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Show j: n. prominent Utah artist and has Salt Lake City is currently the guest artist exhibiting 10 of exhibited his oils, etchings, water colors in former Utah exhibits. Ken Bischoff Baxter was born August 3, 1944 in San his attractive paintings in oils at the Barnes Banking Company for the November Art Diego, Calif., and when he was five, his family moved Exhibit. MR. BAXTER a is . Ken Baxter opened a display of his oils at Barnes Bank in Kaysville last week. Baxter (Kens brother, who is he was impressed with the back to Utah. He attended a professional portrait beauty of snow and the snow school at Glendale Jr. High as potential landscape. painter). Kens painting and West High School in Salt studies have always been part He met his wife, Myranda, ' Lake City. of his travel. during his university years, and they were married two A MISSION for the LDS I MR. BAXTER stated years later in London, Church took him to the Wesconsider traveling and study England in 1969. They took tern Canadian Mission where of art work that has withstood this opportunity to travel the test of timet to be two of through Europe for three the most significant' educathe months, visiting tional requirements for a prominent art galleries along the way. They now have two working artist. It is too easy to be caught up in one direcchildren. KAYSVILLE EXHIBIT Ken Bischoff Baxter, l Kawswile Climbs Mrs. Lucille Kennah hosted the Athena Club at her home Wednesday evening, Nov. 3. Mrs. Roetta Horsley and Mrs. Pauline Tippetts were assist- at the home of Mrs. Donna Andrus. The lesson will be given by Mrs. Morjorie Hernwill meet Monday, Nov. donate a gift item suitable for a veteran for Christmas. Those who have not donated their gift are asked to take them to Mrs. Ashbaker. Mrs. Nora Miller enter- 15 don. The Kaysville Art Club will meet Monday, Nov. 15 at the home of Mrs,; Vera Liston. Mrs. Beth Dredge and Mrs.. ing hostesses. Mrs. Leola Pigmore gave a slide lecture oa. the bicentennial titled . Man Without a Country with Mrs. Carol Duckworth as ? Nbre"MilJei'iH be treader and Mrs. Joyce ing. The program will be given by Mrs. Kay Blood. Winters, soloist. will Members of the Mrs. LaRena Sandall enattend the regular monthly tertained the Sunflower Camp dinner meeting in Ogden on of Daughters of Utah Pioneers November 18. at her home Thursday, Nov. Members of the American 11. Mrs. Leone Cottrell was Auxiliary met Monday Mrs. hostess. Legion assisting a Dorraine Hales gave the evening at the home of Mrs. Rebecca Ashbaker for their The Kays Creek Camp of regular monthly meeting. Nine members attended. Daughters of Utah Pioneers Members donated Christmet Thursday afternoon at mas gifts to be taken to the the home of Mrs. Lucile B. Sheffield. Assisting hostesses Veterans Hospital in Salt Lake City. Each member is to were. Mrs. Edith Koldewyn and Mrs. Rildah Smith. The lesson was given by Mrs. Edna Parker. Mrs. Julia Webster enter- tained the ALonas Club at her home Tuesday evening. Mrs. 8-- Colemere were assisting hostesses. Members of the Bay View Club met Wednesday, Nov. 10 at the home of Mrs. Vera Liston. Mrs. Helene Tanner was in charge of the program. Guest speaker was Dean Holman, administrator of the new Davis North Medical Center. Mrs. Beverly Robison was hostess to the Fine Arts Club at her home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Leola Kirby was The book review was given by Mrs. Joyce Clark. The Phillips Camp of Daughter of Utah Pioneers Liston was hostesses. Mrs. Carol Nelson introduced Miss Saskia Tiedemann from Hamburg, Germany. Miss Tiedemann is an American Field Service student attending Davis High School and making her home with the Eugene England family. She spoke to the group on her native country and customs. les-so- tained the Neighborhood Birthday Club at her home Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Lavida Larkins, Mrs. Ora Campbell and Mrs. Clara yera tess to the Lantern Club at her home Monday afternoon. Mrs. Kay Blood and Mrs. Ruby Williams as assisting include painting backdrops for the LDS Visitor Center in Washington D.C. and painting backdrops of Ballet Wests Nutcracker Suite with Ronald Crosby, the designer, and Dan IT WILL continue running tonight, Friday and Saturday with tickets available at the door. Price of the tickets are $1.50 for adults and $1 for OTHER members of the cast are Anita McCombs, Lori students. m FE0AIL unknown in this country, and their works are accessible, to the traveler. Sometimes another artist will do something special in a painting that will trigger new ideas in my work, and that is very important to me. I like to Sjrf experiment within my chosen areas of interest. Chandler, Brent Lutz, Scott' Carter, Tom Furlong, Randy Davis and David Crabtree. The community is encouraged to come out and support the high schools drama department for they have worked very hard preparing for this event.-mn- TKIAKIKSQIIOTJ There are many important ANY ONE WALL DECORATED FOR ONLY ' - painting and drawing. HE TAUGHT at Skyline and South High for a total of five years. Currently, he is painting full time and teaching a class for the University of Utah. His painting experiences auditorium. artists who are relatively , The schools drama departis presenting the comedy with the major roles going to Spencer Lyman as Lionel Reverend Toop, and Cathy Cash as Penelope Toop. ment play opened last night in the school tion. KEN BEGAN painting at: the age of 12. When he was 14 he received first place in the sophomore division of the Annual State Granite Art Exhibit with the second, painting he had ever painted. He studied art at night throughout high school and graduated from the Univeif sity of Utah where he received his BFA with an emphasis in See How They Run, Clearfields school MANY artists believe portant aspects of the j im- art experience have been lost through the recent years of experimentation. For me, this rediscovery takes place most .effectively through direct observation of the art work. The exhibit is sponsored monthly by the Fine Arts Committee of the Kaysville Civic Association with Mrs. Mary Cundall as chairman LIQUID WALLPAPER TYLER BUCKNER-376-8- 713 4 (with this ad) Exp. 1 1 -- 26-76 Includes Labor & Material Kaysville Miss Tracy Barnes will give her mission report on Sunday, Nov. 14 in the Kaysville Seventh LDS Ward. Miss Barnes has just returned home from serving an LDS Welfare Mission to the South America-ColumbMission. She is the daughter of Mrs. Helen Barnes. Mrs. Melpha A. Koldewyn was hostess to a dinner party ia for Brian Fillmore, Fayetteville, N.C., who is leaving for a LDS mission to Chile, South America. In attendance were Mrs. Marilyn Fillmore (Brians mother and Melphas niece) from Fayetteville, N.C. and two children Holly and Gary; and Dora A. Crawford, Mid- for your Confidence vale. Dear Fellow Utahns: You have greatly honored me by electing me to represent you in the United States Senate. During my campaign have promised to represent the majority views of the state of Utah, and you can count on me to do just that. will fight for legislation that will benefit the people of my state; and believe me, will vigorously fight against legislation that is not in our best interest. Although Senator Moss and have different political philosophy, feel a deep personal regard for him as a man and commend him for serving you for 18 years with honor. Thank you again for your confidence. ' vdduce I I I I I New Crop of Mixed Nuts 69 lb, WE HAVE PINE NUTS PLANT & PRIDE FRUIT BASKETS potting soil 20 OFF Senator Elect hand packed 349 A Up Hand woven baskets LARGE SELECTION POTS A MACRAME WE DELIVER TO CAFES V tig J Grown In a.- - &K Jr our own Large Greenhouse Authorized and paid tor by Had h tor Senate Campaign. A. Graey Nokes f : A t rVi V-- ,; if ,V .V, ;.' |