Show i I i FAVORITE L. L r J FOR WEAK WOMEN Society Night at t tho p- p Utah Chamber hambel of Commerce 4 4 58 50 W. W 3rd rd 11 So St. St TONIGHT HT I and ami Cr C every ery Sat eve CYC hereafter l' l lIf If 1 Come and See the Permanent Permanent Permanent Perma Perma- nent Display O OF fc f Utah's Resources I and Products NO o E s c Music from flom to 1000 I p. p in m.- m. x S SS 7 S K DAILY Si Bring the Boy Down Town Today Then bring him hini in here and get him the needed pair pah of Hose the Shirt the Waist the Hat or the Cap And if his Overcoat is not just what you most desire take a alook alook look at the big bargains we weare are offering The following prices are in effect today values for values for values for tT values for S values for 4 1000 values for YOU CAN PAY PU IOnE But you ou can n never ver get got such values in furs for your money as we wo offer Mci esy the Furrier Knutsford A S. 3 line classified n ad In The Republican Re ne- Ite- Ite publican will Sell It It Rent Rent It It or or Exchange Exchange Ex Ex- Ex- Ex change chango It costs It-costs costs but 10 for fOI each insertion THIS SAM ox ON FURS FUnS i That everybody y Is looking for is now at nt its Ils height the tho Furrier Knutsford I EXCURSION TO Mexico City February ROUND TRIP FARE Through sleeper Choice of Routes Party Will Be Personally Conducted Lowest Rate Ever Offered A Grand Winter Tour Through the South Into the Heart Hearl of Mexico S EVERYBODY INVITED SEE ANY Y NY J n. n It R. G. G AGENT l FOR FOI 1 PARTICULARS Do Yo Yoeu Like Honest S Square l Dr Pierces Pierce's world famed medicines arc are put out under the belief that publicity is th the best possible guaranty of merit and that th the most Intelligent intelligent Intel intel- people generally W want to know what they take into their stomachs stoin- stoin 1 achs hether it be as food drink or medicine Although it wJ's was abold step to t take ke and quite O out tt of the us usual tal practice of f makers 0 of proprietary proprietary I i tar tary medicines yet Dr Pierce some time ago decided to publish broadcast broadcast broad broad- iI cast and n on n all his wrappers bottle all the ingredients e entering into broad I th the composition or up makeup of his celebrated family medicines A square J deal is therefore assured every one using his medicines for one knows c. c exactly what wha he or she is paying for when purchasing them since every ingredient is published in plain l in English on the wrappers bottle-wrappers and arId the lite Correctness of lI the ic same attested under solemn oath call These several ingredients I cuts are arc selected from among the very best known to medical science i for the cure of the various diseases for which these medicines arc are r recommended Tho The most moss eminent and nd leading medical med mcd- ical teachers and writers of nfl all lI the thc several schools of practice have ha endorsed each of the ingredients entering into Dr Pierces Pierce's medic medicines ms m's in the strongest pos- pos Th The Dr Pierces Pierce's me medicines believe hat intelligent people do I ish i t ish to op n a their mouths like a lot lot f young bir s and gulp Ip down el is se to them either in inthe inthe the way 0 ol J o. o lh k ri k or medicine without knowing knowin si 51 s n nt hing of the properties and md harmie character of the a agents employed They that it health i fc too S 4 ii q hf n ti pe p f to 10 tobe be ex l. erini P 4 Ith an t tt 1 ro II 8 S lUll not A kr III Irl r J n nf lu If f rOIl rOIl- I 1 OZ IU n 0 Ir u i urr r It P ill ii mice Hr r. r s mw me are arc mn ma e wholly from the roots root of plants found growing crowing in tho depths of our American fore forests t They ar are arp go 60 compounded e that they cannot yb do rio harm in any my crisp case a r. r even evento evento to the mot delicate woman or child By open publicity Dr Pierce has lias taken his his' medicines out of tho the list of secret nostrums nostrums nos nos- trunis of doubtful l merit and find made them REMEDIES OF OP KNOWS KNOWN COMPO COMPO- The They are arc therefore in a class all aU b by themselves being bing absolutely an anin and andin andin in every ery sense non By this bold step Dr Pierce has hns shown that his formulas are arc of such excellence that he is not a afraid raid to subject them to the fullest scrutiny There is a n. badge of honesty on on every bottle of Dr Pierces medicines in the full fun list of its in ingredients red duly attested as correct under solemn oath No other medicines pu put up for general use me through druggists can make claim to any such distinction and none other than Dr Pierces Pierce's medicines have any such euch professional endorsement of their in ingredients Such professional endorsement endorsement endorse endorse- ment should have far more wei weight ht with the afflicted than any amount of lay or professional non onal endorsement or Of course tho exact proportion of each in ingredient used in Dr Pierces Pierce's medicines as well vell as the work working n formula or manner of preparing the silme same and the specially is dc devised d apparatus and appliances appliances ap employed In in their manufacture are arc withheld from publicity that Dr Pierces Pierce's proprietary rj rights may bo be full fully protected from such unprincipled imitators imi mu- as mi might ht be l The preparation of or these these medicines without use nse of a drop of alcohol so eo generally employed and y yet t so harmful in rn the tho long lone run to most invalids s when its use C is lon long continued even een in small r. r do does S 'S cost Dr Ir Pierce several years of careful study nn and labor with tu the ai aid of f skilled pharmacists and chemists to I. I t assist him Naturally he does docs not care i I to give o away his scientific and exact processes ses for Cor preparing the p medicines jj but ho lie does docs want to deal in the most open manner with all his Ins patrons and 1 patients an and under this frank open ah and aM I Y honest lonest way say of dealing ealing t they ey IOa may know exactly what thc they are arc taking when using I his hil- medicines S. S What Do They Cure This question ques ques- Hon tion is often asked conc concerning min Dr Pierces Pierce's t I two wo leadin leading medicines Golden i I 1 Medical Discovery and Favorite Pre Pre- j The answer is that Golden Medical i Discovery Disco i is a n most pot potent nt alterative ti o or purifier blood-purifier and tonic tome or I or and acts especially favorably in a curative o and healin healing way upon all nil the mucous lining surfaces as of the nasal Ii passages es throat bronchial t tubes stomach storn ach aeh bowels and bladder curing a a. large large f fp p per r c cx cent nt of catarrhal cases whether tho disease affects tho the nasal passages tho the J 0 throat larynx bronchia stomach as nS' j jc c catarrhal dyspepsia bowels as mucous f diarrhea bladder uterus or other Y pelvic organs Even in the tho chronic or ulcerative c eta stages S of these affections i it itis is often oHen successful in effecting cures Tho The U Favorite Prescription is nd advised ged 7 for tho the cure of or ore o class of diseases OI only Y y those peculiar weaknesses derangements derangements derangements derange derange- ments and irregularities incident to women It is a powerful yet ct gentl gently gently gen gen- tl acting invigorating rating tonic an and strengthening ncr me for out worked over women Women no no matter I.- I. what has caused d the down break-down Favorite Favorite Fa Prescription will be found most f effective in building up tho the strength regulating the womanly functions subduing subduing sub sub- 1 duing pain and bringing about a healthy vigorous condition of the whole system Women suffering from diseases of long longstanding longstanding standing are invited to consult Doctor 1 Pierce by letter free All correspondence correspond correspond- ence enee is held as strictly private and Md sacredly confidential Address Dr R. R u V. V Pierce Pieree Buffalo N. N Y Dr Pierces Pierce's Medical Adviser 1000 fJ p pages paces cs is sent ent free on receipt of 21 one one- r i cent stamps for paper covered or fl nu M I stamps for foe cloth bound copy Address t I as ns above S r I Insure yourself against the changeable weather we 5 shall have during the next month or so by burning i J 5 Castle Gate or Clear Creek Coal M J Ji S i It keeps the house at an even temperature S. S THE UT UTAH AH LJ FUEL CO DOOLY DOOL Y BLOCK CITY I i iI I S jt I 1 I S Bifocal i The Invisible Irl Bifocal II Tho Tim Tho Columbian Special Lens i No o Patch No 0 Cement 0 Is Half j I Curves CUr Round Hound the Lie Ec No Ni Other Oilier no ns as Good Goot I Wo e Arc ru Sole Agents I A Eye Ec S Comforter Stores COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO IU I Kansas City t Denver r Dallas Daas I 9 Main Iain Street S 'S Omaha Snit Lako City Portland I I V R. R G. G DUN CO I DRUNKENNESS CURED S i A t a 1 permanent per 1 S. S man manent nt euro for OF GEORGE KUST General Manager drunkenness and Utah Idaho Wyoming anti ami Nevada drug addictions J Brunch P Parent n r c for n t Offices lu JIl Pro Progress Building House Dwight Ii Ill 5 con von S SALT LAKE LAIE CITY fi ICI I rc ir-rc Tho The Oldest ana Largest V IV S. S Tern St St. Salt Lake Lako City CHy I C Utah lah J f S J t. t 7 DONT DON'T BEEN DON'T DONT I HAVE YOU DELAY M R DELAY OUR GREAT SALE OF HIGH-CLASS HIGH SUITS AND OVERCOATS HAS BEEN A GRAND SUCCESS CROWDS HAVE BEEN HERE THEY SAW THEY WERE PLEASED THEY PURCHASED AND SOUNDED OUR PRAISES TO THEIR FRIENDS ITS IT'S A MONEY SAVER BUT YOU'D BETTER HURRY I M a Our High fligh Class 1800 t J Al 2000 2500 and 30 j S Suits and Overcoats are 9 5 going quickly at I J S CLOTHING HATS SHIRTS SWEATERS UNDERWEAR NECKWEAR ETC ETC FOR MEN AND BOYS ARE BEING BE BE- B j I ING CLEARED AT DEEPLY CUT PRICES I BA BARTON R T 0 N CO C 0 MEN CLOTHIERS AND BOYS TO TOMEN MAIN i. i S t M UP f ruf 1 v T p ti m. J-m. |