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Show 4 n cv -- v i 'tw'.' .tx M' I M IRNAI ry -- $' ptc&tiiah O - 1 '07? .atioiml Hazards mm 1 juscmoveu liu I can help you out. JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 50 lbs. concentrate ' DETERGENT 3W Special All And my basket is full 0f useful gifts to please your family. Take a break from unpacking and call me. 295-238- 4 Phone Models 773-50- 00 BOAT STORAGE Make your reservations now MORGAN FARMS E. 1 Boats Monthly Yearly under 19 $12.00 $100.00 over 19 $15.00 $125.00 Use the Summer Months for Snowmobiles Etc. Six Months minimum Maintain your own Insurance the local merchants who generously joined in honoring the first baby born in the new hospital SAL STORAGE SHEDS 10x10 1500 East Fiddlers Creek Road 376-813- (Steel R. C. Willeys, Syracuse B&B Department Store, Construction) $1 Hurry! Offer Limited While Supply LWDKI Lasts-Cre- Jacks ROBERTS CLOSED SUNDAY 825-39- 53 For Residential or Commercial Buildings Various Colors Baked on Enamel e Custom Made with Precision on Job S' -- tty or 394-856- 6 , - FREE ESTIMATES- Seams No 773-856- 6 Requires No No o r- - n LAYTON, UTAH I? Leaks . t. ii Don Pearson - Manager -- Hair Styling, Layton 5 RAID GUTTERS GRIMLY Layton Fabric Fair, Clearfield Mother Goose Shop, Layton Toms Super Save, Layton Layton Drug Harold Steele Photography, Clearfield State Bank Clearfield Melvins Shoes, Clearfield Candlelight Floral, Layton Sprouse-Reit- z, Clearfield Blocks Clearfield MeadJohnson Laboratories, Ogden Shupe Press, Clearfield Montgomery Wards, Layton Naylor Floral, Clearfield Cards Accepted dit Chandler Drug, Clearfield Bowmans Market, Kaysville Stewarts Gift Shop, Kaysville Anns Fabric Loft, Layton 1464 No. Ft. Lane, Layton, Utah cornoous aluminum gutters 'T sincerely thanks KL A YIM3 The Davis North Medical Center 176.1603 1679 North Main, Layton 1350 E. Gentile 1 Block South 1 Vt blocks Layton, Utah 84041 Tel. hand-washin- five-minu- opportunities. 1295 Vacuum Repairs 1385 S. 500 West - Bountiful - Phone The Occupational Safety and Health Administration recently asked for public comment on proposed regulations for field g sanitation facilities which would require toilet and walk for all agricultural workers. facilities within a It promptly got it from The Wall Street Journal, which stated: The lawyers who wrote that regulation must think farms are like Washingtons Rock Creek Park, and are wholly ignorant of the Plains wheat fields that stretch to the horizon or the vast cattle Dont worry and wonder about learning your way around town. Or what to see and do. Or whom to ask. As your WELCOME WAGON Hostess, I can simplify the business of getting settled. Help you begin to enjoy your new town . . . good shopping local attractions, community LAUNDRY !i SEAFOOD M v.' MARTLET AT Kirwr-- 1 a o 4 Maintenance .,3 sb 7, t 0 Tun ii o uisEUii6i!J lass PUNCH BASE Gb. CHOCOLATE MIX Our Reg. 1.44 Saw on our can of Inatant BACON Windshield Your choice of Mveral fruit flavors 1 -gallon makes 6 gallons of punch! b. mix. Groat 18 hotorcotdl 5 MAPLE SYRUP AL 1-- LB. 33 gal. maple flavored pancake syrup. Plastic container. 1 -- 33 Specialists Guaranteed NOT TO LEAK Screens 2 FOR Our Reg. 3.27 Glazing -- Store Windows Repaired .68 Tender, lean slices of imported bacon. Our Reg. -- Storm Doors Storm -- Mirrors Windows PHONE or 376-42- 71 Ready-to-coo- 825-748- 1 vlasic k, stores easily. 4 Save now! 123 Cross St., Layton Where glass is a specialty not a sideline" VLASIC PICKLES Our Reg. 97 DAK Chopped Pork With natural juices. Danish import Giant jar ol Kosher Dills or Potski Ogorld Dills. Delicious! 46-9- z. KJhy RHyadec? CHOPPED PORK 16-o- z. 7 s a Myadec VANILLA y v:!aT"n formula with minerals Intact. Myadec coma ns 9 im- and vitam-n- portant minerals an ideal mulation for active people on the go. If you want a with minera s pharmacists Capsules or Our Reg. 94 6 EXTRACT toupmix for- vita n formula recommended by many doctors and stop m today and buy some Myadec tablets easy-to-tak- e oiLo FT. LANE SHOPPING CENTER o - pakof Cheddar cheese puffs. Delicious snack treat. 12-o- z. O Zl gf DELUXE VEGETABLE Quart quart of delicious vanilla extract. Many baking uses! 1 -- Stock up now and save! SOUP MIX Reg. 4.60 Contains carrots, onions, tomatoes, peas, celery, green bell peppers, green beans, and parsley. Hi o 27 o F5J o 5 (I NORTH MAIN. KAYSVILLE PHONE 376-425- 6 |