Show P RANDOM REFERENCES I Meeting Called Ca The Called The 1 The Womans Relief corps will meet on Friday afternoon at nt o'clocK In the tho IW W v 0 0 W hall hail A A large argo attend attend- attendance anco ance Is ii desired desired- After thinking for hours sa I with n-Ith flowers from Irons the tho ho Artistic Floral Co Phone Gil To Idaho I 1 ho J Couple Couple Couple-A A marri license was Is Issued late Tuesday afternoon in the office of ot the he county clerk to Milton H 11 lL Boand nod and nd Isabella Fraser of ot Pocatello Idaho In are ore being made Iho Ogden Apts Twenty Twenty- seventh Il M MeetS frI The Friday 1 The e Aid society will wIil meet Friday nt- nt a 3 o'clock at the homo ho horn of t- t Mrs Mra Charles II H E Barton TH 77 Twenty Twenty- ty- ty ti fifth fth street t Cafe Gone Cafe f Gone tishi fishing Off Open September let t 1 1529 11 29 29 To Starry Marry Marriage licenses were Issued today In tha the e of tho the county clerk to Albert W V Bonham Clinton and Rhoda M Walker Syracuse W V Y V and nod Mary Rogers Rog-en both ol ot Ogden n Call n a Vat Cab also 0 transfer n no 1 88 2396 2395 Reunion Saturday Saturday- The Saturday Tho second 1 annual Dalton reunion will bo held at nt Lagoon on Saturday Aug- Aug August Au 7 A special program Iro ram will bo be provided pro All members ot of the theor Hg or organization are Invited In to at- at attend attend a tend IrIre It Yourself Co nent Co nent new n Nash and sedans and ond Fords 2638 WashIngton avenue rhone Phone 25 2 2519 19 y For Estella Estella M 51 Jensen today tiled filed suit in tho district court against Sorren M lit Jens n charging support non and erue cruelty y They were married In Ogden on on n April 6 1913 Ogden Typewriter Dono t tr r typewriters and repairs 2422 Kl Klc- Klc sd set sel avenue 1 To Nevada X-ra X Nevada Mrs Mrs Mrs A A- A B D Drinker Drinker- hort hoff Seventeenth Se tret left le t today on a I visit to Sparks Nov Ne for two weeks Con R K ohn flohn nolin Insurance 2302 Takes Talas Charge Charge Charge- ChargeS W W S L Larsen ofSan of San Francisco has established hIs hs home in Ogden and assumed charge ot of ot- ot tho Ogden and Provo plants ot of the tho Pacific Coast Cout Can Cai flora nera Inc formerly plants of ot the tt National Packing corporation Ensign Optometrist Optometrist- U tested glasses fitted tilled Up- Up UpstAirs UpstaIrs stairs 2465 Wa h 28 Going Ray flay Enst Ray Bishop dent of or Californians Inc was an Ogden visitor I today while hUe en route r uto to Chicago Klenko Floral Floral flowers for far all au occasions Phone 1240 1140 2953 29 Washington 24 School Party Reciprocating for tor fora a 10 recent party there girl girls ot of BrIg BrIg- BrIgham ham barn City will bo be entertain entertained Thursday evening at the state In- In Industrial industrial school The Tha new school orchestra will wIli play root Foot Troubles Correctly Treated Dr Fishburn 26 Lewis blk bik l Phone R hone It 67 Going S Last Hast S D Young ot of o Og- Og Ogden don den will be among the Utah scout executives at the executives na- na national national convention In In Hot Springs Ark September 22 23 to 29 Inclusive inclusIve Inci sive I 6 C Money on Business Proper Propel Property Prop ty time Long loans Kelly Herrick 92 For Visit Visit-Mr Visit Mr Ir and Mrs Frank Fra Lohmann o ot of Brighton Colo Cob will visit isIt hero Friday and Saturday with Mr and Mrs Irs C F Moulton oulton Diamonds At Al wholesale price Watches one halt price C C CSmith Ii H Smith Twenty-fifth Twenty St St 63 Fire Call Call After After a 0 rest ot of two days the tho city tire Ire department made a run this morning to n a grass tire lire on Madison avenue between Twenty fourth and ty fifth street Thero There was no dam dam- damaso damage dai ago age to property For StatIon Authorization Station Authorization was wasI I given this morning by Iho board of city commissioners to S Fn Fred I Nelson to construct a gasoline service station at ot Adams and Thirty-first Thirty street Released John 1 Malan lalan son son- to servo 10 days In tn n the city jail on a 0 charge ot of disturbing the tl peace was pardoned this morning by the board ot of city commission commission- commissioners ers era Ho lie has sered sen cd five fhe days das ot of the sentence Licensed Licensed Licensed-A A 1 A marriage license was Issued today In the thc office ot of the county clerk to Brigham E Stevens Ocean Park Calif ai and ACton E Johnston ot of Hooper Hoopen nn |