Show Y W W. C. C A. A ELECT OFFICERS Chairmen of or Various arlouS Departments ChO Chosen Jl at ut Annual Sleeting At Al tho the regular monthly meeting meeting- of tho the Y 1 W W. C C. A A. A Friday afternoon at atthe tho the club house after acter the tho business meeting when reports were were read chairmen for COl different committees were appointed The work is 15 divided Into four departments for tor each of ot which a tt vice president Is elected In Inthe Inthe n nt t the hc religious department first vice ico president Mrs Mis J J. J C C. McNUt business business business busi busi- ness department Mrs Irs J. J J R R. second vice president educational department department de de- which provides for classes and clubs physical culture and library Mrs Irs J J. J R. R Hancock third vice president social department Mrs Irs Lidyard M. M Bailey fourth vice dent Chairman of or Bible committee Mrs 1 C C. G G. Plummer chairman finance finance finance fin fin- ance committee Mrs Irs T T. B B. Beatty i chairman membership committee Mrs Irs A. A J J. J Gorham chairman boardIng boarding board board- In Ing house committee Mrs Mar Mary Caffall Carrall Carr Calf all chairman committee of travelers I and work Mss Miss C C. E E. Robinson Classes are aie being formed In German and shirtwaist making and arrangements arrangements arrangements arrange arrange- ments are lire being made mado for organizing a n glee club All women in the city are arc requested to take tal o an interest In Inthis Inthis inthis this noble work which means so much to Lo the young youn women who come under It Its influence |