Show TEACH BOYS I Industrial School Authorities Organ Organize ize Class to Inculcate Discipline Special to The Ogden Oct 4 A slight diversion Is be being beIng ing indulged In at the State Industrial school The superintendent has reached F the conclusion that the boys of the school need more inure Impressive lessons in the af affairs affairs fairs lairs of government and to bring about the desired result the school has recently been organized into a city of the first lass class form of ot government Superintendent Gowans and Chief Clerk 31 are of the opinion that such or organization organization will result in not only training the boys bos in civil chil government but will serve the double purpose of causing them to feel that a part of the control and of the school rests upon them themas as fiS they will be looked to in a measure T fur for the correct conduct and discipline of themselves I |