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Show I, H 1 I Nephi , Nephi BIBS "The Wheat City:' ! "The Wheat City"! ?: - The News, Vof 11, No. 49. TWO-DA- Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Friday, December 9th, 1927. - SESSION GILBERT BAILEY Y OF CONFERENCE WELL ATTENDED Vol." 17 No. 49. JUDGE BURTON POSTMASTER J. TALKS TO LADIES E. LUNT URGES Mr and Mrs. Joseph Belliston Celebrate Golden Wedding NEW PRESIDENT The Times, KIWANIS CLUB j ; LITERARY CLUB EARLY MAILING The Ladie Literary Club met In club rooms in the City Hall Dec. 6th with Mrs. Wm Bailey and Mrs. Alberta Belliston acting as hostesses. Program: Reading, Miss Helen Lyman, talk, "Prevention of Poverty, Delinquency. Degenoracy Crime,", Judge T. H. Burton. .Members present: Mrs. T. W. Allred, Miss Ida Parkes, Mrs. Geo. A. SperryJr. Mrs. W. C. Andrews, Mrs. Wm. Bailey, Mrs. Alerta Bell iston, Mrs. W. F. Brough, Mrs. T. H. Burton, Mrs. James Cole, Mrs. P. B. Cowan, Mrs. J. W. Ellison, Mrs, E. R. Forrest, Mrs. E. M. Greenwood, Mrs. S. B. McCune. Special guests: Miss Hortense Rhead, Miss Helen Lyman, Mrs. Cazier, Mrs. Johnson. Local Postoffice will be Open Until After The Arrival of Noon Mail Monday, Dec 26th. l A. E. Smith Selected as Bis . , The annual election of officers of club was held regular weekly Bailey, who has during the past year, was elected president for 1928, W. with I. M. Petty, C, Andrews, district trustee, and the following members of the board of diectors: G. R. Judd, A. H. Belliston, Paul E. Booth, C. W. Woodbury, Don M. Rees, A. L. Garbett, S. G. Paxman. The secretary will be direcselected by the officers-aan- Nephi Kiwanis hop of Nephi North Ward the Monday at" the James H. Ockey and luncheon. Gilbert Robert Garrett Counselors been 4 nt - ( The Juab Stake Conference and Auxiliary conventions were held in this city Saturday and Sunday. Large congregations were in attendance at most of the sessions and hiuch interest was manifested on the part of the various exercises that were given during the conference. The first meeting was held Saturday morning in the High school Auditorium. The visiting brethren present were: Richard R; ; Lyman, vice-preside- - - FISH AND GAME ASS'N HOLD ANNUAL MEETING At the annual meeting of the East Juab Fish and Game Protective association held Tuesday evening, the following officers were elected to hold office for the year 1928: President, Russell Hawkins; 1st, vice president, Lee Jackirian; 2nd vice- - president, A. W Clyde; directors: Mans E. Jennings,.'' Wm: Grundmann, A. V. Pyper, and Geo. D. Haymond ; secretary-treasureA. J. Crapo. A. P. Christiansen,. Geo. D. Haymond, and Wm, Grundmann, were appointed as a- reception 'committee :, for the dance. Friday evening. oa the .iS'he aseeiatioft djecid. of the Levan nieifl-er- s to hold a dance and barbecue at Levan Saturday night. The following slogan was adopted by the members present: 250 members by January 1st, 1928". "We are asking every Red Blooded Amerian in East Juab county to get into the organization, and do The meeting Saturday ' afternoon was in charge of the Sunday School, the principal address being given by Charles J. Ross, whose subject was "To Enjoy Life More Abundantly." He was followed by a short address by S. G. Paxnian, of the Stake Presid- ency. r, Saturday evening a capacity crowd attended the Stake Social and enter-- J tainment in the High School Auditor-- 1 ium, under the auspices of the Stake and ward M. I. A. One of the main features was the dramatizataion of ;.jthe early settlement of NephL The various episodes were vefy realistic! and brought vividly to the minds of the people the sacrifices that were made la the pioneering of this city and valley. The trouble with Chief Walker, the building of the old fort isic of Brigham .wall; and the Young, were all portrayed in a manner that was true of the life of the pioneers at that period in the history of this city. The cast was composed their part to make this county a of the following: A. H. Belliston, better place to live in. Come help Btreams with tish, your Orson Wilford Belliston, fill your Cazier, Clarence Warner, A. B. Gibson, John field with game birds, and your C. Hall, Ralph Barnes, Arthur Pyper public domain with big game. God inE. L. Jones, Bent Bryan, Kenneth never intended for people to live us so all he doors at all gave times, Webb, Gerald Cazier, T O Durham, A. J. Gowers, Mrs. Edith Vickers, these things for our pleasure. "It is your duty to see that the Florence Chase, Rowpna Bigler, Dorine Vickers, Merel Vickors. and fish and game are protected and the stock replenished. Would you give Bryan. Forrest. Other numbers on the ' program $1.00 for 2000 trout. If so buy a which were well rendered were: "Oh membership card ,. today." A. J. Stop and Tell the Red Man," by the Crapo, Sec. (Continued on page three) ' - ' v 1 1 end I v 4 I - " that were given. r tors. '. Following the election, Dell Webb, recereational director of Provo, gave a very good talk on "Recreational Work.'V , At the completion of Mr.s Webb's representing the general authorities of the Church, and the M. I. A.; address the members of the club Charles J. Ross, representing the went on record favoring the emdirector to Sunday Schools. Sister Beaf, the Re- ploying of a recreational lief Society Sister Hlgga, the. M. assume charge of - recreational activiI. A., and Sister Davis, the Primary ties, in this city. Association. President A. H. Bellls-to- n, presided at all sessions of the conference. The exercises Saturday morning were in charge of the Primary Association. Much credit is due. the officers and teachers of this association for the splendid work done by the children and the demonstration I ;- -' ' Joseph E. Belliston Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Belliston-honored citizens of this community celebrated their golden wedding anniversary surrounded by relataives and life long friends, at the North Ward Amusement 'Hall Wednesday , . evening. - ' ; . Joseph E. Belliston Peterson; vocal duet, Florence iston and Maurme Chrlstensen, Bellac- companied by Donna Belliston; vocal duet. A.: J. Gowers and Walt Anderson, accompanied by Miss Eva Gowers; remarks and toasts, Dennis Wood; reading, Miss Nina Green-halglive parks; iMiss Lucille Green halgh; reading, Eks Ayn Anderson; vocal solo, L. P. Anderson, accomvocal panied by Mabel Anderson; solo, and reading, Mrs. Will L. Hoyt. After the program, more guests arrived and the remainder of the eve ning was spent in tripping the light h; The festivities began at 5 tp. m. with a fine banquet to which covers were laid for 150 relatives and invited guests. Everything that men could desire In the way of good things to eat was there in abundance. During the banquet Dr. toasted the honored Beckstead, guests in an appropriate manner. Music was furnished A. J. Gowers and Walt Anderson. A feature of the dinner was a large five layer wedding cake, each layer representing ten years. This cake was made by Mrs. Belliston t herself, and was cut and distributed to the guests as a memento of the occasion. A color scheme of yellow- and white was carried out in the decorations. After the banquet a good program was rendered, J. M. The toastmaaater. program follows: Prayer, Wilford Belliston; vocal duet, Ralph Barnes and T. D. Davis, accompanied by Mrs. Davis; trombone solo, Lester H. Belliston, accompanied by Miss - Christen-seaii-KsUng'-- Mrs. as until the wee small fantastic hours of the morning. Everyone as themselves present expressed having had a wonderf ul time, and the., honored" guests were recipients of many hearty congratulations from their numerous relatives . .' friends present. . ; and - , Mr. and Mrs, Belliston were married in Nephi, Novemer 5th, 1877 They ' have eight children, thirty eight grand children, and one m .child. These were all present with the exception" of "one son who lives in Idaho. The TimesNews extends congratulations and hope they will live to see many more wedding anniversaries. ; d, TO BE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEMONSTRATION GIVEN AT CITY HALL TO PRESENT OPERETTA - RELIEF SOCIETY f South Ward Conference To Be Held Sunday HOLDS CONVENTION The South Ward Conference will be held next Sunday afternoon at 2 p. m. in the ward meeting house. All members of the ward are cordiaally invited to be present. Good music will be rendered by the ward choir. The Juab Stake Relief Society held their convention in connection with the other auxiliary of Juab Stake, Dec. 3 and 4th, .with a large and enthusiastic attendance. Mrs. Ida Beal of Salt Lake wag representing the General Board, and spoke on a number of subjects pertain 'to Relief Socltey work. Also County Agent Boswell Attending Convention gave a spirited talk on rare of the aged. Mrs. Maud Forrest reported th,e RICHFIELD, County Agent S. R. Boswell has gone to Chicago to attend activities of the Stake for the pest the convention of the agricultural year. Mrs. Itha Parkes gave a report agents of the United States. The convention is being held in eonjun-tio- n of the civic campaign work and Mrs with the international live- Edna Cazier gave a most instructstock show. Mr. Boswell was selected ive talk on the Book of Mormon. A as one of the agents of the state of delightful luncheon was served on Utah to attend the convention. Saturday noon In the High School Dining room to members of the Stake board and Genera? represont-atlve- . PHILOSOPHICAL PHIL All present had a most enjoyable time. i- IT-- -- i I; r ITS VOWtr JWXe. There will be given nest Monday D'.'C. iith, 'iad 14th at the City Hall from 2 to 4 P. M. each day a demonstration in Personal Christmas Gifts and Gifts for the aDil Wednesday. Home. Mrs. Ethel Gadd will have charge of Monday's work (Personal Gifts) and asks that all interested will please bring scissors and pencil. She will have the materials needed there for sale. Mrs. Lucille F. Booth will have charge of Wednesday's work which is "Gifts for' the Home" All interested in this project will kindly bring pencil and paper. We are hoping the ladies will take advantage of these two opportunities. You have already paid in part of this work and you should get your money's worth. A goodly number of Ideas and suggestions will shown you and you know seeing is believing. Don't forget: Monday, Person al Gifts, Wednesday, Gifts for the Home. 2-- 4, 2-- Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Entertain Friends i A. 1J 1 1 . - I'-- The Junior high school will pre sent two complete operattas at the high school auditorium next Wednes at day. There will be a matinee 2:30 for school students and in the evening at 7:30 for the adults. It is reported that both operetta are full of good music and snappy jokes Practically all of the students of the Junior high are in the cast, which includes 21 leading parts and chorus of about 75 girls and a chorus of about 75 boys. They are being staged under the direction of Mrs Florence Greenwood and Wallace L. Martin. The title of the ing year. girls operetta is "Lady Francis" and The officers to be voted for are: Roy Nielson and Floran Ingram the boys operetta is the "Boy Ban President; secretary with the aid of their dogs, ' tracked dit." and killed three mountain Hons In treasurer, and four directors. of Nephi the mountains south-eaCharacters Girls play during the past few days. One lion C. U .A. Players Varsity Helen Chase Francis Lady which measured fabout eight feet, In Nephi December 16 th and Bridget O'Harrigan Donna Garbett two kittens. It Is reported that Marion Chrlstensen Ella the old lion had recently killed Maude Maurlne Kendall "The Dover Road," a clever calf. From the standpoint of conReva Vickers three act comedy, will be presented servation of Susie young elk, young deer Jennie Margaret Parkes in the N. H. S. Auditorium, Thurs., and young calves, the killing of three Ora Judd Dec. 15th, by the L A. C. Varsity cougars means a Lucille great deal to this Afton Greenwood Players, under the direction Freda of section, and the above men should be Marion Emma Jenkins Chester J. Myers. for their work and Florence "The Dover Road," which Is the congratulataed Emily expense for decreasing the number Elizabeth Foote U. A. C. Student Body Play, is being of Fay predatory animals on our local brought to Nephi, in connection with range. Characters-Boythe local High School Student Body. play Max Garrett The cast Is made up of the pick of Bob Homer K. Lunt waa appointed Will Dorald Irons the Ag. College students. secretary-treasurof the Perclval Jones Lee Bailey, a graduate of the N. baseball association for the Nephi Raymond coming H. S. Is one of the leading characters Stephen, the darkle cook Ora Sudwceks of the play. The N. H. S. In very year. Sid Jack Beagley glad to be able to present the Edwin Carbett players in Nephi, and assure the Jim DOC VVtSE Jack ..: Shlrl Woodbury townspeople that "The Dover Road" Joe Merl Ord Is one of the cleverest and most entertaining plays to be presented in Nephi for some time. See the adverPUTS NEW CERALS tisement In another part of this ON LOCAL MARKET paper for particulars. Page-Fairles- Prof vice-preside- st s Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bryan enter- tained for their friends at their home Cards and music Tuesday evening. occupied the time after which were Those served. present were: Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Howarth Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jarrett, Mr. and Mrs. Leonarl Linton, Mr. and LEGION TO MAKE Mrs. E. D. Park, Mr. .and Mrs. H. E. MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Black, Mrs. Clarence Ingram, and Fanny Read, host and hostess, Mr. , Nephi post No. 1, American Legion and Mrs. Bryan. held Its regular meeting Tuesday evening with Post Commander T. O. NEW FORD TO BE Durham The post depresiding. cided to hold Its membership drive HERE NEXT WEEK during the month, and to this end Duke Page, announces that he will the post adjutant was instructed to mall notices to all the 1921 members have a new Ford on dlgplay at the of the legion. show rooms of the They also decided to challenge iMotor Co. next Tuesday and Wednes the Nephi Klwanls club for a rabbit day. He extends a special Invitahunt, to take place January 1. This tion to the people of East Juab annual rabbit hunt has been held County to call In and inspect the for the past two years, and after new model. There will bn a fartory the hunt the losers have to furnish rppresrntaUve with the new far to a dance and supper to the winners. explain the wonderful new features. Page-Falrle- 7 This year Christmas coming an Sunday and observed on Monday, the regular Sunday service will be On ,Monday observed. a general delivery will be made at this office and the office will be open until after the arrival of the mail, for the delivery of late parcels that may arrive Sunday or Monday. In the larger centers clerks and carriers are not required to ' work later than 12 o'clock noon Monday,, Mrs. Charles E. Stephenson was so in order to be sure mail will taken to the L. D. S. hospital at Salt reach the addresses before Christ Lake city Thursday for medical mas It should reach the office of its treatment. She was accompanied by destination not- later than Fridty. There Is one other means left for her husband and Dr. T. W. Allred. late mailer. The "Special Delivery" will be delivered either Sundays or holidays. RED CROSS TO ELECT With Christmas comes a general of good will and cheer. This spirit OFFICERS DEC. 14TH spirit finds expression by the exchange of presents, letters, greeting cards and other remembrances. As a result of this custom the vol The officers and board &f direct ors of the Nephi Chapter American ume of mail during the month of. Red Cross appreciate very much the December Is greatly augmented. The work of the Civil Government classes Post Office department does not In of the high school In putttlng over any way desire to discourage this the annual Red Cross drive' o suc- custom nor shrink in the least from ; the very Important part that It takes i cessfully. of Christmas The following citizens- of Nephi in the decimlnatlon paid their membership fees of $1.00 cheer. Throughout the country there la this year and became members of a campaign on for the cooperation this great, national organization:. A. V. Gadd, T. D. Davis, Thomas of the patrons of the postal service Bailey, June Kendall, A. L. Garbett. in an effort to avoid this "eleventh H..-DMrs. E. R hour" congestion. Goldsbrough,, The Postal officials are just as Forrest, H. A. Gries, Don M. Rees, Mrs. Gideon Sidwell, Wilford Sells anxious to have all mall reach a Mrs. J.-- E. Lunt, O. L. Barett, Joel destination before Christmas day aa Taylor, Victor Cooper, M. J. Dudley the patrons, and you can rest assured to S."T3.aihia1n7Tma' 'Ennt. "WrJ that evecyJfort will be made -- ; " Cole, George W. Duckworth, C. H meet this emergency. All mall can be delivered before Grace, George A. Sperry, T. ,W, Allied, Mrs. Henry Painter, Harry Christmas day if a reasonable time is James ; H allowed plus a possible delay caused Beagley, Robt. Lomax, Ockey, Mrs. Wm. Bailey, George D by congestion. Besides the general Haymond, A. E. Smith. Elias War appeal for early mailing, the cooperwood, Mrs. W. J. Brown, Walter ation of the general public is solicitBelliston, Allen E. Belliston, Jlmmle ed In the following Items. 1 Do not mail Christmas cards Belliston, Rosemary Belliston, Mrs J. T. Belliston, Mrs. J. L. Belliston with a one cent atamp. All cards P. J. Sanders, Will L. Hoyt. J. E, (except the government post cards) Irons, Earl Reid, Walter Olpin, Wm require two cents. 2 All mail addressed to young G. Orme, Lula McPherson, Russell children should be in care of their C. W. Mrs. Lenore Hawkins, Morgan, Cornwall, Helen Lyman, Geo. V. Ord, parents as small children are not s, G M Whitmore, John known. 3 All mail should bear the return Richardson, Mrs. J. E. Ingram, W. address of the sender. In the upper C. Andrews. Tlje following men have been ask- left hand corner f the envelope. 4 Seals and stickers should be ed to act as a nominaation committee to name officers to be voted for placed on the back, and not on the for the coming year: George D. Hay- front of the envelopes. (Continued on page 8) mond. A. V. Gadd, W. J. Cole. All members are invited to attend a meeting at city hall Wednesday evening, December 14 th for the pur- Three Mountain Lions Killed Near Nephi pose of electing officers for the com- er J Karl KellerstraHs of Provo was In Nephi Wednesday of this week and is placing on the local market a new line of cereals which Is being manufactured under the name of "Howdy" cereals. He Is announcing a special 25c package of 'Howdy' Toasted Wheat Breakfast Cereal free with each purchase of pancake flour, etc. The new firm Kaleah Pioducts Co. In a combination of Karl and Ioah. and Is operated by Karl and Lah Kelterstrass. The marriage of Miss Gladys Golden, daughter of Mrs. Alice Golden, and Ben A. Hansen, was solemnized In the Mantl Temple Wednesday of last week. The groom Is the son of of Mr. and Mrs. Ammon Hansen Fountain Green. The young couple will make their home In Fountain Green, where Mr. Hansen has Just rompleted the building of a nVw Mrs. Alice Golden, Mrs. bungalow. Ammon Hansen and Mrs. Clara Chap-pe- ll accompanied the young couple to the Temple. NOTHING WAK.E9 DAD FEF.L "NOT AT HOME " MORE THAN TO DP-OA TRAY OP GLASSES WITHOUT AVA GETTING ENRAGED " |