Show OGDEN PAVING CAN GO 00 AHEAD Realtors Hold City Mis Mis- Mistake Mistake take Should Not yot Progress A special meeting of the th Ogden Real neal Estate Board was oS held Tues Tues Tues- Tuesday Tuesday day August 3 to consider the pending litigation in connection with Paving District No The meeting was called at the th ot of William J Blackburn whoso whose suit against the tho city has prevent prevent- prevented prevented ed work from proceeding In the district Mr Blackburn stated his views with reference to the th con con- con controversy tro between the property owners and the th city commissioners the members of o the tho th board being being- lit hr accord with the position he h had taken In the tho matter malter However Howe as several of o the realtors In addition to himself are owners of o consid consid- considerable considerable considerable erable frontage In the district and andIn andin andIn In view of the fact Dat at delay would prevent the Installation lion tion of or the tho pavIng this year e Mr Blackburn stated that In then the n in interest n- n terest of his bis ellow fellow realtors and In deference to 10 the th wishes of many of the th property owners In the dl he h would withdraw v from rom fur fur- fur further thee ther action in tho the matter malter nO IU CONI The attitude of the th city officials was discussed at length leneth and the whole procedure of o the city commission In Inviting the tho th property property prop- prop erty owners to express their prof as 09 to the type of paving and promising to abide by hi wishes of the majority and th then n repudiating their promises In awarding the contract was as con con- condemned con condemned by the board as a whole It n was the sense sens of the meeting however that mistakes and errors on the tho th part of the th city officials should not be allowed to retard the progress of the city UH STATEMENT IT IF After the meeting rn of the Ogdon Real neal l Estate Board Mr fr Blackburn made the following statement nt I In deciding to withdraw front from further action In connection with Paving District No I wish Ish t to say lay that this Is an entirely volun volun- voluntary voluntary tary action on my part Although considerable pressure has been ben ex cx Cx exerted by certain I to in- in In Indue dilce d due me inc ta 3 withdraw earlier I have not been at all disturbed b hj this li-this this I realise that A tt number of Cf property owner In the have bought property and ar building homes In expectation of othe the tho district being waved aved and It Is In the Interest of these proper property ers owr and to prevent Injury to some omo of o my fellow realtor that I Ih have v consented con to withdraw Tile The Th facts In this controversy have bern bein placed placed before the public and enough has haa been said laid to show v clearly the th attitude of our present city officIalS official In the conduct of our city's affairs not only In this hut hutin butIn In other recent Ina |