Show FISHER BEER Is not a Common be beer r. r It tt challenges challenges chal thaI lenges comparison with the product of any brewery in the world Try a case and be convinced A. A Fisher Brewing Company Phone Classified ads under lell Help Wanted Male or 01 Female and Wanted anted Situa Situa Situation tion ton classifications are arc Iun run three times In The Thc Republican free A 3 line lne 3 classified ad In The Tita Republican Re Re- publican will wi Sell It Rent It-Rent Rent I-Rent Rent It or It-or or I-or or Exchange Exchange Exchange Ex Ex- change It It-c It costs I-costs costs but 10 for or each insertion FREE CONCERT GIVEN WITH VITI THE TIE Victor and Edison Talkers ALSO THE TIIE Tl Lester I Interior Piano Player and Aeolian VOCAL SELECTION BY DY Mrs Kate Anderson Bridewell-Anderson Anderson MEZZO SOPRANO Saturday Evening Feb 2 IN IX OUR NEW MUSIC HALL Romney Daynes-Romney Music Co Go 27 25 East First South SAlT I lA I r I George D. D Manager I Monday Tues Feb 5 4 Ul Matinee Tuesday Tuc at al 2 30 JO Klaw Erlan Erlanger er Present Geor George e M M. Cohan's ni Biggest est Success 45 Minutes From Broadway With Corinne a Notable NoLabe Cast and Chorus prices WI to 1 00 Sale Kale alc now onNet on OIl Next t Attraction Wed and anci Thurs VId and special Thurs mat maL at 2 23 30 Paul II In At Yale SaIt Hair Pr e Prices Monday Z c to 1 lr SO Mat 2 to 10 l n n 1 MODERN VAUDEVILLE ALL TillS THIS tEIL use The rie 1001 Loop Sutherland A. A Curtis Curti E 3 Troubadours 3 Anna Anoa Chanil Chandler 1 evening except Sunday 7 We rc Every erY E 2 Box seats 0 Matinee Dally Daily Except Sunday and Monday DaiY SOc Me o and lOc Box set seath Thc tr trA A M COX MATINEE TODAY Tonight ht I ta t t of or That Yankee ll Doodle THE KING OF TRAMPS Starting Sunday 1 E That Thal Merry tu MY WIFE'S FAMILY k Si I LI THEATRE L Lake Lekes JI Only I Family n T Theatre b t TONIGHT BROTHER FOR BROTHER Oc Oe a 2001 anti Oc OcI PRICES nU L I N I Matinees and und Saturday rl g |