Show lAce Ace Hudkins Judkins 20 Years Year l Too Late to Win Title Thle Title ouId IV Would V Have Been Mit Champ In Days of Bat Nelson Nelon elson By Br JOE NEW V TTE YORK Aug 4 This 4 Thit Jq burg burr likes color and end fo for tor that reason It likes like Ace Aco the th I I cave man roan tighter fighter from rom Omaha who Is Ii now In the th Important money hereabouts as IlS the result of knock knock- knockIng knockIng knock Inc Ing out Ruby Goldstein II a young that everybody was cull call in tog a 0 second Benny Denny Leonard Hudkins Is a a lightweight lIe I lle been fighting out In the tho middle west vest and on the th Pacific coast for tor two or three years Kes Ke's an on Irish Irish- Irishman Irishman man Irish man with red rd hair and two teeth teth that look like twin pillars of fire lies lie's Ho managed by hIs brother Clyde Clyle who calls callshIm callshim callshim hIm Cat Cat because of ot his nick nick- nickname nickname nickname name Wildcat I The ring critics hero here have hav a habit ot of becoming hysterical over o overa overa a 0 newcomer who makes the tin grade unexpectedly It really reany much ot ot a a trick to knock out Goldstein who Is 13 only a 0 kid wIth plenty to learn but Hudkins 1 did It ItIn ItIn itt In a 0 way that ted fed ew New Yorks York's pas pas- pas passion don sion 1011 for tor the tho spectacular and that's what put him hint over bIg ble ODD QUALITY The Th next day the th boys boy who write for the tha papers paper 1 pers vied led with one on an- an another an another other t trying to see seo se who could lift I Hudkins to tho the teat scat on tt Mt Olympus where only the tho th gods dwell They called him every every- thin every thin thing from a cross between Eat Bat Nelson and Ad Wolgast to a 0 pound pound Stanley and a vest vest- vest pocket pocket Dempsey Dempey Well i It may be b that he h is I all allot ot of that that Or or some som of It at least What I like about him mot most Is his native enthusiasm for the ring lie Jle actually roams to love to fight A Alot Alot Alot lot ot of battlers balters Havo claimed this quality but tew few have bave really had It will take a pasting and then come como onto to win In In this ro- ro res re respect s he h is like Nelson of ot old who was durable enough to win wina wina a 1 world championship In 11 the days ot of long fights but who would probably ably bo be a sucker aucker for lor some of ot the rata second rate speedsters In the sprints which mako meo up fighting for forthe the tho most moot part today It may be that came cam to the game came 20 O 0 years too late Inte to wIn wina wina a 0 championship There III is no doubt that ha bo would have havo been up among the th leaders leaden In time lime His Its ruggedness his stamina and his tl fighting heart would have put him there lIlTS JIlTS FLOOR Today when lI tappIng ht and n flashy hy footwork are more or less lessof of a a vogue In the tho ring rine the tha Quail quaIl- qualities ties which are arc dominant In Hud Hud- Hudkins kin Hud kins arC are not so important and the probability ot or hI his cashin cashing In on them to the th extent ot of a crown n Is lirot not cot encouraging HudkIns was on the th floor In the first round of his fight with Gold Gold- A solid whIrring punch pinch to the Jaw sent hl him there He H took tooka a count ot of live five and then got up Goldstein looked surprised The Themen Themen Themen men he had beep been stay stayed d Gown down when hen hit Hudkins not Only came back but camo came back snorting snorting and fire and throwIng thunder all over the ring Before the th fI fight ht some som sympathetic scribes were talking to Mud Hud Hud kins killS about speed peed and punch Hudkins l listened cour- cour courteously cour courteously until th the tha boys bors had spilled their gratuitous gab cab Then shirt shIft shirtIng shIfting Ing a bl big bis black unlit whIch cigar clear Is ever with him and Is never lithe lithe lit he h drawled Well ell gentlemen I 1 figures to hit him once anyway and that's all I usually need The Cat figured rIght He hit Goldsten once A that crashed Into the te East SId Side bOYs bOY's jaw jow with the force torce tore of ot a bat This was In the tou fourth th round Goldstein was out for eight minutes minute |