Show PIONEER WOMAN IS DEAD Mrs Relief Belief C Atwood of Salt Lake Passes Away of General Debility Relief C Atwood widow of Millen At Atwood Atwood Atwood wood one of the pioneers died about 6 Monday evening at the home of her son Millen M Atwood No 1610 South Eleventh East street She was 89 years ears and 8 S months old and death was caused by general debility resulting from old age Mr Atwood came to Salt Lake in July Jul 1847 with the original company of pio plo pioneers pioneers and went back east the following year ear where he married and brought is s wife here in ISIS 1848 Mrs Atwood came from New Hampshire Mr lIr Atwood died in December 1800 and since that time his had been living at the home of her son She leaves three children Mrs Abbie A Sermon Mrs Rose E Kelsch and Millen M 11 Atwood The fu funeral funeral funeral will be held at Emerson ward meet Ing house Thursday at 1 p m Those desiring to view the th remains may do so at the residence of M 11 M 11 Atwood from 11 to 1230 l on the day of the fu Di funeral funeral |