Show SAGACITY OF TIlE THE nEE DEC MAX MAN A President Roosevelt noose Is only Dr Bryan an I In iii orfice says a s 1 tho Sacramento nto Dec Bee the sagacious editor of And a truer word was never spoken eJ I r President Roosevelt is simply ALL tho the good men of the tho country country Jn in I. I T The Tho o practical point is that he IS In office t. The difficulty with tho 1 is that it I v cant can't at Do anything It thinks profoundly tho the Democratic party discovers dist dis dis- dis J Thero There are aro times when l' l covers truths touching the universal scheme that aro arc I t perfectly fine Thera aro are times when one of or its members with a blessed gift of ot public speech like 0 Mr Bryan Doan rises and I. I tells tells' to tho the world the good things the vision Ision has shown him And th tho world wishes those things could come true But Mr Br Bry Bryan n. n can C not bring bring them true r r- r r Tho The Democratic party can can not bring them true Even when the Democratic party parlY was In power It Il failed ailed to bring Into being beins the splendid things that have e been uttered led for the bettering of ot government from the d days s 's of or Thomas Jefferson down to tho the then present In n fact act the D Democratic party part when It was in power was less prolific even of good thoughts expressed than it ever has been beeh when hopelessly out of ot the running And nd tho the people people have come to appreciate the Democratic Democratic Demo Demo- cratic party at its true worth Having none of tho cares c of oC office to distract the attention of its statesmen nor 4 t disturb tho reveries rles of its bachelors the tho nation has a af aright f right to expect an output of or good policies from the Democratic Demo Demo- cratic tic party pott 1 But Dut that is as far as the nation Is willing to trust oven Mr Bryan Dryan 1 4 i difference between thinking and doing t h I j omo of the think hut none of them DO T All or of tho the Republicans think and ana those In office have e the he power to enact in into established institutions the best thoughts of ot tho the as age age no no matter who originated them President Roosevelt may be simply Dr Bryan an in office ounce as the Bee Beo declares declares he is But tho the point is that ho he hoIS IS IN OFFICE that ho can accomplish results that hat the people put him there because they thoy had discovered he ho had thoughts that were worth something to tho the nation and could effectuate results with them them results results that were needed and desired by the people And they put Democrats into office because to i f speak peak plainly b Democrats think one think before election 1 L and another afterward S Mr Roosevelt noose is THE BEST OF THE NATION NATION- IN OFFICE And he lie Is In because he typifies the theT f T r. c best of ot the nation I V |