Show IS OPENING MINE ON BLUE DUE MOUNTAIN Governor Sparks Heads New NewS S Company Which Is Sacking Sacking Sack Sack- ing lug Rich Ore Tho Tue discovery ery of rich ore at al Lida on tho the top of or Blue Dick mountain I I rh right ht in among three of the best bost known of the old mines of oC that sec sec- section lion llon has led lell to the formation of or a company for Cor the purpose 11 of opening the he mine mino John Sparks governor of or Nevada has other interests in the iho Lida valley alloy valley district Is the president of or the company which is called the Storm Cloud Mining EIning company the lie vice l- l is 18 Thomas homas II H. TI Tighe he assemblyman assembly assembly- man nan from I county a J sue uc- mining and business man of or el 1 secretary Dr W W. C. C Chilson a a. well known Gol physician hese with A. A B. B Aston o or of Aston Aslon Sears oars and Dr Dl D. D A. A Beattle a a. prom prom- mont nent physician of San Jose form tho ho family The Thc property of or the Storm Cloud consIsts of oC three claims and a It fraction tying lying on the tue theer er very top lop of Blue nine Dick mountain on the west vest side of or LI Lida alley valley with such neighbors as a. the tho TIme lue Dick Centennial Standard Lida Ilda Belie Jolle and nd Now C Centennial by which Itis it itIs its is s practically surrounded 1 The former owed Carlson had opened 1 a CL shoot of rich Ich ore on the surface which h ran and and from high In both silver sil gold old which he made natle shipments which noted not net ed tell a ton At a depth of oC 20 oct feet tho the oxidized 1 ores oros were 1 replaced replace 1 J. J y sUlphide sulphides and the values turned almost almost al- al most exclusively ly to tn tho th yellow metal The Tho ho pay Jay ell ck at this depth was cl eight ht Inches wide now three fifty thle f foot feet t front from the tho 10 surface thieve there Is five feet of lr sul- sul ore tire which aVla averages es 10 a ton or jf Jr which bet between n fOlt forty and anti fifty lifty tons Is s sacked ed and awaiting transportation |