Show y C The Th rain of o three weeks ago aro did much for the th beet fields field News and Views has baa told of o the th white while whitefly ny fly how bow It stings Hint the tho th beets to death It ItIs It Is I not a fly ny but a hopper That Is to say ay It does doe not fly but hops though though It has hIlS wings wines and IS long lone distances by tho the wind When When the tho th rain caine came many of tho hoppers returned to their hab- hab hab habitat In the in-the the desert So even a 8 desert Insect born borna a to the tb dryness of the th desert seeks moisture This This migration back to the brush explain explains why why a certain amount of rain Is necessary In sprIng and summer ummer to protect the thebe be beets ts The Th hoppers stay slay at home homo when moisture falls They seek seck out the tho green spots when a drought Is on But the th strange thing thine Is that tha the hoppers hopper will not molest a po- po po potato tato tUo or pea patch but will make for the th sugar u r beets beet The Tb experts are are endeavoring to 10 discover the tho attraction In the beel beets for tho to white fly I Lately a worm Invaded the wheat fields of tile the th west and In some lome districts district did heavy damage before the tho wheat had bad matured WIth whIte whit tiles flies worms aphis and blight operating In tn the tho coun coun- country coun- coun country country try one on livIng In the city reaches the tho conclusion that the tho farmer If lie he ever gets enough ahead to buy buyan bUyan bUyan an auto I Is a lucky fellow It Is not surprIsing to learn that acres of farm land has ha been abandoned In tho the past year And nd then there ther t Is another at- at af at affliction which assails the th farmer farmel When he h has a good crop ot or any any- anything anything any thing the th bottom drops out of oC The l to that rule rul oc- oc occurred occurred oc occurred last year rear when the farm farm- farmers farmers farmers ers of or the tho east lost their potato crop and the tho farmers of Utah Ulah and 1 I Idaho had the th biggest crop In years ears CJ Out But the tho th old old rule rulo Is working with peaches ea year The year The The loaded with luscious fruit but buyers are ar not making inviting In of- of offers ot of otter fers ter One favorable feature Is that the In ripening two weeks earlier than usual and they will get Into the th eastern market before beor the th m market Is s glutted a D farmer and wanted n I would dream I was wal near Singapore and the th owner of ofa rubber plantation I iTou You see to be b fantastically hap happy py ty y one on must take great flights of imagination and be bo something that thaL he be IS Is 13 not By fly the tho tb way you ou do not have to tobe tobe tobe be a farmer to farmer to be b afflicted with troubles The Tho Th most miserable of men are not on the th farm Man Many are ar In palaces i S S Those are wonderful discoveries being made mado In Yucatan where the story of a civilization long lone since vanished Is beIng retold by the archaeologists Digging Into the th ruins the sd- sd scientists have hav found more moro evidence of the culture of o the tho Maya Forty miles mil Into the tb depth depths o othe othe the tropical junges the experts have penetrated there ther to find the ruins ruina of desert desert- cities dUel with monuments sculptured by hands of artists One On shaft baft of stone shows show a ruler standing upon the tho back of a cap cap- cap and attended by his slaves slave It n II I a reminder that the tho th slave passing but It shocks us Ud when suddenly reminded that only 60 0 odd years ago azo Americans had slaves slave to drive and beat But Dut the th archaeologists though they have uncovered much Of f the thc history of the th Maya are arc confront confront- confronted confronted ed ad with wilh the most moat Important story atory sealed In mystery At about the th time of Christ the theM M Maya ya had bad great cities s from lIon Hon Honduras duras duru to the Gulf of Mexico Then something happened which those people to abandon their cit cit- citIes cit cities ies and move nove inov westward and then northward Into Yucatan W what caused the th fall fallot ot of th ti Roman empire Who What brought about the th exodus of or th the Maya from the th region ot or the th na flay of Honduras and finally what hal destroyed the th civilization cI of the Mayo Maya In Yucatan 7 2 if It is fa I estimated that million of highly Intellectual human s In the th clUes cities along alone the th coast cout of Central America Will WUl the th secret when revealed help America to guard cuard against omi om of the th pitfalls pitfall Into which civilization In the pat past has plunged Will Wilt tho the footprints footprint on the th tiro dl of point the way to disaster and oblivion T TIt It I 1 Is a fa ag work this delving Into the th past to disclose the romance and tragedy of not Continued on leo lago Two News and Views Page One one ono roll millions man and woman but of ot pill mil lions How far advanced the MCl- MCl Maya was Is Indicated by their alma alma- almanac almanac almanac nac In stone eton which divided the year Into Inta months of o 20 0 days daya Those wh who have studied the ree rec records ord say the chronology Is won won- wonderfully ae accurate ur te within a period ot of years rears Archaeologist tell u us more ot of great tragedy In yucatan that we may better understand ourselves S SA A telephone for tor or the tho deaf deal has boon bosn n perfected which will open a anew anew anew new world to the deaf dear we arc told Now Naw If It some ome genius will make It for the blind to ace ec there will be ba rejoicing The The Girl Scouts Scout camp In South SouthFork Fork Is to hell held l open house haue on Thursday Everybody Is Js Invited With a carnival spirit prevail ing prevailing the Ihs girl girls are to maks make merry and with the merriment they Wilt expreSs the th hope that they ma may return next neat nex year oar The public ha has been Invited to ta the event Girl Scouts Scout are worthy or of encouragement 00 I |