W, Beg at N E cor 8 W 14 of N W W. E. Potts Lots 5 and E of Utah State National Bank Utah Perry B. Fuller care E. W. Jarvia! rcres $34.48 14 14 E sec in 80 S 80 S of 40 House 6 acres acres 17.78 19 W of min Lot No. block $2.39 42. th $6.38 lot $4.77 deg $3.99 Knlghtsville John R. Sperry Sec 17, 13 S, 2 5 3 H. 8. W S 5 W 11 32 A. Bank ch 31 32.75 Co. Sec 8 care min care Reed ch National Utah Hill State Eureka Niger Bart Ponte and W, W 14 of N W 14. W 14 of S W Oakley Buckley Ry. deg Knight Investment Co. Lots 1 and 2 block Lot No. 53, 6 Interest of 19.62 S 14 of S W 14 80 acres . $17.02 to property of Elizabeth K. Roland John Olivers $1.99 14, 160 acres $16.72 3 N $ .53 6 W M. 68 S Wm. 11 A. 80 21 E Sec to 36.35 min Reed ch acres E on Carbett House $1.99 deg Oakley Daniel M. Miller Sec 1, 13 S, 3 No. . . . 14 14 14 E S Lot 40 Holden B. N 14 S S W acres W of Tunnel W Weiler of of Anton F. Heckler care Lavern th $3.19 Niger Agness boundary $5.32 W. E 14 of S W 14. 80 acres $8.07 o Walters Lot 8 block 22 .. $8.64 53. Interest of 19.62 acres $ .53 Joseph 8. Wing Sec 6 11 S 3 W N 2 25 ch to beg 16.21 acres $4.26 George C. Howarth Sec 13, 13 2 1 14 14 IMPROVEMENTS Lot. N N N W 11 Nevada Mrs. E AND lot Phebe 17 E 1. of P. Sec S lot Weiller Walter W. McLaughlin care Way-lan- d PERSONAL Emily Tripp S, 3 W. S 14 of S W 14, 80 ac $7.07 R. Wightman Lot PROPERTY IN SILVER block No. 51, Interest of 15.35 acres 14ofNW14814ofNE14BE W, Beg at point 560 ft 8 of N W James W. Robinson Sec 13. 13 $ .40 14 817.84 acres 22 . . r $9.97 DISTRICT. $38.70 cor of N W 14 sec th E 332.8 feet . 160 acres $14.14 S, 3 W. N W Reed Oakley Reed A. Oakley Sec 7 11 S 3 W 8 1082.6 feet N 80 deg W 337.9 feet Picnic Mining Co. Lot 4 block 23 Utah State National Bank Neva$8.37 George G. Howarth Sec 14. 13 S, Clarence Lemonon interest of 15.35 N14ofNE14NE14ofNW14 N 1023.9 feet to beg 8.047 acres $9.04 da Lot No. 51. $4.65 3 W. S 14 of S E 14, 80 ac . $7.07 $ .40 120 acres Ada Lemmon Sliver Mining Co. care Mark Steele acres $9.44 $30.79 $5.32 J. Reuben Clark, Jr. Sec 14, 13 Maud Tripp Morehouse Sec 1 11 Lot 18 block 24 Archbald A. Lamson Sec 8 11 S John Bogden Utah State National Bank Rub$7.98 $3 32 S, 3 W. W 14 of section, 320 acres Alda Johnson care Claude F. ber Lot No. 52, 5 Interest of 6.33 3 W S E 14 of N E 14 40 acres $3.72 3 17 W. Beg at point 40 rods E Arthur Rowley $3.37 $116.69 '. $ .27 Mrs. Carrie Oakley Sec 8 11 S from N W cor of sec th 8 87 rods $e'62 Tony Boudack Weight Lot 20 and 21 block 24 acres James W. Robinson Sec 14, 13 3 Lot 40 33 N E th B. acres 14 E E 8 feet 19 Rubber 2590 Arthur of care Weiler feet rods of $14.36 WSW Jensen, Agness i Doyle Ep- S, 3 W. N E 14. 160 acres . $14.14 : Louisa Mofflt Lot 28 block 24 No. 62. 5 Interest of 6.33 acres $3.72 N 2590 feet W 1614 feet N 87 rods person $4.79 Sec 15. 13 8, 0 H. V. Bates, care of Elden Lem- - 3 J. Reuben Clark $ .27 Irvin Wing Sec 8 11S3WN 14 W 20 rods to beg 25 acres $3.72 W. All of Sec, 640 acres $56.58 Yankee Girl Mining Co. care J. Utah State National Bank Ogden of N E 14 80 acres $7.45 $33.39 nan $3.32 J. Reuben Clark Sec 16, 13 S, Johnson John Hughes, Reed A. Oakley Sec 8 11 8 3 W Phebe W. Tripp Sec 1 11 S 17 Lot 19 block 25 Interest of 16.23 care of David 3 W. $2.39 Lot No. 43, All of Sec 16, 640 acres $56.85 $ .40 N 14 of N W 14 8 14 of 8 E 14 120 W. Beg at N W cor of aec th 8 666 Hughes Yankee Girl Mining Co. Lot 24 acres $1.33 Peter Jacobsen Sec 17, 13 S, 3 No. M. N 330 block 25 Lot E Peter 660 W acres Weiler feet feet feet 330 $1 06 $14.90 Ogden care Sorenson, A. of T. Elijah W, N W 14 of N W 14, 40 ac $ 2.65 Irving Wing Sec 9 11 S 3 W N feet to beg. Also beg at point Harding Perry B. Fuller care S. B. Strong 43, 6 interest of 16.23 acres $ .40 $9.52 J. Reuben Clark Sec 21, 13 S, E. M. Weiler Mayflower Lot No. W 14 of N W 14 40 acres J. T. Buhler $4.26 1275 feet N and 66 feet E from W Surface rights on the E Swansea $10 64 3 W. All of sec, 640 acres $56.58 W. E. Mott Archbald A. Lamson Sec 9 11 S 14 cor of sec th S 2625 feet E 19 interest of 20.26 acres $ .26 lode Survey No. 2955 4 acres, lode 38. $6:65 J. Reuben Clark Soc 22, 13 S, John S. Lemmon Frank B. Shelly Mayflower Lot 3 W E 14 of N W H S W 14 of N rods N 2625 feet E 19 rods N 2625 surface No. 2945 and Mountain Chief $1.06 Silver Mercantilo Co., care of It. 3 W. All of Sec. 640 ucres $56.58 $14.90 feet W 19 rods to beg 23 acres $3.32 survey No. 2955 pt of surface beg at No. 38, 6 Interest of 20.26 acres W 14 120 acres J. Reuben Clark Soc 23. 13 S, $ .53 Reed Oakley Sec 9 11 S 3 W 8 a pt N E cor lot 71 bearing S 39 deg Eph Mulliner Sec 12 11 8 17 W, E. Wilkinson $63.04 3 W. W hi of sec, 320 acres $28.29 Elden Lemmon Wm. II. Mclntyre 59 min W 439.5 feet from cor No. $10.64 Beg at 8 W cor of S E 14 of 8 E 14 Mayflower Lot W 14 160 acres $4.62 George C. Howarth Sec 2313 S, D. M. Shepherd 2 survey No. 2945 4 acre lode, thence No. 38, Colin McMurphy Sec 10 11 S 3 of sec th N 20.98 ch E 0.60 ch S interest of 20.26 acres $1.33 3 W. N 14 of N E 14. 80 ac $7.07 $ .27 W N 14 320 acres Daniel Harris, care J. R. Brooks 8 2 deg 15 min W 12 2.9 feet thence $37.24 20.98 ch S 50 deg 06 min W 43.90 J. Reuben Clark Sec 36. 13 S, N 88 deg 45 min W 78.4 feet thence Ada Con. Mining Co. care W. J. John A. Betts Sec 10 11 8 3 W ch N 89 deg 40 min W 7.27 ch N $1.99 3 W. S W hi of N E 14 , N W , acres 320 27 min W 28.38 ch E 40.33 ch to and S 14 Cert No. 04776, Thulin George N 2 deg 09 min E 123.3 feet thence Bennett Ada, Laura. Oregon $5 32 N W 14 of S E 14, N V, of S W 14 Dave F. Rogawsky S 88 deg 28 min E 78.5 feet to beg. Slide Lots No. 60, 3344. 3345, and $45.22 beg 69.29 acres $67.15 $2926 $28.29 acres Victor Consolidated Mining Com- 320R acres W. H. Brow care W. H. Cromar Jos. Lyle and Darcey Vevlan Situate on survey No. 2955 E Swan- 3346 respectively, 66.194 ichcl O. Aagard Sec 11, 13 S, sea lode .222 acre. Also beg at pt Sec 11 11 S3 VV N 14 of N E 14 Sabey Sec 12 11 8 17 W beg at 0.25 pany $8.91 $17.29 4 of 8 While Horse Mining Co., care of E W. Nn hi of N E 14 , N W 14 acres N E cor of Garage bearing 4 3 dog $8.61 ch W and 12.06 ch N 33 deg 9 min II. C. Jacobs care L. B. McCor-mic- k 80 acres E V of S W 14, 160 14, W. H. Cromar 8ec 12 11 8 3 W E from center of aec th N 39 deg F. J. Thomas in 50 min W 642.9 feet from cor No. alena Lot No. 4 8, $5.85 $10.61 2 survey No. 29 4 5 Four Acres lode. terest 20.66 acres $ .13 S W 14 and S 14 of N W hi 240 9 min E 43.82 ch S 89 deg 39 min Rachel O. Aagard Sec 14. 13 8. Thence S 71 deg 30 min W 24 feet Albert Mayers care L. U. McCor-mlc- k acres $30.86 E 18.55 ch S 32 deg 31 min W 43.54 STATE HOARD ASSESSMENTS. r 4 W M I,' 1 M If rtt M ,.t .I , I .. in. a. .1 David A. Greenhalgh Sec 14 11 ch N 89 deg 39 min W 19.10 ch to In. no. I., t I " ' u; " $5.30 thence S 18 deg 30 min E 18.5 feet Galena Lot No. 4 8, mum. W ; 80 acres 14, 14 . . . . $ .13 8 3 W 8 W 160 acres to bog. Situate on survey No. 2955 terest 20.66 acres $14.36 beg 69.29 acres $16 62 Company John E. Aagard-!- ec (Copper, 15, 13 S, A. J. Bishop Sec 12 11 3 17 W, Head Mine) David A. Greenhalgh Sec 14 11 Mountain Chief lode. Total It. G. Wilson Black Dragon Lot .232 VV. $73 8 E 14 of S E V , 40 acres ' E 14 14 E W of 8 $2.66 3 3 W N 14 of 8 Beg at 0.25 ch W of center of aec ' I tah Mine Company, care of 42,14 $13.54 47. 19.69 acres J. ' .. . ' $2 65 $19.15 th N 33 deg 9 min E 12.06 ch 8 89 B- - JPison Martha Mng. & Mlg. Co. care 8 14. 160 acres John W. Mumford and Thos. M. $59.85 John E. Aaeard- - See" 22, 1 3 H, i Heirs of Lavorde M. deg 39 min E 19.10 ch N 80 deg Minor Mumford Catasaqua No. 1 No. 2 J. Thurman Emma, Martha, O A ec 14 11 8 3 W W 4 of 58 min E 36.35 ch 8 1 deg 6 min TRANSIENT 7TlsTOCK ,N TIN- - Too f. " ' " No. 3 No. 4 lot No. 5101 Theodore, Peacock, Wright fl Interest H. Clodhopper,Horseshoe E 15.84 ch N 89 deg 40 min W 61.56 No. 3 W 14 80 acres I $8.38 and Hanson, survey of 79.464 acres TIC V. SCHOOL DISTRKT John A...'m"q'oVVt $5.32 oh care D. Minnesota Loan W. to beg 69.29 acres Stiles $12.37 $12.63 VV 14 of N E 14 $ .92 4 W. Jay Nash Plynvount Rock Mining Co. care 5S98, 92.784 , W 14 of 3 E A. J. Bishop Sec 12 11 8 17 VV. J. J. Stlllman Ihapah Gold Mng. Co. care L. C. &14 Trust Co. Sec 15 11 8 3 W E F. M. Orom Santa Monica Lot No. 14. K 14 of 8 W 14, 240 ac $15.91 $490.48 0 60 acres at E 320 ch $37.24 Beg of N W cor N E Lawton Lucy Clayton, North Side, Claronco Freeman 3881 7.66 acres E. $9.4S John $1.06 Queen of Sheba and Queens Minister Aagard Soc 33, 13 8. 14 of N E 14 of sec, th 8 50 Amlle Oakley care Reed Oakley 6 William A. Pace $376.00 4 VV. S 'A of 8 E 14. 3 E U of 8 Plymoth Rock Mining Co. care F. Lot No. 4499. 48.434 acres ..$6.52 80c 16 11 8 3 W E 14 of N W 4 min W 43.90 ch S 89 deg 40deg min Brothers Ivory W 120 14. acres $684.65, M. Orem $7.fi0 Plymount Rock No. 7 Lot Muldoon Mining Co. care Harry 480 acres $46.28 E 21.18 ch N 33 deg 9 min E 43.82 John Soc 23. 13 S. 4 W. John E. Aagard Soc 34, 13 S. No. 2865 6.007 acres $ .93 Hardy W. J. Rnnd, Jr. Sec 17 11 8 8 -- h S 89 deg 39 min E 2 ch to land VV hi of Aagnrd No. 40, 30.93 Muldoon Lot Soc 14 S 4 VV." and S E of V N N W 14. 400 E 14 N of , E Vt of Plymoth Rock Mining Co. care F. acres $1.86 W W 14 320 acres $37.24 demled to O. O. Kearney N 33 acres, with personal properly flttiich-e,- l N VV 14, 80 acres M. Orem , $5.30 Plymoth Rock No. Rood Oak lev Sec 17 11 8 3 W 9 min E 6 ch to cor N 89 deg deg Bill Nye. Marlon Merrill 40 Stanley. 66 No. $340 lot 3680 81.717 acres and Lydla Lot No. 4012, 48.77 acres E o $7.45 min W 1G.30 ch S 13.59 ch to beg NEW 80 acres 'of $10.91 ec 18 11 8 53.08 acre Samuel S. Orang SHAREHOLDERS I.N NEPHI IRRI- $6.52 $12.90 J CAR SCHOOL DISTRICT Primrose Mining Co. care II. J. 1 Ma 1 W I.ol 1 and 1 8 E N W H Co. 20 11 8 19 VV. Pormior of Silver 8c Mining Joseph fJATION COMPANY. ItOOK "IV Evans Primrose lot No. 3897 6.607 E 14 of W 14 kfiO acres ... $24.21 hogany No. 1 and Dooley, Mahogany R H of S W 14 Roc 1J fl a 1 w Myron Vest A. Bonn Sarah Cert No. 2320. 8 acres $ .93 No. 2. 14 14 E of E 3 321 8 acres Samuel 92 Cross. Soc 12 Llttledlke Jr. 11 Commonoln Southern Primrose Mining Co. care R. J. Ronllty Exposition. $18.36 3 No. E 20 37. 8 and Lot Victor W, $39.23 4 0 " Hugo ' 01 K '4. thenoe N 160 rods E Sarah Ookey Cert 401, 14 share Evans Luzerne lot No. 3927 19.748 113.08 acres Charles James Morton Sec 19 11 , $15.16 1 mi n rwu r, . W 69 water I R rods rods acres $2.66 3 W Lots 3 and 4 E 14 of 8 W 4 Rachel O. Aaeard Soc 17 12 H to be. 4ft i irm Premier Silver Mining Co. Evenr...- an r.,l n,.th... Primrose Mining Co. Silver King ing. Tempest, vt L 1 vm 1 W ...T a so W in No. 1 No. 2. 3 E 4 acres 321 Boston lis, $38.44 nlnn wc Z4. II S, 1 VV. share water $ .44 Lot No. 3928 10.853 acres .. $1.46 Temple Ixit No. I A ; T Vi Chambers- - Sec 20 11 3 3 acres John 88.94 8 W 38, V N Pace-C- ert. W and O. of 8 W 4 M. K. Lowrey No. 24 30 ?, Raymond J' acres Sunday Lot No. .. fll.141 W W 14 of N E 14 N W 14 and N. 1 WW 14 of $6.38 $10.17 1 ihare water $1.86 Lula E., Margaret M. and James jermin Sec 31 11 S I E, Beg llnkB N and 496.7 at 67 rods 17 feet B of S W cor of N K 14 thence E 823.3 feet N 70.9 feet W 814.1 feet S 7 deg "23 rain W 71.5 feet to $1.76 beg, 1.334 acres Sec 31 11 S 1 Wm. Somerville N 10 63 links at and rods E, Beg 487.5 feet E of S W cor of N E 14 thence E 832.5 feet N 4 rods 7 links W 823.3 feet S 4 rods 7 links . $1.76 to beg, 1.348 acres Orson S., Orson 8., Jr. and Eliza Sec 31 11 S 1 E, Beg at Williams 49 rods 214 links N and 478.3 feet of S W cor of N E 14 thence E 841.7 links W 832.5 feet feet N 4 rods 7 links to beg, 1.361 S 4 rods 7 acres $12.19 Orson S. William, Jr. Sec 31 11 S 1 E, Bee at 44 rods 20 links N and 469.1 feet E of S W cor of N E 14 of sec 21, thence E 850.9 feet N 71.0 feet W 841.7 feet S 7 deg 23 min W. 71.6 feet to beg, 1.374 acres $1.60 Flossie R. Ellertson Sec 30 11 S 1 E, Beg 40 rds N of S E cor of S E 14 of sec thence W 86 rods 4 deg E of N 40 rods E 81 rods S 40 rods to acres $18.94 beg 21 Isabell Evans Sec 31 11 S 1 E, Beg 30 rods E of S W cor of S E 14 of sec, thence N 8 rods E 38 rods 5 deg W of S 8 rods W 37 rods 15 acres . $1.76 links to beg, 1 144-16- 0 Beg 29 rods S John A. Summers or N E Cor block 7 plat B, thence W'ly 436.3 feet W'ly 214 feet, E'ly 4 4 0.2 feet S'ly 210 feet to beg. Lots $31 27 I and 2 block 7 plat B W. H. Summers Beg 220 feet S of N E cor block 7 plat B, thence S 4 2.5 feet W'ly 440.2 feet W 46 feet K'ly 4 40.2 feet to beg. Lots 1 and 04fl $ block 7 plat B John A. Summers and Elgy N. Ellertson Cora 153 rods E of S W cor of N W 14 of N W V of Sec 32 II S 1 E, thence E 8 rods 8 feet more or less to N E cor of block 7, thence 5 220 feet thence ,W 8 rods 8 feet more or less, tpence N 220 feet to $ .32 beg, Lot 4 block 7 plat B 3858 2-- 5 A. interest of 3.003 acres $ -- ; J. Curtis acres 3WE14NE14NE14SE14 ... t, .... r 1 ..... . 1- -3 1 .... 64-16- .... SV4ofSW14NEHW ... -3 .............. 1- -5 6-- 1- 1- -3 Cla-rid- .... .... ... .... ' care-Robe- rt ... 7-- 9-- 7-- 1- -5 1- -5 1- -5 40-16- ... 1- 1 5.riN ' iS no ...... W14ofSE4 -- -- T- "ri .- " 1 N"wrv0L,.. -- |