Show II I BO ELDER NEWS 1 BRIGHAM CITY Aug 4 Th 4 4 Second w ward Gleaners met at the hamo tonte of Mrs Scott Hor Horsley ley on onI I TUe Tuesday dllY evening Ref were served by Mrs Irs Mrs Ira I Flora Olsen Qisen and Mrs Bunice Olsen to this the th following lr and guests Mesdames Leona Reese Irene Horsley Atton Afton Mason Masan Flora Josephson and the tho hose noso and Emma Blau Burt Hazel Kelson elson Vivia Peterson I Luta Iula Jensen Connie Forsgren Foragren Phyllis Peterson and Lapreal Wood Atton AClo Ja Mason on p passed parsed ed Monday In Salt Lake Mr and Mrs frs Dan Peterson on mo- mo motored mo motored tore Tuesday to tD Salt Pait Lake hake and passed the da day ANNOUNCE ninin Mr and Mr Mrs Harold Cheney of Chinook Mont Mant are rejoicing over the arrival ot of o a II- daughter at the jhC Cooley Caoley hospital In this rl city f Mrs rr Chenoy Chency was formerly Miss Lydia I Miss Rene fien hammond Hammand of ot Salt Lake I Is visiting here hare for far or a few days with her parents parent Nr Mr and Mrs lira Fred Hammond I Mr and Mrs Mra Lorenzo Burt urt were wera recent visitors visitor to Ogden They I were guests at t the tho home borne of their daughter Mrs 1 I L Watson The Misses Emma Bla Blau and nd Javel Wallace were SAlt Jake visitors on M Monday A J lOIt VISIT Mr fr and Mrs hew anti and daughters daug folle and Belva Beiva mo- mo mo motored bred lored tr from m Salt Lake LallI oa on Monday evening accompanied bY py y lis Connie Forsgren or gren who wha had ed Iwo Wee week In Salt lAke and They are visiting for tor tora fora fora a few days at the hom home ot of o Nr Mr anti and Mrs aIrs frs Oscar Forsgren torI I Mr Mrs Chance Clarice Jors en j en n enter enter- entertained tamed at dinner Tuesday for or Mr r and Mr Mn Mrs Leon Mayhew and tarn tarn- fam family ily lIy of Salt Lake I-aho and 1 Mr lr and Mr MrS Oscar Forsgren Foragren en and 1 Connie and 1 NaomI Miss alias Aglaia Anderson has 88 re- re returned returned re returned turned homo home from southern Utah Ulah where she sh had been een employed and will pass ass the he remainder of the summer here n |