Show I I 1 Briefs Richfield Fe Feb 1 TIme The The two months old olt babe of or Mr an and Mrs A. A V. Wo Anderson Anderson Ander Ander- morning of bronchial broil bron son died yesterday dual chial pneumonia J. J C C C- CLarson Larsen Larson age 8 St years year died yesterday yesterday yes yes- i lIe He hud bud of old age e and antI debility lived In Richfield about 25 2 years year 4 A baby girl Irl c catTle camo mo to the thc home homo of MI Mr and antI Mrs airs Earl King yesterday morning Mr and antI Mrs MtH King cume caine to t train Sunny l e a ii short hol time ugo ago Henry C. C Larson Larsen and ind Alma I Frand- Frand sen of ur were werd visitors yesterday The first t dance In the time Anona pavilion pavil pati ion was given last night The Time crowd crowll ivas large larse an and merry morry and antl a good time was had bud Another dance will be given n Saturday night |