Show BUS BUS LINE FOR FOH lOGAN SOUGHT IN PLACE OF TROLLEY CARS Petition to Abandon Street Car Oar Service Is Filed FAR FARE TO BE 7 CENTS I Mot Motor Motor- r V Vehicle More MoreO rore O Other lier Road I Called Obsolete Th The Utah Utah- Utah Idaho Central Rail Rail- Rail nail Railroad road roid ro d compan company through p P F It H Mulcahy general c manager was preparing to tile file with tho the pUblic Utilities commission today a a peti- peti petition peti petition tion requesting permission to abandon the street car line In Lo- Lo Logan ran Lo-ran gan and nd to substitute bus bus ser service with a fare cent to apply Continuous us operation at a loss lossis Is given ghen as the reason for seeking abandonment abandonment The company says It can serve sene more territory with the proposed bus service The petition calls attention to the flexibility of or motor vehicle service and applies the term ob ob solete soleto to the street str railway line TEXT 01 PETITION The petition and application of othe the Utah Idaho Cen Central ral Railroad company respectfully shows I 1 That It Is la now and for many years last past has been a railroad 1 corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of andIs the tho laws of the th State Slate Stat of Utah and Is now and for many m ny years ears last past has been operatIng a street streetcar streetcar streetcar car line Hue In III Los Logan Loean n ICKy ICILy Cache county State Stat of Utah and othe other railroad line lines and Interurban ser ser- ice service serice between and at other points In the tho state of Utah and Idaho 2 That continuously for many years ears said street car line has been operated at a loss that the tho revenues operation of the tho same have hav not been and are aro not now sufficient to meet meol tho the ac- ac ac actual operating expenses expense much less to pay any interest on ins capital DUTY TO PEOPLE lEOPLE 3 That the petitioner and ap- ap applicant ap applicant recognizes nevertheless Its duty dut to continue to furnish to the people of Qt Logan Loran Loran-CUy City trans traM trans trans- transpOrtation transportation service within of said city so long Ions a as the tho fur fur- furnishing fur of said service docs does not constitute such luch a a drain upon tho resources that the same Impairs its ability to furnIsh ado ado- ade adequate quate transportation ser Ben sen ice to the theother theother other communities served by It AS aforesaid 4 That the th street car line lino now being operated operate l by your po- po pe petitioner and applicant In the tho City of Logan Loean has baa ha b been en In for a number of o during thai holt period portions of the city hAve been developed for residential purposes which sal said ald 1 line docs does not serve at all and It Is ls not feasible or practicable to build other lines to such sections that your peti- peti peti petitioner and applicant believes and ro alleges the tho fact to be that by reason reMon of the flexibility of motor vehicle service your our pe- pe petitioner pe petitioner can render to the tho people of a city the size of Logan Locan City more adequate service by means of motor vehicle s than by an obsolete let lete leto street railway line which cannot be extended to meet tIle tho changing needs of the th city CENT EVEN M n X FARn nC I S 5 That the usual faro fare charged upon motor vehicles operated In cities throughout the tho country Is 10 c cents per one on way tare fare but your petitioner and applicant be- be be believes that by the use uso of high ciss equipment and more ade- ade ade adequate quate service It can cnn furnish sal said 1 transportation to the th people of the City of L Logan gan at a way one one wayfare fAre of 7 cents or three fares for 20 cents and 20 school tickets for floo and If It this petition and ap- ap application ap application bo be granted you your peti- peti petitioner peti petitioner and applicant requests au- au authority au authority to fix the rates as above stated G 6 That Th t your petitioner and applicant now h has 9 a franchise from said Logan Loan City to operate as 05 a common carrier by motor vehicle of passengers over the streets alleys alley and public places or of std city Wherefore your petitioner and applicant requests request permission from the commission to abandon It its present street car line In Logan City and to substitute a motor vehicle service for tor the transportation of ol passengers over the streets alleys and public places of ot saM saId ald city charging for such service ervice the rates rate hereinbefore hereinbefore fore set et forth 00 |