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Show Kaysville Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Blood were her Mr. brother and sister-in-laand Mrs. Jerry Childs of Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bowman entertained at a dinner party Friday evening for members of their theater group. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Barton, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gailey, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Garrett, Mr. and Mrs. Verl A. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. R.A.F. McCormick, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robison, Mr. and Mrs. Dwain Buchanan and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller. Houseguests last week of Bishop and Mrs. Howard Hawkes were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Trok of Ellsworth, Wis. Elder Calvin Ward has returned home from serving a two year LDS mission to the Tokyo-Japa- n Mission. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Ward and a member of the POPS CONCERT Kaysville 13th LDS Ward. He gave his mission report on i Davis School High Orchestra Symphony presents its annual Pops concert. It will be November 18 at 8 p.m. in the Davis High School auditorium. Sunday, Oct. 31. Mrs. Clyde Warner of Ogden was a Friday overnight guest of her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sides. Vi and Mrs. Mr. Frank Robison and daughter Kristen CHURCH BAZAAR The Layton Eighth Ward will hold its annual Harvest Festival on November 13. event will This begin at 6 p.m. A variety of foods - both usual and unusual fund-raisin- g will be sold. Looking over some of the quilts that will be available at the Layton 8th LDS Ward Bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 13 are, to r, Sheryl Cunningham, Norma Kloser, Sharon Sackett, and Judy Holmes. 1 THERE will be booths and games. Bazaar items such as quilts, pillow cases and macrame hangings will be Some items to be auctioned will include: TV repairs, attend this special Harvest Festival, dmg work, a food dryer, cement Syracuse An auction will culminate the evenings entertainment. Michael is the manager of Big Boy Restaurant in moved Clearfield, having here from California, when this establishment was JBs NATIONAL BANK REGION NO. 12 CHARTER NO. 16225 REPORT OF CONDITION, CONSOLIDATING DOMESTIC SUBSIDIARIES, OF THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF LAYTON of Layton in the State of Utah, at the close of business on SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 Published in response to call made by comptroller of the currency, under Title 12, United States Code, Section 161. ASSETS Treasury securities Obligations of other U. S. Government agencies and corporations Obligations of States and political subU. S. $1,293,000.00 None 64,000.00 None 6,000.00 None . Ladies 21,000.00 V2 Idaho Falls, Ida. with his mother, Mrs. Leal Alice Cheney and other relatives. Their niece is seriously ill there. Clesse Hilton has been conHosfined to the McKay-De- e pital the past week undergoing treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bitner and children of Bennion were Saturday visitors of her parents Mr. and Mrs. James Pr. 095 O 1 I Special None Subordinated notes and debentures EQUITY CAPITAL Preferred stock a. No. shares outstanding None (par value) Common stock a. No shares authorized 10,000 b. No. shares outstanding 10,000 S,M,L, XL. Reg. 25.00 to 28.50 Special Young Men CAPITAL Howard Sides. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Smith have their grandson Elder Paul Smith of Fairbanks, Alaska staying with them a few weeks prior to his leaving for a LDS mission to the California-Fresn- o mission. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Smith, former Kaysville residents. Paul will enter the mission home in Salt Lake City on November 13 prior to departing for $095 Western styling EA. SIZE 25 to 29. 0 1,000.00 280,000.00 695 795 Ea. SIZE 8 to 12 2,655,000.00 or more 95 Boys Knit Pants & Tops 2,375,000.00 None 1FA51HDON DO VDQJLAfEE 251 West 5th South, Bountiful - 1 0-- 6 1,293,000.00 216,000.00 980,000.00 300,000 2,286,000.00 California. Todd Sanders has returned to his home in Salt Lake City after being released from the tyospital after his automobile accident a few weeks ago. His condition is improving and he is reported to be doing well, and is convalescing at his home. Judge and Mrs. Thomley K. Swan attended the Judicial Conference at the Hilton Hotel in Salt Lake City over the weekend. Mrs. Julia Webster accompanied her daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Reed Udall to Nyssa, Ore. where they visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Call and family. son-in-la- 295-941- 6 TRY OUR LAYAWAY PLAN Open Weekdays 1 0--9 - Saturdays , Miss Kathy Patton of Freemont, Calif, who is attending Brigham Young University at Provo was a weekend guest of her Aunt and Uncle Mr. and Mrs. Young Gals several styles Reg. 14.00 to 22.00 MEMORANDA Average for 15 or 30 calendar days ending with call date: Cash and due from banks Fed. funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell Total loans Time deposits of $100,000 or more in domestic offices Total deposits Fed. funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase Liabilities for borrowed money Standby letters of credit outstanding Time deposits of $100,000 or more in domestic offices: Time certificates of deposit in denominations of $100,000 or more Other time deposits in amounts of $100,000 & 10 In Surplus Undivided profits Reserve for contingencies and other capital reserves Tolman. FANCY SHIRT TOPS (par value) TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY their daughter and family. Professor and Mrs. Wilford 72 Popular styles and colors. 16,000.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES Mr. and Mrs. Linn Sandall visited in Provo Tuesday with . MENS SWEATERS institutions Deposits of commercial banks Certified and officers checks, etc TOTAL DEPOSITS $2,359!000.00 (a)- Total demand deposits $1,146,000.00 (b)- Total time & savings deposits $1,213,000.00 Total deposits in foreign offices None TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN OFFICES 2,359,000.00 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase None Liabilities for borrowed money None Mortgage indebtedness None Acceptances exq uted by or for account of None Under New Management None I, John S. Morgan, Vice President-Cash- ier of the bank do hereby declare that this report of condition is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN S. MORGAN Orders-Pho- ne October 27, 1976 We, the undersigned directors attest the correctness of this statement of resources and liabilities. We declare that it has been examined by us, and to the best of our knowledge and belief is true and correct. . RALPH W. FIRTH CHESTER C. FLINT GEORGE B. WILCOX Directors Ice Cream Fountain & Selections During November FREE COFFEE with Sweet Roll Hours: 10 a.m. to Or 8 THIS Bon States Orchestra Festival. The tour will begin April 13, 1977. THE ORCHESTRA will travel through Idaho, playing concerts along the way. The competition will be on April 16, 1977 and be held in the Academic Center Mt. Hood Community College. Gresham, Ore. (east Portland area). for County Commission thank all of you kindly for your support on election day, and hope that we will have many more such days. I The purpose for this festival is to provide an opportunity to all schools (grade school through high school) to par- - 4 4- - Donuts Complete 1497 NORTH MAIN IN LAYTON ... to celebrate, AND 4 we're offering these . ' . . -- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 BROUGHAM SEDAN CORONET 4 4 4 4 4 : 4 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 AMMM 1976 4 4 4 4 EUPM1 ith th"V ORt Af OxV iryhI oKK' velvet broke po Oif conilit.onmg ntol steering V 8 ond vinyl and SPEICAL 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 SPECIAL 4 4 4 - 4 4 4 SPECIAL 4 4 4976: 3999 4 4 1975 1975 DODGE DART YOUR CHOICE OF CHARGER HARDTOP Equipped with V 8, automatic transmission, roof, power steering, air conditioning, vinyl tinted gloss, power disc brakes, light package, white sidewall radial tires 4 .SPECIAL Swinger Custom 4 6 or 8 cylinder 4 All w ith lots of 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 hardtops. sedans engines extros ' 4444444 PICK TAKE YOUR 4976: 3776 44 4jT 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 C1 tinted gloss, vinyl roof ond MUCH 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1975 MONACO CUSTOM SEDAN ot host With extras including air Equipped V 8 conditioning, power brakes and steering, roof engine and vinyl SEDAN 1976 ASPEN Equipped with automatic transmission, an umlnil, conditioning AMFM radio, spitdMORE' 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ; 4 4 p.m. Ah AT OUR NEW LOT 4 4 4 21 Morning Special Expanded An supported Sandwiches 825-94- above-name- d o Richard Marsden. to all who 4 4 Shopping Center ale sociation as well as the ac children. The donations will go towards the orchestras tour to Portland, Ore. to compete in Northwestern 50 . orchestra member at Davis High or the conductor As- $1 for cents for of (formerly the Buckboard in Sunset) W.-Scottsd- greater interest in orchestra and string programs. The Northwest Orchestra Festival is authorized and sanctioned Donations will be iadults and Line 8 1265 N. 250 We Welcome Phone numbers ensembles, to stimulate a by the National Activities r lines. THE ORCHESTRA would appreciate your support in all the things they are doing. For more information contact any American Fantasy by Gross-ma- n and Stars and Stripes Forever March by Sousa. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 None None 300,000.00 tennial M. Barton. . Special partnerships, and corporations Deposits of United States Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions. . Deposits of foreign governments and official , Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Barton vacationed for one week at Phoenix, Ariz. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Judd of San Diego, Calif, were houseguests a few days this week of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Popular styles and colors Reg. 6:00 to 43.00 2,655,000.00 Fes-tiqu- operates under thfeir guide symphonic bands, symphonic choirs, stage bands and vocal . 1 LADIES COORDINATES LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time and savings deposits of individuals, Wendell Herndon. $-- None 8,000.00 after undergoing major surgery last week at the St. Benedicts Hospital in Ogden where she was seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Dwain Buchanan spent the long weekend at Pomona, Calif, where they were guests of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Mecham. After returning home, they learned that their had undergone emergency surgery. He is reported to be Cheney spent the weekend at LONG DRESSES e FEATURED will be by Daniels, The Dream of Olwen by Williams, selections from Flower Drum Song by Rogers and the two bicen- convalescing at her home Mr. and Mrs. Size S,M,L,XI. Reg. 25.00 None Mrs. Alice Bonnemort is doing well now. LADIES POLY JACKETS. 980,000.00 None hosted by their daughter and son-in-la- Popular colors from a famous maker. Investments in unconsolidated subsidiaries and associated companies Customers liability to this bank on acceptances outstanding Other assets ti SPECIAL Special 283,000.00 other assets representing bank premises. . Real estate owned other than bank premises TOTAL ASSETS opened. Popular styles and colors. Size 8 to 16 Reg. 20.00 to 85.00 None divisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures . Federal Reserve stock and corporate stock . Trading account securities Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell Loans 984,000.00 Less: Reserve for possible loan losses 4,000.00 Loans, Net Direct lease financing Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and birthday anniversary and work and babysitting. EVERYONE is invited to storage wheat, macrame sold. Cash and due from banks were, guests at dinner in Orem at a family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brown. The dinner was in honor of Mrs. Robisons at Davis High rehearse for the annual pops concert which will be presented Nov. 18. tivities associations of the ticipate in a festival similar to and Northwest states, the format presently afforded Members of the orchestra " . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 WHY NOT PUT A DODGE IN YOUR GARAGE TODAY! Plu Hinckley. original oxrnar Warranty. No limit on tma or milev Guaranteed at long aa me you own tie car. No limn aa atatad In ha warrant,. 2810 Wash. Blvd. OGDEN 394-884- 4 1 497.U?J?ain QLaAcYI?iNn 4444444444444444444444444444444444444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 |