Show I HOUSE CALENDAR 1 Kills Bills Introduced Friday H. H I. I B. B Xo No 81 st Downs Making lal 1111 an nn appropriation for rOI the tho improvement of certain Fortain road un ana bridges In Carbon Calbon county Highways an and bridges I H n. B. B No SI 84 Hone to certain county and precinct and ami to establish tho the term terni of ot office olce and to pro l provide e for fOI tho ho time lime of electing elect elect- In lug ing tho the count county assessor and antI sheriff Election H. H B. B No 85 55 Kuchler To Kuchler-To To require all prison made goods to 10 he plainly marked as such Manufactures and anil commerce H. H B. B No SC 86 Kuchler An act to secure the payment of labor performed per formed an and material immaterial furnished on public improvements ments Labor II IT B. B No Nu 87 Peder On Creating ri a state board boat of or accountancy and prescrIbing prescribing proscribing pre pro scribing Its duties and alit powers and providing pro pro- viding for the examination of the Is Issuance Is- Is of certificates to qualified applIcants applicants ap ap- ap- ap with the lie designation of certified certified cel tined public accountant and anti to provide pro pro- vide vido the tho grade of or penalty penally for the tho violation vIa vio lation of or the provisions pro Judiciary Ju Ju- H. H B. B No SS 55 Robinson Amend Amending In ing section I 1 of or the laws of Utah 1903 entitled an act making it tIme the dut duty of county count auditors to prepare preparo and file statements showing the tho amounts paid pail for roi salaries of county assessors I an antI and county treasurers and amI their deputies deputies deputies dep dep- and antI a assistants an and providing for forthe forthe forthe the apportionment of or sai said sum to the various taxing funds Salaries and antI tees fees 5 II H. B. B No 89 Marks larl Marks s Relating to tho the conveyance of personal property Judiciary H. H B. B No 90 O Richards Preparation tion of a state course of study for 01 tho the state normal normil schools and training school E Education aind art II B. B No 91 Richards RIchards Amending Amend ing lug section 1783 chapter 3 of or the thc rc- rc AM I or t ci ho o qualifications of or count county ell ell- dents and also changing the time when tho the county superintendent shall tal take c office Education and art S H. H B. B No 9 92 I Richards Richards Amend Amending ing lug section 35 chapter tOi session laws Jaws 1 1905 fixing tho the per cent of bondad bonded bond bontI- ed etI Inde indebtedness of taxable property In Jn school districts Judiciary H. H B. B No 93 Richards Amend Amend ing section C 6 6 chapter session laws of ot 1905 prescribing the manner by which judges of or school elections shall shaH qualify Judiciary H. H B. B No No- 94 9 llono lIono Amending liono-Amending Amending section 4 4 of ot article i 13 of or tho the constitution constitution constitution of tho the state of Utah relating to tho the taxation of minos mines and the net proceeds proceeds pro pro- of or mines Judiciary u II B. B No 95 Ii Clegg This Clegg-This This bill was returned to Mr 11 Clegg with Instructions to write a title fo for it |